forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Every time another soldier passed by Rheyna, she perked up in hopes that they had spotted the duo. Unfortunately, the soldiers passed her without saying anything. Occasionally, they did wave.

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(That’s mostly @Bandito’s call, but I’m sure it’s fine! You can start filling out the template while you wait for them to respond!)


Somehow, the night passed without anyone kicking down the door. Shace shook Luke awake. "It's morning and I want food." She drummed her fingers warily. "Since they didn't do anything by now, I think we can at least go to the kitchen, right?"

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Luke groaned quietly when his was woken up, but the elf was noticeably healthier. The color returned to his skin as he pulled himself to his feet. His stomach made a ferocious growling noise, causing his cheeks to flush. “Yeah, uh… I think we’re good.”


Shace smirked. "Then get up." She unlocked the door and edged out. Nothing happened. She moved further down the stairs, glancing back quietly.

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“I’m coming, I’m coming.” Luke slipped silently across the floor, following at Shace’s heels.


Rheyna had been up for hours, and there was still no sign of the halfblood girl and pureblood boy. She didn't even care what their blood status was anymore, but they had been so annoying that she had to make sure they were locked up. Rheyna may have exaggerated what the two had done to make them seem more villainous, but it was for a good reason. Those two might not have done anything terrible yet, but she knew that they would soon.


Name: Valerie Evans
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Mage
Powers: Can cast spells both verbally and nonverbally with her spell book.
Appearance: Darker read brown hair braided up in crazy different styles, often bun or ponytails; violet eyes that glow when she casts spells; lighter dark brown skin tones with a slightly red tint; triangular tipped ears; stands at around 5'6"; and classifies herself as chubby. She wears a dark purple off the shoulders dress that goes down to her knees, black leggings, brown leather boots that go to her mid thigh, and a brown leather belt that a leather bound spell book hangs closed on her right side.
Personality: Very bubbly and outgoing, she doesn't care about your blood status, highly intelligent, words are her greatest weapon, literally.
Background: Unknown.


(She could be anywhere, she could be at fort Taurus or you could wait a tiny bit and see if they actually do have to run(it's up to PuffPoff) and jump in then :))


Shace crept to the kitchen, trying to appear casual. She stuck her head in the kitchen - all appeared safe. I hate playing the rabbit. She seated herself at the most empty table, which she didn't think was empty enough with four other people, and waited tensely for a server to come.


A guard ran up to Rheyna, gasping for air. "Rheyna! The two criminals you spoke about have been seen in the kitchen of building 59 towards the west quadrant." She nodded as if expressing her gratitude before sprinting in the direction of the building, her mouth set in a permanent snarl.

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Like crammed himself next to Shace, looking around a bit warily. “I feel like we’re being chased. Do you think I should try my whistle again? See if there’s any help around?” He asked, fidgeting at the table.


"If you really think there are other real pickpockets here." Shace's eyes slid around the room. A server ran up with plates of food and dumped them on the table, Shace looked at them without touching as she also felt eyes on the backs of their heads.


Rheyna burst into the building, scanning for any signs of Luke and the halfblood girl. She made a mistake. I would have let her go if she hadn't knocked me down. She made her way to the kitchen, ignoring the stares of a few seemingly innocent bystanders. For a brief moment she wondered if they had already ran, but then she spotted the familiar face of the elven boy.

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Like huffed quietly, leaning against Shace. The elf was still working on waking up, and the coast seemed clear at the moment. It was an odd, rare moment he got to have a restful lazy morning. Maybe this would happen more often?


Rheyna's protective vest was enough to make people move out of the way as she neared the two that had escaped her yesterday. She took out two sets of handcuffs from her jacket pocket, notifying bystanders that these two were dangerous.