forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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"Aww, is the little pureblood boy afraid of his friend?" Rheyna pouted mockingly. "You wouldn't be the first pureblood to assume that halfbloods are inherently evil."


And now Shace should go before she got mad. She picked up Luke carefully, focused on the ground, and sprinted back to the main building. Cool. Want to go to that new restaurant?
She shook her head hard and reached the main doors.

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Luke yelped slightly as Shace scooped him up. The last thing he had expected was for the smaller girl to physically lift him and break into a sprint. He clung onto her for dear life, praying she wasn’t going to abandon him now that he knew her secret.


Rheyna was tired of these two. Instead of following after Luke and the halfblood girl, she found the nearest group of soldiers and told them to look out for a werewolf with light blonde hair and an elf with dark brown hair. With the whole fort looking for them, hopefully the two wouldn't be able to escape.


Shace slid to a halt inside the room with her swords. She shut the door and sat Luke down, then held her breath and listened. No one had followed them. Yet. She turned to the window. "Why were you passed out in an alley."

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“Uh… funny story, actually.” Luke’s eyes flicked between the swords and Shace’s fangs. “So that cool trick I pulled back there? It’s a little more advanced then I’m used to. And then I got lost, and I was alone. I uh, get real nervous when I’m alone. I guess I sorta freaked? And I was really drained so I just… you know…”

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“Gods, Shace. Please don’t abandon me here.” Luke suddenly looked up, a mixture of fear and exhaustion swimming in his eyes. “I don’t do well alone. I won’t even talk to you if you don’t want me to, just let me hang around.” He pleaded quietly.


Shace winced. "I'm not going to leave you here. I'm sorry I let you get caught." She lowered her head, looking away.

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Luke let out a shaky sigh of relief. “Not your fault. I should’ve just talked our way out of it. I didn’t think through what kind of strain I’d put myself under showing off.” He joked weakly, his ears starting to perk back up. “Apparently that half—er… that guard, knows my whistle. I think she traced it right to me. How I have no idea, but she must have somehow.”

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“This is all my fault.” Luke groaned quietly. “I’m sorry I pulled you into this. I can just take the beating and call it a day if you want. Wouldn’t be my first time.”


Shace glared up at him. "It's not your fault and you're not getting beaten. Besides, we didn't do anything wrong. They can't hurt us."

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“Why didn’t you tell me what you were?” Luke added softly, a little bit of betrayal flashing in his eyes. “Once we left at least. Didn’t have to be before, but— Are you only staying around now because I know? We’re you just going to leave after I got settled?”


"You're a pureblood." Shace licked her lips unhappily. "Purebloods hate halfbloods. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I'm not a trusting person. I'm sticking around because I like you, I'm not planning to leave."

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Lucas nodded his head, visibly relaxing once Shace had repeated that she wasn’t going anywhere. “What’s our next move?” He asked, a tired version of his usual mischievous smirk appearing on his face.


"I think we should just wait for the guards to come," Shace muttered. "This is a safe place right now, and they have reason to arrest us, so we could just tell them what happened and they should leave us alone." She finally straightened.

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“Waiting for them?” Lucas couldn’t help but be nervous. However, being snuggled up in this room didn’t sound like a bad idea to the exhausted elf. He curled up on the spot. “Is there any kind of caffeine around?”


(Where's @PuffPoff_the_Miracle_cousin)
Shace rolled her eyes. "Probably, if you want to go down to the kitchen." She sat down beside Luke quietly. "By the way, I'm not actually that sure about us being safe, and we probably can't just jump out that window again."

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“I could disguise us with an illusion, but I need energy first. This is a a lot for me.” Luke let his head lean on Shace’s shoulder, his eyelids starting to droop. “I can’t believe you’re a werewolf…” He muttered softly, a bit amazed.



(I'm here sorry I've been busy)
Rheyna stood outside the building where she had previously seen the halfblood and pureblood duo. She was hoping that they would be dumb enough to return to the same building as before, because as of now she didn't have any other lead.


(yay :3)

"We might just have to fight our way out or something if they try to arrest us." Shace stroked his hair. "Why are you making me so tired? I don't want you to make more illusions anyway so you have to stay awake."

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“I’ll try.” Luke muttered, forcing himself to keep his eyes open. He leaned into Shace’s touch with a yawn. “Maybe they’ll just leave us alone?” He murmured hopefully.


Shace grinned. "Sure. They won't leave us alone for long." Now it was nighttime. The moon was rising, almost full. Shace fell silent for a moment, then she took a deep breath. Nobody was coming yet. She reached over and locked the door silently. "Okay, you can sleep for a moment, elfie."

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Luke did not have to be told twice. The elf had already passed out again, slumped over where he was sitting.