forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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"And what exactly was this slightly illegal thing?" Valerie asked skeptically. She was about ready to cast an immobilization spell on the guard and bring her to the higher ups.


Ivy put her hood higher on her head and swiped a loaf of bread from a lady's bag, a carton of milk from another, and grabbed a carrot from a man just as she heard someone yell at her. Looking back, she the bread lady running after her.


"Jumping off a building, which wouldn't usually be illegal but since they were running from an officer it was. Before that I was just going to investigate them because they seemed suspicious, which I am allowed to do." Rheyna responded, crossing her arms. She had never wanted to use her power more in her life, but she knew it would drain her quickly. Besides, using a siren song on more than one person was difficult for her.


"You mean they've done nothing without being provoked," Valerie corrected her, "So they've done nothing illegal other than be suspicious. You can't arrest a person based solely on suspicion, which was exactly what you were about to do. Good day madam, I request that you leave before I decide to turn you into the higher ups."


Jokes on her, the higher ups won't care what I do anymore. Rheyna thought, but she didn't dare say it out loud. "Don't make it seem like they're the victims here. A soldier is allowed to be suspicious of someone, in fact that's basically their job. I was just going to ask them a few questions before they ran off and made it worse."


"Yes, and? The fact that they ran off implies that you did something to cause that. Especially since neither have run off now even though you are in close proximity and are about to arrest them," Valerie said turning the evidence against the guard, "I understand it's your job to be suspicious of people, but this had to be to an extreme degree."


"I don't care what you think, I'm here for them." Rheyna said, pointing to Shace and Luke. "If they don't want to come with me, they can argue for themselves."


"And I won't let you," Valerie said glaring pointedly at her, "This is blatant bias and I won't stand back and do nothing about this."


"Maybe you should mind your own business and not get involved in something that will only get you in trouble." Rheyna shot back, really hating this girl. "If you want to keep people from doing their jobs, go do it somewhere else where someone might actually care."


"Awww, thank you for recognizing my occupation," Valerie said pulling out her spell book and allowing it to float an inch above her open palm while the pages flipped to the spell she sought, "Now please leave before I do something drastic."

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Luke stared at the spellbook in surprise. “Miss, I uh… maybe not right here? Where there’s a lot of witnesses?” He tapped on the mage’s shoulder nervously.


"A mage huh? I should have guessed that you were a pureblood." Rheyna said, not at all surprised. She was, however, a little bit scared. She had seen the effects of some mage spells, and they were never good. "Don't make this a battle of magical powers. You'll regret it."


Valerie sighed and gave the elf a slight smile, "It's fine. I've got this covered," she turned back to the guard, "No, you'll regret it. Now please leave or I will cast the spell."


Rheyna gritted her teeth. "Listen, they might not even get in that much trouble. The more you disobey me the more strict the punishment will be." She was not going to use her power, and that was that. The last time she used it was two years ago so she was out of practice. Not to mention it drained her energy super quickly.



"I could vanish before you could turn me in," Valerie had a smirk on her face. She had the upper hand now, "So please, do yourself a favor and leave."


Rheyna was getting desperate now, but she still wasn't desperate enough to admit anything. "You know perfectly well that I won't leave, but I'm also not going to duel you with magic. Just let me turn them in and I won't bother you again."


"My morals can't allow me to do that," Valerie responded the pages in her book had stopped flipping and the spell to teleport them away was front and center, "So please just leave."


Ivy looked down and fixed her hood, making sure her eyes were hidden. " sorry, I was just here looking for some food." She said in a low voice. A voice was heard in the background "look for that thief! She owes me money!"


"A thief huh?" Rheyna smirked. Maybe she could just turn in this girl and get her job back. "Sorry kid, but as a trained soldier I'm gonna have to turn you in."