forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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“What are you going to do with her?” Luke looked at the mage with some confusion, still next to Shace. Blood poured from his nose, which he wiped halfheartedly with his arm.

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Luke strayed from Shace’s side, walking up to Rheyna and staring at her. “She’ll just find us again. She knows my whistle.” He used his shirt sleeve to wipe the blood off Rheyna’s fist. “Can we move her out of the public eye? At least where guards aren’t around?” He asked softly.


Valerie nodded and opened her spellbook again. She pointed her finger at the guard and said another spell, "Levitcus." Rheyna's body slowly lifted up off the ground as Valerie directed her.


Rheyna didn't even bother speaking as her body floated into the air, still frozen. Great. I can't move and now I'm flying.

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“We don’t have to go anywhere fancy. I don’t really know the ins and outs of this place. Just somewhere safe.” He looked at Valerie, hoping she knew a spot.


(well ok just fort taurus is like important to the actual rebellion thing lol)
Shaciel nodded her head vaguely, eyes following Rheyna. She reached out and took Luke's hand again.

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(As far as I know they aren’t permanently leaving the fort)

Luke grasped Shace’s hand, still trying to stifle his bloody nose.


Shace leaned forward silently and pulled Valerie with Rheyna onto a smaller street with her other hand. She took another right and up some stairs, then they were on a small porch like platform with a roof hiding them from sight.


Valerie let out a sigh and put Rheyna on the ground before closing her spell book, "Well, I suppose now is the best time to become acquainted, I'm Valerie. Nice to meet you folks."

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Luke debated on lying about his name, but he realized Rheyna had already said it. “The name’s Luke.” He smiled sheepishly, the blood starting to dry on his face now.


At least I can learn everyone's names here and turn them in later. Rheyna thought, glad that she wasn't floating in the air anymore. It had started to make her feel sick.