forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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They're not even trying to hide. Rheyna thought as she jogged up the stairs. She could hear their voices even though she was a few floors below them; the boy's voice was easily distinguishable. Why are they running upstairs? Surely they aren't so stupid that they think there's an escape hatch on the roof.


"Possibly. Yes, but jumping out a window will end in all the guards in the courtyard surrounding you or you getting zapped by the gate." Shace snorted softly. They reached the roof of the keep and she stopped to listen again. "Yep, definitely being chased." She backed to the low wall around the roof, sighing.


Rheyna continued up the stairs, cursing under her breath. "This stupid heavy soldier armor." She mumbled. It wasn't as terrible as the medieval armor, but it was a lot heavier than the usual breezy clothing she wore. She finally clambered onto the rooftop, scanning for any signs of the two purebloods.

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Luke peered over the edge of the roof. “Bet I could land on a windowsill halfway down. You up for it?” He asked, already clambering onto the ledge.


Shace eyed him for a second. There was no point in fleeing to the courtyard but if they simply returned to the previous floor they could walk casually down the stairs without the guard knowing where they went. "Okay." She vaulted over the wall and hung by her finger tips until she found the closest windowsill, then dropped beside him just as the guard made it to the rooftop.


Rheyna cursed out loud as she saw the figures drop down off the rooftop. Death over capture. These purebloods are hardcore. She ran to the edge of the roof, staring down at the two figures on the windowsill. The figure Rheyna hadn't been able to identify had messy light blonde hair that covered her eyes, and surprisingly she didn't look like a pureblood. Either she was good at hiding it, or this random halfblood was sneaking around with a pureblood elf. Speaking of the devil himself, Rheyna could now point out the elf's features, like his olive skin and brown hair. She scowled at them, debating if she should jump down after them.

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Luke looked up, seeing Rheyna leaning over the edge. With a graceful leap, he launched himself from windowsill to windowsill, floor to floor. Quickly reaching the ground. “Common’ Shace! Time’s of the essence!” He grinned, thrilled by the chase.


"This is why I hate purebloods." Rheyna muttered, weighing her options. She could run down the stairs and hope to catch up with them, or take off her armor and nimbly follow them down the windowsills. She hesitated for a few seconds before unbuckling her bullet proof vest and shin guards, dropping them on the top of the roof. Rheyna let the breeze flow through her clothes for a brief second before following the two down to the street.


Shace followed Luke, looking back to see the guard following them. She reached the courtyard and stopped. "Okay, what do you want?" Unconsciously she dropped lower but didn't break eye contact.


Rheyna wasn't expecting them to confront her. She was at least expecting a high action chase through the streets and alleyways. She decided to ignore the girl's question, instead responding with her own. "Are you a halfblood? You don't look like your friend here, and I don't know why you'd be hanging out with scum like him."

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“Scum? Watch your mouth, halfblood! I’d like to see you try and catch me.” Luke rolled his eyes anxiously shifting his weight from foot to foot, adrenaline pumping like a drug through his veins.


Rheyna narrowed her eyes at the pureblood. "That's your solution? To run away?" She chuckled dryly. "Typical pureblood move, leaving the problem for someone else to deal with."

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Luke’s ears tilted downwards at the harsh response. “If you have a problem with it, try winning the next war.” He sneered back, growing defensive. Despite being taller, he inched himself closer to Shace for comfort.


Rheyna noticed the boy back away slightly, making her laugh again. "I'd like to see you do better." She replied simply, gesturing to him as if proving how weak he was.

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Luke felt his ears go bright red from embarrassment. “I could run circles around you. Maybe you should back off.” His narrowed his eyes attempting to come off as tough, but toughness wasn’t exactly his forte by any means.


"Unfortunately for you, backing off isn't my job." Rheyna said, placing her hands on her hips. "The moment you two, actually no, moment your pureblood butt does something illegal, I'm beating the crap out of you." She smiled at the idea of finally being able to punch a pureblood. "Actually, now that I think about it, jumping down from a roof seems pretty illegal…."

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Luke backed away from Shace noes, slowly at first. He locked eyes with Rheyna for a moment before instinct kicked in. The elf was gone in an instant. The instant his feet hit the ground there was two, three, four, five versions of him, conjured illusions, made to make Rheyna’s job even harder. The six Lukes scattered in six different directions, leaving Rheyna and Shace to decide which path to follow.


"What the-" Rheyna was prepared to fight one seemingly harmless and scared elf, not six of them. For a brief moment she thought about using her power, but she knew she was better than that. I don't need to seduce my way out of a situation. I am perfectly capable of fighting. Besides, I'll drain all of my energy trying to control six different elves. Rheyna reached for a knife tucked into her waistband, pointing it in front of her as she turned in a defensive circle.

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Luke could literally feel the energy being sapped from his body while he ran. Keeping five illusions going while trying to run? Not going to work. Not for long anyways. Suddenly he bolted to the east accompanied by an illusion version of himself. St the same time the four others spilt off as well. One pair running north while another ran west.


"I'm not the only guard here!" Rheyna called out, desperately trying to figure out which way the pureblood went. He probably went towards the fort exit. That would be the smartest thing to do. She took one last glance around for signs of the boy, then ran towards the main entrance/exit.

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Running towards the exit would’ve been the smart thing to do. But Luke had always been more loyal and teamwork oriented than anything else. So several blocks away, almost as soon as he was out of sight, he dropped all of his illusions, falling to his knees out of sheer exhaustion. He had never, under any circumstances, done well completely alone.

Luke dragging himself over to a bush, where he half hid himself among the leaves. Black spots crowded his vision, threatening to take over and consume him any moment. In a desperate attempt to call for help, he let out his signature whistle in hopes that Shace, or at least another thief might take pity on him and hide him out for the time being.


As Rheyna continued sprinting towards the exit, she heard a faint whistle coming from behind her. She shrugged it off at first, assuming it was a bird or some other wild animal. After replaying the tune in her head again, she suddenly remembered that it sounded similar to the one that the pureblood had made earlier. Rheyna chuckled, turning around and heading the direction of the whistle. Poor boy doesn't know I'm a siren. Otherwise, maybe he would have used a tactic that didn't require music.

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Please, Shace. Please, come on. I need you! Luke tried his best to keep calm. He was lost in a foreign area, completely alone. The elf could already feel a headache forming. No, no! Not now! He whistled again twice, growing slightly more frantic. There were currently two catastrophic events he was hardly fending off at the moment. One being passing out from complete and total exhaustion, while the second was having a crippling anxiety attack from being left alone. The headache that came as a precursor for the latter was already forming.