forum The Purple Cauldron Tavern
Started by @GameMaster group

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@CasiCasino group

Josiah put his hands in his jacket’s pockets. “Next time when you go back to Heaven, please remind the Warriors and Soldiers to stop attacking The Soul Labyrinth out of nowhere… ’cause if not…”
Josiah disappeared, appearing again less than an inch away from Calix.

N o M e r c y W i l l B e S h o w n…” he shifted his mask so that his upper face was visible, he had white flames burning in his eyes and had burnt marks from the wars he fought. His grin added another layer of sinisterness to it. He turned away from Calix and walked back to Lucas, shifting his mask back to its original position.

@Knight-Shives group

Calix sighed unfazed. "Yeah alright. I'll tell them." He said then added "I thought you were going to ask me something entertaining not give me some threats." Calix walked back to his chair and sat.

@CasiCasino group

“If by entertaining you meant someone getting hurt or somethings getting destroyed, I won’t do it. Just because this place is too important to be destroyed…” Josiah sat down, flying a playing card to Calix’s table which pierced it.

@Knight-Shives group

"I didn't mean people getting hurt or destroyed. I just thought that you would say anything other than a threat." Calix said then drank Vasilios' water.

@CasiCasino group

Josiah took a sip of his drink.
“Alright, how about this…” he raised his index finger. “Within the trinity of Heaven, Hell and The Soul Labyrinth…Heaven was always regarded as the good side. Do you truly believe that?” He asked, sitting cross legged while looking at Calix. “While we’re at it, Hell, the one always regarded as the bad side. Do you really think you’re the bad side when Heaven’s always trying to take your prisoners back from where they belong?” He asked Vasilios.

@Knight-Shives group

"Of course heaven is regarded as good and hell is regarded as bad, because that is a religious stand point. If you actually know the places you would know it is the opposite sure Heaven is better for the dead souls but other than that it is hell." Vasilios answered.

@CasiCasino group

“So what’s the point of attacking the other realms to claim the, quote on quote, ‘prisoners’? You would know what I’m talking about…” he asked Calix but pointed at Vasilios.

@Dragoncita group

Zera continued to beam brightly. Her eyes shifted back to the tavern behind them. Was there anything else left here? No, she had her small rest. It had been nice to sit on a chair and have a drink, but her draconic nature wanted to move. It was tired of so many others around. It wanted space, it wanted to be away from what it saw as a 'human building'.
She looked back to Tolkalee, "I am ready to go whenever you are. I am finished here, and have had enough of being inside."


Cassio shifted uncomfortably. The current topic made him uneasy. He shot a glance at the door, debating whether it was worth staying.

@Knight-Shives group

"there is no actual point in the act of taking prisoners. Or even attacking other realms unless they threaten the safety of other realms. I may be an angel but that doesn't mean I accept their ruling or understand their stand point on war. Most are utterly stupid with no reasons. Though I can't change the fact that I am an angel and that those unjustified decisions lead to many things that have no reason to be." Calix replied and stared at him. He seemed Calm as he spoke.

@CasiCasino group

Josiah smiled when he heard Calix’s answer.
“At least you were the first angel to give me a good explanation…the rest are already in the Soul Labyrinth…” he continued to shuffle his deck of cards.

@CasiCasino group

Josiah sat silently now.
Lucas sighed and turned to Calix. “I’m just curious. Like, I know that when someone dies they go to either Heaven, Hell or the Labyrinth, but do you guys really have a standard of how good or how bad someone must be to enter Heaven or Hell?” He asked, putting his hands together.

@Knight-Shives group

"Not really, though one thing determined is whether or not they have sold their soul or not." Calix said then glanced at Vasilios for a second. "If they have they automatically go to hell. But other than that it is just a quick little look over their past actions and personality. Sometimes that determines it. Over all it is just which place wins a rock paper scissor war."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yes, the fate of a soul can be determined simply by rock papers scissors. I forgot how flippant they are about souls. Ah well, I needn't worry about that anyways." Hinata said to herself, not really intending anyone else to hear.

@Knight-Shives group

"No I mean they stand there verbally fighting for 2 minutes before the rock paper scissors battle. There is also like 4 judges determining if any cheating was enacted."

@Echo_6 group

"I agree, it's kind of a long trip," Tolkalee explained. "Oh, and before you decide that yes you want to come with me, I should warn you. My home has a war going on right now. I know a place where the war hasn't and won't reach, which is where I was going. But we'd be going through the war country. So if you don't want to go let me know." He explained. "I will not say that you can't come because war isn't for girls, because I don't believe that. I don't think war is s good thing. But if you really want to come with me I think you should know that we have the possibility of running into trouble."

Deleted user

A small male with a shock of silverish white hair entered the bar, his image seems to glitch in and out of existence, ending up an inch or so in a different direction. S.K clapped, ending up right next to the male. "Mendax! I haven't seen you in ages, Barkeep will be happy to see you, or mad, it depends if you fixed up the fight incident with her."


Cassio was grateful for the distraction that Calix provided. Josiah had started to make him uneasy, the way he looked at him disturbed him.

@GameMaster group

“Oh yeah,” The barkeeper interrupted. “I did mean to tell you eventually but many of you have interacted in another story. ‘The Soul Labyrinth’ good read if I do say so myself.”