forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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(Really? I thought everyone would be team everyone-except-Rheyna)


Shace stood up without replying, ducking out the door and down the stairs again. She halted outside of the building and moved to the side, looking around balefully.

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“Now it is!” Luke chased after her, his elven ears pricked and alert. “Maybe we should look in the markets?”


Rheyna had no clue what to do now. Being a halfblood, the only job she could get was as a soldier. There was no way anyone from another outpost would hire her after she got fired from this one. Dammit Rheyna, snap out of it. Maybe if you could just find those two criminals, Shace and Luke, you could turn them in and get your job back. You could prove that you were right all along. Rheyna nodded to herself. She wasn't giving up just yet.


Shace glanced back and nodded after a second of hesitation. She walked past the guards casually, tilting her head to see the sky. It was clouded over. She wasn't exactly sure why this guard would want to head to a market of all places, but Luke was trustworthy and she wanted to get out of the place for a second anyway.

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Luke was just excited to be around more people. It seemed like this place was dominated by halfbloods, and he wasn’t exactly used to seeing halfbloods around in the city, so he was a but curious. Perhaps a little braver than usual as well now that he had a werewolf protecting him.


Rheyna stormed around, peeking in every alleyway and searching behind every building for signs of Shace and Luke. If I were an annoying duo of criminals where would I go? She asked herself. I'd want to hide in plain sight, surrounded by people just in case the soldier following me caused a scene. The marketplace! Rheyna wasn't sure if she should give them that much credit, but she made her way to the market anyway.


Shace edged past people at the market, eyes flicking around. There were a lot of people. Mostly halfbloods, but Shace noticed a couple of purebloods, including one mage. She took Luke's hand tightly.

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Luke was thrilled to be part of a big crowd of people. He let out his signature low pitched whistle again, not really expecting a response at this point.


Rheyna's ears perked up. That whistle. They should have learned from last time that the whistle will only bring me closer. She hummed the tune to herself as she made her way through the crowd quickening, not quite running.


Valerie spotted out of the guards almost running, she carefully followed them just keeping a nice pace. She didn't try to draw attention, after all she was just a passer by not trying to cause any trouble.


Shace tensed as Luke whistled again. She turned in a circle, scanning for the guard, and heard quick footsteps. "You just called our guard. She's not friendly now."

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“Maybe I can charm her? I’ve got a lot of charisma for a street thief.” Luke had his ears pricked and whistled again. “Kill ‘em with kindness, right? We got this.”


The pureblood was rather easy to spot in a crowd of mostly halfbloods. Rheyna spotted his pointed ears as she turned the corner, and next to him she noticed the light blonde hair of the werewolf. Don't draw attention to yourself. You need to be sneaky for once; you don't want the crowd to get too suspicious.


Shace scowled. "Don't underestimate her, okay, don't get overconfident." The footsteps slowed. "Worst mistake you could make."

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Luke’s ears drooped as he saw Shace’s scowl. “Sorry, Shace.” He mumbled, giving her hand an apologetic squeeze.