forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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(I guess she could be travelling and she just happened to take a pit stop at Fort Taurus? Are your characters staying in a public building where she could be as well?)


(Ooh I'll make her a soldier! Would there we soldiers patrolling around Fort Taurus, or should I just make it so she's taking a break/vacation or something?)


(cool cool she'll be on patrol)
As much as Rheyna hated being a soldier, it gave her good money that she couldn't earn anywhere else. She'd been on patrol at Fort Taurus for a few days now, but all she had done was stopped a few teens from beating up each other. She had to admit that she did love scaring a few purebloods now and then. Currently, Rheyna was patrolling outside of a large building that looked to be a sort of residential place.

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(Lmao Im so excited that someone else joined! This is going to be interesting!)


(I'm surprised no one else has joined yet. This seems pretty cool!)

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After chasing Shace to the stairs, he paused to lean out a window, in search of the chaos he had grown accustomed to. Yelling in the streets, conversations, and musicians struggling to sway their bustling audience. The silence below disturbed him to a whole other level. There were people, sure, but not enough. He let out a low whistle, one used in the city to see if other thieves were around. Luke waited, his elven ears pricked upwards, carefully listening for a similar reply.


Rheyna heard a strange whistling sound that almost reminded her of the winds back home. She peered in the direction of the sound, having to quint up at the building it was coming from. From her position she could barely see who made the noise, but she could see that it was some sort of elf; the pointed ears were obvious.

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Luke frowned when he received no response, his ears tilted back a bit in disappointment. “Secret stuff.” He looked over at Shace, mimicking her amused expression as soon as he saw it. “Looks like I made a friend though. Hey there!” He shouted down to the figure below that was looking upwards at him. He leaned almost dangerously far out the window in order to wave.


Her grin spread. "This is a fortress. Thieves don't usually spend the night at fortresses." She walked closer to peer over the window. "And I think that's a soldier, not a friend. That's an unusual whistle."


Rheyna was about to wave back before remembering that she had spotted elven ears on the figure above her. Pureblood, most likely. That's the first one I've seen here. The moment I see him doing something illegal, it's off with his head. Instead of waving, Rheyna decided to flip him off with both hands.

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“You should hear it in the city! We all have a different whistle. It’s sounds like a song when there’s a lot of us in one area.” Luke smiled, but it turned into a frown when Rheyna flipped him off. His ears flattened in a mixture of disappointment and slight embarrassment. “Guess you were right on that one Shace…”


Shace scowled at the soldier, pupils narrowing. She went back to the roof of the turret, pulling Luke with her. Outsiide it was still cold but very sunny. The turret was high and Shace avoided looking straight down. She could see their cart retreating in the distance as the sun rose. Briefly forgetting the soldier, she half-closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I like this place."

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Luke shivered a little, but looked around as well. “It’s nice.” He admitted before shrugging. “Quiet though. Super quiet. Weird quiet. Maybe haunted quiet?” He ramabled, keeping an eye on the soldier.


Rheyna could barely see another figure standing next to the pureblood boy. She couldn't tell if the person was pureblood or halfblood, but she doubted any halfbloods would be hanging out with a pureblood. Looks like I have two suspects to keep my eye on. The second they do something illegal, I'm after them.


Shace rolled her eyes, glancing at the soldieragain. "I like quiet. Maybe it's haunted by the ghosts of loud elf boys." She glared at the sun. "Let's go inside. I hate that thing." She skidded down the stairs and paused to scan the area again. Another long hall with several doors on both sides. At the ends were two more staircases leading to another floor. The doors in the hall led to several important-looking rooms, one room with racks of weapons and armor, a feast hall, and a kitchen. Shace was starving by this point but she slunk past it and up the next flight of stairs.

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“You hate the sun?” Luke snorted in amusement as he followed Shace. “It’s good to nap in sunlight.” He added, thinking about this a bit seriously than necessary. “Good for napping bad for stealing.”


Rheyna saw the two figures disappear from the window, heading further into the building. Those purebloods are the best chance I have at actually getting to lock someone up here. She thought before notifying Darren, the guard patrolling nearby, that she saw suspicious figures and was going to head inside to find them. Come here you pureblood scum. Don't hide like cowards.


Shace's ears twitched invisibly as she heard boots hitting the floor below them. She grabbed Luke and speedwalked up the stairs and up the next flight too. "The sun is bad for everything, including napping," she said authoritatively.

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Luke’s ears twitched as well, except very visibly. His eyes lit up with excitement as Shace picked up the pace. “We’re in danger, aren’t we?” He grinned, moving faster as well to avoid being dragged along like dead weight. “You ever jumped out a window before? If we jump out a low one I can make an illusion so it looks like we’re still up in the tower.”