forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Luke smiled. “Good to hear.” The elf stretched out his arms, his ears twitching. “I’m glad I ended up with you anyways.”


(Okay people I feel like we need another villain to come in or some big plot thing to happen so we can get rolling)


(Well if there's a serious attack or something they could realize that something needs to be done and then they could rebel?)


(I really don't want it to die either. Maybe they could stumble across a large rebellion or something after an attack? I don't know I'm not good at this.)


(ok so then purebloods attack the market they're in and they escape and go get help for the halfbloods still in the market)


(That sounds good. Maybe the purebloods could take over the fort or something)


(good idea)
"Okay, well, now that we're all cool, I'm done." Shace jumped down off the platform. The market seemed to have grown louder and she hated the noise.


(woah why do some of the posts look like they're at low opacity?)
"So, what's the plan now? Are we staying here? Are we leaving? Do I need to pack up my stuff?" Rheyna asked, following Shace.

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(Its the new update! It’s on the announcements section)


"Whatever you want. I'm not your guard. I'm going back to Taurus, it's…" She trailed off, staring into the crowds. They didn't seem to notice anything and were too loud for her to hear, but something about them seemed wrong. Some of the shoppers were not moving with the crowd; they stood quietly at the edges of the rush.


"It's…..what?" Rheyna questioned, walking up beside Shace. "What are those people doing?"


Rheyna shook her head. "Not at all. People here are usually pretty normal."


Valerie looked at the crowd, "Huh. Strange then. Do you think they're under some spell? Because I can't sense anything."

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“Nope.” Luke finally spoke up. A familiar sensation of danger prickled at his skin. “I’ve seen this before. That is a riot in the works.” He stated, surveying the crowd. “It’s probably anti-pureblood, which means we might have to do some hiding, Valerie.”


Rheyna rolled her eyes at Luke. "Anti-pureblood? Chances are these are some halfblood haters. That's what it always comes down to."


"Or…you know, we could help? I know you guys are used to thieving or whatever, but my soldier instincts are kicking in. If there's an ambush, innocent people could get killed." Rheyna replied, still staring down at the mysterious people.


Valerie watched the people, "We could, but if this turns into a riot there is no way we can control that. People are going to get hurt and possibly die no matter what choice we make."


Rheyna sighed. "Well thanks for the vote of confidence." She backed away so she couldn't see the people anymore.