forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Luke shivered. The elf had taken to always wearing lighter clothing, since it made it easier to run. He clambered into the back without complaint, rubbing his hands together to try and retain any warmth he had. This wasn’t how he pictured their adventure starting, but who was he to judge?


Shace followed, unbothered. The old man steered the cart around towards the doors and they headed out. It was beginning to snow and Shace began dumping objects on Luke for warmth. "We get to keep these, they're part of the cost."

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“I’m sure as hell not complaining.” Luke mumbled gratefully, happy to be buried in a series of blankets and whatever else Shace threw on top of him to keep him warm. “You sure have this all figured out. I was just gonna wing it.” He added, yawning widely.


"Yeah, I totally have this figured out," Shace muttered. She pulled out a small knife and began to wave it around, making whooshing noises. "You know what we're gonna do once we get there?"

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“To be honest my plan was to keep up the innocent pureblood elf act, pretend that I like plants and stuff. The whole gig. Then, you know, steal. But uh… now that you’re here? Not a clue.” Luke shrugged, wrapping the blankets around himself.


Shace snorted. "You know where Fort Taurus is? It's called a fort for a reason. We can't steal there." She crossed her arms. "We can make it so we don't have to steal."

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“You might be able to do your whole blacksmith gig, but I don’t exactly have trade skills.” Luke held his hands out in front of himself to make the point, flexing his nimble fingers before tucking them back under the blanket.

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Luke rolled his eyes, taking one of the blankets off himself and draping it over Shace. He shifted around, trying to get comfortable. After several long minutes, he succeeded and fell asleep as well


They were awoken by the old man. "We're a couple miles away from the main entrance," he whispered. "Stand up so they can see you." The cart was traveling slowly down a wide path in the forest. Shace sat up slowly and raised an eyebrow. A huge castle loomed above them, built in a medieval style, complete with stony brick walls and enormous spiked gates. It wasn't quite what she had been expecting, but if you looked closer you could see it was as secure as a modern-looking fortress, with steel shining through cracks in the bricks and shock wires stretched over the gate. A centaur was standing on a turret above the gate. He raised a hand wrapped in white cloth, and the cart driver raised his back, wrapped in red.

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Luke, a total city rat, spent a few moments staring at the castle in awe. It was incredible. He didn’t even think castles still existed out of fairytales. He was a little wary of the cart driver, but if Shace trusted him, that was good enough for Luke. The elf stood up, blankets wrapped around him like a cloak.


The gate lifted quickly and the cart entered the fortress bailey. As soon as it stopped the old man started throwing things out of the cart. Shace jumped down and started to help him, obviously he wanted to leave as soon as possible. The centaur from the turret approached. "Intent?"
"Shelter," Shace said. "And a new life afterwards."
The centaur held out a hand. He looked to be about thirty and seemed important. "The name's Caben. You?"

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Luke eyed the halfblood, suddenly feeling unsafe. He hid behind Shace, his ears lowering nervously. He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to answer or if he should leave it to Shace. He probably looked ridiculous, wrapped up in blankets. “I’m Luke.” He looked up at the centaur, standing slightly behind Shace.


Shace shook Caben's hand. "Shace."
"I'll show you where you can stay, then you can look around." He led them to a long hallway of rooms. "I don't know about the 'new life afterwards', but we'll try our best. We're kind of busy right now."

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Luke watched on quietly, trotting at Shace’s heels. He wasn’t exactly eager to draw attention to himself in this situation. It seemed this place was halfblood dominated, and how Shace knew about it was beyond him. He was grateful for the opportunity, but he also felt as though he was in hostile territory. Luke considered himself a minor evil, a bit like a Robin Hood type character. Sure what he was doing seemed wrong, but it was, in the grand scheme of things, harmless. Halfbloods murdered people.


Shace peered into each room. Most were empty. She walked into a random one and laid the swords, money, and other supplies on the bed. "This place is huge." She glanced at Luke. "You want to look around?"

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“Yeah, That’d be cool.” Luke was a bit intimidated by the sheer size of the place. He set down his blankets on the bed, still a bit cold.


The room had a bed, a dresser, a desk, a table, and a trunk. Fancy. Shace opened the drawers and trunk but there was nothing in them. She went back into the hallway and climbed up a long spiral staircase to the turret Caben had been standing on.

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“Hey!” Luke scrambled after Shace, bounding up the stairs. “Some warning would be nice next time.” He complained, following at her heels as they trekked up the spiral staircase. He was, to put it mildly, not a fan of being left alone.


Name: Rheyna Maiphei
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Greysexual and panromantic
Species: Siren (halfblood)
Powers: Persuading voice that can command someone to do as she says, but it drains her energy very quickly
Appearance: Golden brown skin with vitiligo, round greenish-grey eyes, long wavy black hair that ends at her hips (usually pulled back), full lips, average height and pear body shape, dark purple long sleeved crop top, dark colored jeans, black combat boots
Personality: Outgoing, hates purebloods, generally kind to anyone else, kind of a jerk sometimes
Background: To be revealed…..