forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

people_alt 42 followers


The year is 2711.
The Earth is still recovering from the Hybrid War, a devastating battle between humans, Fae, and Halfbloods(Hybrids). The Halfbloods lost, and the Fae, or purebloods, took control of the Earth. The war was started by an enormous cult of Halfbloods embracing their 'animal nature', roaming the country and killing the humans and any Fae they could. They killed more than half of the human population, but the Fae beat them back with magic.
Now the world hates Halfbloods. They call them filthy, murderous, disgusting. The only paid job a Halfblood can get is in the military, as a soldier. Many hide in the wilderness with others of their kind. The towns are populated by what's left of the humans and the cities are filled with Fae. But there is a rebellion on the rise, driven by bitter Halfbloods and angry Fae. The animals are tired of their cages, and it's time to find the key.
Play as either a Halfblood: Centaurs, werewolves, werecats, mermaids, harpies, draconians, sirens, faun/satyrs, naga/echidnas, orcs, seraph/angels, etc
Or a Pureblood: Elves, dwarves, fairies, mages/humans, giants, vampires, sorcerers, etc

andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules
Shipping is allowed
Keep cussing to a minimum
You can have up to 4 characters
Do whatever with grammar, just be intelligible
No overpowerful characters please



@Shadow_Knight group

Name: Valerie 'Val' Sharrkan
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Half dragon
Sexuality: Lesbian
Looks: Darker skin with scattered copper scales, curly dark brown hair, green interlaced with yellow cat eyes, wears dark brown overalls covered in soot, a light tan t shirt, goggles sitting on top her head, wears dark brown gloves
Personality: Tough, Kind, Gentle giant, easy to get along with,
Powers: Can breath fire
Backstory: Works in a forge
Shipping?: YES!!!!

Deleted user

Lol well I’m fine with it just being the three of us for now! Hopefully more people will join once we start? I’ll fill out the template :)

Deleted user

Name: Lucas Fleetwood
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Species: Pureblood Elf
Sexuality: Asexual (However not aromantic)
Looks: Olive toned skin, short dark brown hair, hazel eyes, pointed ears, stands at around 6’4”, wearing a grey t-shirt with black jeans and sneakers.
Personality: Impulsive, goofy, more likely to flee than fight, acts cocky, hates isolation.
Powers: Can create and manipulate illusions
Backstory: Grew up as a war orphan, but being a pure blood elf allowed him to do pretty well for himself. Spent his teenage years taking on odd jobs, but his specialty lies mainly in thievery. He has separation anxiety, but would never admit it, and tends to remain in more crowded areas and cities.
Shipping: Fine with me!

(Hope this is okay! I’ll get to work on a page for him later!)


(He looks awesome!) (Shadow Knight your character is awesome but Halfbloods can't work anywhere except the army and you said she works in a forge?)

Name: Shaciel Huahiro
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Species: Werewolf
Powers: In wolf mode: Super strength, speed, senses and healing; claws and fangs. In human mode: Super strength and senses.
Appearance: Average height and weight, short, messy light blonde hair that sometimes hides her light blue eyes, she wears a plain white tank top thing and loose black cargo pants, over which is a smooth black trenchcoat. She has a snub nose and big eyes. When in wolf mode she is pure white with yellow eyes.
Personality: Shace is not quiet, but she is reserved and keeps her heart in a safe underground instead of on her sleeve. She is somewhat of a natural loner though she likes people, and will normally hang in between with two or three close friends and no one else. She is intuitive and slightly sarcastic and is easy to get along with. She will tolerate anyone, though if she does not like them she will ignore them. If scared she will fight like a cornered rat.
Background: Shace was separated from her parents when she was 5 and never cared about them, she was busy stealing food for herself from vendors in large markets. She hides in an alleyway at night, living in a big city disguised as a Fae. She makes a career selling fine weapons to Fae in a small transportable stand at the market. She is saving up money to build herself a home far, far away from any Fae or human., where she can craft swords without having to wear a disguise.


(Let's go! But let's not get too far so Shadow Knight can jump in when they're active)
The wind blew directly into Shace's face as she lifted a polished sword onto the rack in front of her. She resisted the urge to sneeze. Her ears itched badly and her teeth were starting to ache from the fake crowns covering them, but that was normal. She couldn't complain anyway; as terrifying as it was to be a wolf among sheep(no pun intended XD), the shepherd was busy murdering everyone else. She was so lucky. She picked up a large shield and began rubbing with her cloth, her hands already stained with polish.

Deleted user

Well, this is unfortunate. Was the main thought in Lucas’s head as he jumped down a short flight of stairs, spraying a cloud of dust into the air as he sped down the city streets. A stampede of footsteps and yelling followed him, but he was certain they were falling behind. Luke bolted into the nearest building with his prize, a pouch of money, cradled in his palm as he conjured an illusion of him running to lead the authorities off down another maze of streets and alleyways. The crime would just get blamed on a half blood anyways, so it wasn’t of much concern to him. He took in his new surroundings carefully, noting the swords that hung on the walls.


(Shadow Knight where are you)
Shace tensed as an elf boy bolted into her stand, holding a huge pouch of money that obviously wasn't his. She ignored him for the moment as six important-looking elves rushed past her stall, faces twisted in anger. The sixth stumbled as he twisted his head to look back at her. She tilted her head at him. She was just a kid selling swords. The elf man resumed chasing a copy of the elf next to her further down the streets, disappeared into a sharp turn.
Shace turned immediately to the thief. "Hello, how are you, would you like to buy anything with that lovely, stolen money?"


(Your character can be anywhere…disguised in the city like Shace, trying to get out of/into the military, hiding in the wilderness, plotting a raid…)