forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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“Shace, can’t you make her look like a pureblood? Like how you did? Then we can just send her off somewhere.” Luke suggested, squeezing Shace’s hand.


God, they're acting like I'm not here. Rheyna thought grumpily, sighing in her head.


Rheyna felt her whole body relax as the mage's spell was undone. "First of all, you are terrible people. All of you." She stated simply, crossing her arms. "Second of all, using magic is basically cheating. If you want to fight, fight me with your fists coward."

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Luke watched Rheyna, his eyes filled with a mixture of mistrust and pity. He instinctively moved closer to Shace for protection.


(ok I really need to sleep so) (please don't get so far w o me k?)
"Third of all?" Shace straightened. "Take a second and think before you talk."


(Okay sounds good. I have to sleep soon too.)
Rheyna rolled her eyes at all of them. "What's a girl gotta do to get a few people on her side?" She muttered mostly to herself. "I'm staying here. After I turn you guys in, I won't have anything to worry about."


"Well here's an interesting fact for you," Valerie said in a mocking voice, "You aren't turning us in. Ever! So get that into your thick skull before you try to get people on your side."


Rheyna gritted her teeth. "Maybe you should open up your thick skull and realize that you're keeping me from getting my job back! I barely have any money and now it's almost impossible to earn more because they made me lose my job!" She pointed at Luke and Shace aggressively. "I'm going to starve to death because of you!"

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Luke stifled his laughter at Shace’s barbed remark. “She is right. We can’t just leave her here.”


"You could just not work for the guard?" Valerie suggested, "There is no law stating that a halfblood has to have a job. I mean look at me, I am technically both homeless and unemployed and I'm doing just fine."


"Unlike all of you, I'm not willing to steal to make a living." Rheyna replied, crossing her arms again. "Being a soldier is the only job I can get legally, and I'm not going to break the law."

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“Why? What good is the law doing you?” Luke raised his gaze to met Rhenya’s. “It treats you like scum. If law ain’t just than that law’s just dust.” He repeated a saying he’ heard often in darkened city alleyways.


For the first time since Rheyna had met him, she took a second to think about what Luke had said. "The law provided me with shelter and food for the past four years." She finally said after a few seconds. "I'd say the law did me plenty of good."


(Luke and Valerie are purebloods) (Shace and Rheyna are halfbloods)
"You could just stay at Taurus like us." Shace shrugged warily. "No one's kicking you out."


"First off, I am no thief," Valerie responded, "I do not steal. Also if the law barely provided you the necessities you should just leave. Travel the world, no one is going to stop you"


"Why would I want to travel the world?" Rheyna asked, ignoring Shace for now. "What could the world possibly offer?"


"Opportunities?" Valerie suggested, "You don't have to live in one city all your life. If you really wanted to keep your job as a guard just go to a different city and reapply. Or you could be a mercenary and work for pay."