forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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"And I don't trust you Ivy, but I'm still here and I'm not complaining." Rheyna responded, tying her hair back in a ponytail.

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“So I’m not getting punched anymore now, right? Can we make that a rule?” Luke rubbed at the dry blood on his face.


"I think no punching anyone should be a rule, but I can still use my magic if things get to heated," Valerie said patting her spell book on her hip.

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“Shace…” Luke squeezed the werewolf’s hand, his eyes big and pleading as his ears flattened back. “Don’t hurt anyone. Please?”

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“We make an interesting group.” Luke noted taking a look around. “A hero mage, an ex soldier, a werewolf that disguised herself as a fae, a thief, and an tragically handsome elf.” Luke teased, deciding not to mention that he was also a thief.


"That much was obvious." Rheyna replied to Valerie, smirking ever so slightly.

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“I vote we call ourselves Luke and the Ladies.” A wry smile flashed across his face as he leaned against Shace, more or less comfortable with his surroundings.


Rheyna stared at him with a disappointed look. "Hell no. That's possibly the worst thing you've ever said."


"When Valerie and I agree, you know it's bad." Rheyna said to Luke.

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“Then what do you suggest we be called then.” Luke’s ears pricked back up as he teased Rheyna.


"Literally anything else." She replied, crossing her arms once more.

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“You’re crushing my creativity! I was an artist once!” Luke bellowed dramatically.


Rheyna rolled her eyes at him. "Hate to break it to you, but artists aren't known for creating group names."