forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@Dragoncita group

She was silent as the girl spoke. This one was young, very young, least compared to her. Though she herself was young for her kind. Slowly, her hands lifted towards her head, pulling the hood back to reveal her pale face. Long, nearly white hair flowed downwards, eyes continuing to pierce the ones around her.
"As to why I am here, just a place to rest. I have traveled for quite sometime, only having the ground and rocks to sit upon," she responded to the girl.
The woman's eyes shifted over to the barkeep again, "I am…Zera."
She was slightly reluctant to say her name, but she did so anyways.

Deleted user

"Hello Zara, I am the Story Keeper, I often go by S.K though." They introduced themselves, mostly to Sara, but a little bit to everyone else too.

@CasiCasino group

When Lucas saw hooded figure remove her hood, he nearly choked on his drink. Not because he was frightened or threatened in anyway, but because the feminine resembled him too much for one not to notice. Lucas also had ghost white hair. From the opening in his mask, his skin was also pale. He moved his mask again, tightening it so that only the bottom half of his face was present.

@Dragoncita group

Zera bowed her head slightly out of respect to the one who called themselves as 'The Story Keeper', or simply S.K.. Such a strange name, but she had heard stranger. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the masked one at the bar. Zera sensed the sudden slight shock.
Her violet eyes moved to land on him. The female's pupils rounded slightly as she relaxed a bit, but her body still seemed somewhat tense. Zera observed him for several moments, then spoke, more so towards him.
"We are nothing alike you and I, other than appearances. I am dragonkin…my mother was a human, my father a dragon."
She slowly closed her violet orbs, "Though I never did get to know my father…he left while I was still little…then as for my mother…she is deceased…"
There was much more to that story, but she would need time in order to feel comfortable talking about such a sensitive subject.

@GameMaster group

“Nice to meet you Zera. My name is…barkeeper I suppose. And I can tell you that I am much older than I look and far older than you are.” The barkeeper said leaning over the counter. “As for the parents thing: everyone raise your hand if you have family issues.” She then proceeded to raise her hand.

@CasiCasino group

Lucas wasn’t surprised by what the female said, rather he smiled slightly. A smiling mask appeared beside Zera as a voice originated from it.

I’ve got to say, I’m surprised to see a dragonkin here. Also, it’s genuinely nice of you to take interest in me enough to start a conversation…” the voice paused and the mask disappeared, appearing again in the masked figure’s hand.

Hearing what the barkeep said, Lucas raised his hand as he turned towards them.

@GameMaster group

“It has been quite a while since I’ve met a dragon kin as well. Last one wasn’t much like you though. Silver hair, black eyes, went by Lillian. She helped to secure an old artifact. I don’t assume you know her?”

@Dragoncita group

Zera frowned slightly at the barkeeper's line about 'family issues'. Well, the only issue she really had was that she didn't know her father, having no clue of his whereabouts or the such. Hell, at one point in time she didn't even know she was a dragonkin…until that fateful day…a day she heard of, but didn't quite remember. She never really remembered anything when she took her dragon form…
Her body tensed again at the sudden appearance of the mask beside her. It was only natural to be startled when something suddenly appeared next to you. Though she sensed no malice from it, glancing back towards the male whom the mask belonged to.
"Simply clearing things up…I tend to keep to myself…"
It was true, but there was also a slight lie in her tone, barely picked up on by anyone who wasn't paying attention. Deep in the back of her mind, she longed to talk, to be accepted. Yet she hid her feelings well.
"Can't say I have heard of such a dragonkin. I haven't met any…" she replied, shaking her head.

Deleted user

S.K flicked up a hand to Barkeeper's question about parents. Mre narrowed his eyes. "Dear stars, family issues? My family are wonderful, however the res5 of my people can burn in the pits of Detelan." Mre muttered the last part, voice thick with resentment. S.K stifled a laugh, holding up a hand to their simple mask.

@GameMaster group

“Being an orphan counts as family issues. I’m surprised you haven’t met any other dragonkin. They aren’t nearly as rare as Phantoms,” she pointed to Lucas. “Or Story Keepers,” she pointed to S.K. “Not a fraction as rare as I am. I’ve traveled through millions upon millions of stories and only found one other even somewhat related.”

@CasiCasino group

Lucas rearranged his documents and placed them back in the messenger bag he had on him. He noticed that the barkeep pointed towards him. “You mentioned something about me?” He asked the barkeep, walking towards them.

@GameMaster group

“I was just saying that Phantoms like you are quite rare compared to Dragonkin. I’ve only met four, you being the fifth.”

@Dragoncita group

Zera grew quiet as the people around each spoke. She folded her hands neatly in her lap, keeping herself covered. Her violet eyes dulled to a soft glow, the pupils becoming even rounder. The female's eyes stared blankly at the table.
"I know there are other dragonkin, as well as dragons. Though the relationship between dragon and humans is…not great…the Dragon King having a hatred towards mankind."
Yet she could slightly relate…she had grown to despise humans after what they had done to her…

@Echo_6 group

Deciding that he felt to claustrophobic, Tolkalee began packing his things, and stood to leave. Setting a few silver coins on his table, he walked towards the door.

@GameMaster group

“I hope to see you again Tolkalee. We had a nice chat.” The barkeeper said waving him goodbye and grabbing the coins. She turned back to Nera. “Yeah, humans can be annoying. No offense to any humans but I only visited a human world a few times because they kept trying to hunt me. Ridiculous endeavor but good on them for trying.”

@CasiCasino group

Lucas scratched his neck a little. “You remember their names? I might know them…” he asked of the barkeep. He turned to Zera, his facial expression was showing understanding.

@Echo_6 group

Tolkalee gave a wave without looking over his shoulder. Then he pulled his hood up and walked out the door. It was raining lightly outside and the sun had set.

@GameMaster group

“One called himself Samual and the other…Domi maybe. I wasn’t really paying much attention while they were busy trying to stab me.” She took a dagger from behind the counter and slashed her hand. The wound quickly turned bronze and closed.