forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Rheyna was pleasantly surprised by Luke's response. "Usually when I tell people I'm a siren they stop trusting me because of the whole manipulation ability thing." She admitted.

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“Well, yeah. There’s that, but you clearly didn’t use it on us this whole time. And if you didn’t use it then than you must not use it unless you absolutely have to.” Luke noted, his ears twitching as he thought out the whole thing.


"I haven't used it in years, so even if I did it would only work for a few minutes." Rheyna told him plainly.

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“It’s stil cool. I can cast illusions, but it drains me a lot.” He explained, shrugging.


Rheyna sighed. "Yeah, my persuasion drains me too. That's why I haven't used it in so long. It also kind of feels like cheating."

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“It’s definitely cheating.” Luke agreed without protest. “Sometimes cheating means living though.”


"I would expect Valerie or Ivy to say something like that, not you." Rheyna said. "I also didn't expect you to agree with me just now."

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Luke shrugged and dropped his smirk as he grew a little more serious. “I’ve got a few surprises up my sleeve. You know I’m legally dead in two cities? Or my aliases are, at least.”


Rheyna widened her eyes. "Really? I didn't expect you of all people to do stuff like that. Are you sure you're not part siren? You're pretty good at deception."

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“I mean, I was sorta raised by conmen. So that helped a bit. As far as legal documents show I’m a pure elf.” Luke’s ears flicked as he squeezed Shace’s hand again.


Rheyna shrugged, turning to Ivy. "It's better than anything Luke came up with."

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Luke laughed. “That wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been called a hazard.”


(okay but it would be awesome if the group name was just "Hazard")

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“I look dashing.” Luke ran a hand through his hair dramatically.

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“Don't be mean if you’re gonna get caught stealing bread. At least go for a coin pouch, Ivy.” Luke rolled his eyes.


"Can we make a group decision to only use stealing as a last resort?" Rheyna suggested, not wanting to risk getting caught.


Shace gave Rheyna a wary nod. "Reflection sounds like a soul-searching thing. Luke is the only pure one here. Nightshade sounds very evil." She ran a hand through her hair uncertainly. "What about The Flag? Maybe we're like a flag or face for the nice halfbloods and purebloods."


"Watch yourself Valerie." Rheyna growled before she nodded. "Not perfect, but that's the best one so far."


"Nice halfblood, as in, not a mass murderer," Shace said. "I don't think anyone here actually counts as a nice halfblood."

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“Don’t say that Shace. You took me in! After threatening to turn me in…” Luke trailed off, frowning a little. “Well you have been protecting me. I guess that makes up for it.”