forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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“What’s the underground network like here?” Luke asked, nervously tapping his fingers along the side of his leg.


A few more people appeared at the edges, talking to the ones already there. "Don't know," Shaciel said vaguely. "I think they're anti-halfblood, but who knows." She shot a look at Rheyna. "You actually think we can fight them? There's at least ten just standing around, and my guess is that they're just there to make sure the halfbloods stay where they are."


"We can at least try to report them. Someone has to do something." Rheyna said, moving back to look at the people.

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“We should just get as far away from here as possible.” Luke interjected, sighing softly.


Rheyna stared at Luke, crossing her arms in disappointment. "You're not even going to try to stop them? This whole place could be in danger!"

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“I’m a street thief, not a hero.” Lyle shot back defensively, seeking out Shace’s protection. “I don’t do well on the authority side of things.”


"Okay, let's just report them, like you said," Shace said, glaring. "If you want, and if you seriously think you won't get killed, you can always come back if they send reinforcements."


"I'm smart enough not to take them on by myself." Rheyna said, turning to Shace. "Let's go then."

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Luke let out a dissatified groan but prepared to follow Shace.


Valerie sighed and put a hand on her spellbook, "Alrighty then. Let's go and report, even though I doubt they're going to believe us, but it's worth a shot."


"Can we…..not go to the nearest guard post? That's where my boss works and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't let me in the building." Rheyna admitted before gesturing to a group of buildings in the distance. "There's another post that's a few blocks further, but we're less likely to be kicked out at that one."


(oke…) (suspicious people are hanging around and need to be stopped)
"Okay, lead the way," Shaciel said restlessly. She considered Luke. "Okay?"


(I'm just not really active on Notebook rps anymore because of school and stuff)