forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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She heard the whistle twice more, turning left down a more narrow side street. Rheyna wasn't too interested in harming the seemingly halfblood girl, but this pureblood boy was getting on her last nerve. At last she found herself where the whistle had carried her, and now she was facing a darkened alleyway.

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How did she find me? Luke was frozen in his hiding spot. He felt like he was being hunted, and well, he pretty much was at this point. This wouldn’t be the first time he’d played and lost this game, nor would it be the first time he’d been a punching bag for a half blood. The elf finally gave into his exhaustion, deciding he was better off if he was unconscious until after the damage was done. He slumped over, making a slight rustling noise from the bushes he was hidden behind.


Rheyna headed for the rustling bushes, only to find the pureblood slumped over, unconscious. As much as she wanted to hurt him, Rheyna still had standards. She wasn't going to beat up someone who couldn't even stand to face her. She sighed, nudging the boy with her foot to see if he would wake up.

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Saying Luke was down and out would be an understatement. He had overexerted himself in more than one respect. He remained completely unresponsive, and probably would remain this way for at least a half hour.


So now Rheyna had an unconscious pureblood boy in a dark alley with no evidence that he did anything illegal. If she turned him in while he was like this, she would defiantly be punished. Soldiers weren't allowed to hurt purebloods unless they did something against the law. Either he did this on purpose and is the smartest pureblood in the world, or he got really lucky. Rheyna thought just before she started to drag the boy out of the bushes. She leaned his body against the back wall of the alley, not sure if she should leave him.


(whew that made me sit up)
Shace followed two Lukes before her nose found the right one. She leaped down a side street faster than she would have if she was completely human at the moment, spitting out the fake, dull teeth. Her pupils narrowed to slits when she saw the guard dragging a limp Luke from under a bush. She roared loudly and slammed into the stupid guard, knocking her down. "What's wrong with him?"


Rheyna gasped as she was thrown down to the ground, surprised to see that it was the halfblood girl. "I didn't do anything to him! I found him like this, you'll have to trust me on that." She relaxed, trying to free herself from the girl's grasp. "Listen, I'm not going to lie to or hurt another halfblood."


Shaciel scoffed furiously, holding the guard tighter. "Uh-huh, sure you did, you- What's your problem with him?! What did he do to you?" She glanced at Luke again, he didn't appear to be harmed. She glowered at the sky, forcing her heart to slow. "Get up." Shace dragged the guard up, shoving her hair away from yellow eyes. "What you're going to do is, you're going to sincerely apologize to Luke, you're going to sincerely apologize to me, and you're going to go straight back to your base and never do this again." She leaned closer. "Okay?"

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Luke’s ears began to twitch, signifying he was going to wake up soon. It seemed he’d subconsciously recognized Shace’s voice, and was attempting to pull himself back into the waking world.


"Apologize for what? I did nothing to you, and I defiantly didn't do anything to the pureblood Luke." Rheyna didn't think she would ever want to hurt a halfblood, but this girl was getting on her nerves. "I didn't make him pass out, and if anything you should apologize to me. Knocking me down isn't exactly the nicest thing to do to someone."


Shace's fingers twitched twice. "You chased me. Wrongly. You chased Luke. Wrongly. And possibly knocked him out. Wrongly." She stared at the sky again. "I kind of thought you were about to kill my friend. Why, in oblivion, should I apologize to you?"


"Chasing someone isn't a crime. Children chase each other all the time as a game." Rheyna shot back, deciding to not go nice on this girl any more. "For the last time, I didn't knock him out and I have enough honor that I'm not going to hurt someone who can't even fight back." She crossed her arms before continuing. "Besides, soldiers can't kill someone without a good reason."

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Luke groaned, now starting to come to. He blinked a few times, his eyes glassy. He mumbled something incoherently several times, rubbing at his forehead.


Shace couldn't help it, she started to smile. "And….children tackle each other all the time as a game, but you just said I should apologize to you. Strange. And I didn't say chasing somebody was a crime, I said it was wrong. I hope you agree because-" She paused as Luke opened his eyes. "Hey, what happened?" Her won eyes had returned to blue.

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Luke looked up at Shace and then rubbed his eyes. He repeated the process again several times. “Uh…” The elf was still a bit dazed, which made this even harder to processes. “Teeth? Shace—er, your teeth?” His eyes were locked onto Shace’s fangs nervously. Leave it to me to double the amount of danger I’m in while I’m asleep…


Rheyna was about to shout back at the halfblood girl before she realized that the pureblood boy, Luke, had regained consciousness. She rolled her eyes at him. "Yeah, your little friend here is a halfblood, and by the fangs and brute force she used to push me down I'm guessing she's a werewolf. Now that you're awake, I can finally get back at the purebloods by beating you up."

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“Is that Really necessary though? You’re not gonna make a statement by beating me up, trust me.” Luke raised his hands in the air, the healthy glow from his olive toned skin was completely gone, leaving him a sickly pale color from exhaustion. “I’m just an orphan, man. Street rat, the Robin Hood type. I’ll get out of here as soon as I can stand without fainting. You can walk me to the doors.” His eyes were mostly focused on a Shace, but he already knew the other halfblood wouldn’t want him around. This wasn’t the first time Luke had been used, and it wouldn’t be the last.


"Robin Hood type, huh? So you steal?" Rheyna questioned, ignoring the rest of what Luke said. "Maybe I can just turn you in then. That'd get me a pay raise for sure."

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Luke’s ears flattened nervously. He realized at this point he was completely relying on Shace to show him mercy so he could stagger out of this mess. “I’m not here to cause problems, alright? Supposed to get a new life here. Chase was fun an’ all, but I’m super tired now. So I think I’ll just drag myself back to my room and maybe we can catch up another time?”


Rheyna gritted her teeth. "Don't try to act so nice and innocent. I know what you pureblood are really like, especially you elves. You murder halfbloods and take everything from them for no reason." She felt a sudden surge of rage, but was hesitant to attack. The halfblood girl was scaring her.


Shaciel's patience was starting to get really, really, really thin. "If you say that word again. I'm going to eat you alive." She avoided Luke's eyes.

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Luke’s ears drooped downwards, silently regretting everything that got him into this mess. “Shace? You aren’t going to actually…?”