forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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One sentence the pureblood boy said was stuck in Rheyna's mind as she collapsed in a back alley, breathing heavily. "You’ll be the one in handcuffs in a few minutes." She knew that one of her fellow soldiers would find out, and then Rheyna would get fired. What she had said earlier had been a huge bluff. She did give a sh* t. She gave a lot of sh* ts, believe it or not. This was her only chance at a job. If she could just prove that the duo had committed serious crimes, then she could keep her job a little longer. At least I know their names now. Shace and Luke.

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“I didn’t exactly have much with me.” Luke cracked a smile back at Shace. “Just the stuff that came with the cart. Er— actually just the blankets from the cart.” He scooped up the rumpled blanket off the bed with a shrug. “Guess I’m ready to go.”

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(Luke is so pure I feel bad making Rheyna hate him)

(Lol don’t worry, Luke will try his hardest to charm Rheyna into switching sides)


Shaciel shook her head, pulling Vigil out of the bag. "I don't think we should leave yet. Maybe…we can try and talk to the guard peacefully and get her to leave us alone? Although that's probably an terrible idea." She snorted at herself and fixed Vigil's sheath to her belt.

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“She’ll shoot you as soon as she sees that sword of yours.” Luke rolled his eyes playfully. “You don’t even try to be discreet!” He teased.


Shace's ears reddened. "She won't shoot someone wearing such a nice sword. If we approach her I'll put it on the ground. Like an olive branch."

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“Whatever you say.” Luke quirked an eyebrow at her. “Doesn’t seem right to me.”


"Fine." Shace crinkled her nose but put the sword back. "I don't wanna go unarmed. At least I'll have the king of bluffing."

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“I could sweet talk a sewer rat, Shace. It’s a gift of mine.” Luke continued to joke, showing off a cheesy grin.


Shace patted his shoulder. "Trust me, elfie, I know." She leaned back, looking down. "What do you think, should we wait for her to come to us or should we chase her down? You need leadership skills, sunshine."


Valerie was heading into the nearest town for a refresh of supplies. She didn't really enjoy staying within the bounds of civilization, but she was traveler and no one could camp out forever. Once in the town she went straight to the market place with her pouch of money to pay for food and other magical items.

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“Leadership skills? I uh… I have leadership skills!” He protested, his ears tilting back out of embarrassment. “I’m a great leader.” He muttered his cheeks flushing red.

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Luke needed a way out of this. He didn’t like making decisions. It was too hard to be at fault when something went wrong, and he’d already made the wrong decision when he let Rheyna chase him.

“What leader? Not every leader makes the same choice. It’s all about style, Shace.” He rambled.


Rheyna sighed, smoothing down her hair and trying to regain her confident demeanor. Hopefully the way she held herself would convince her boss that she hadn't done something that she shouldn't have.


Shace grinned widely. "Then what's your style, elfie?" She sighed and sat down. "There's no wrong answer, I'm not a leader."

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“Isn’t leading a wolf thing? Don’t you have a pack or something?” Luke looked over at Shace, moving to sit beside her.

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“Nope. I’m more of a drifter anyways. Usually stick to cities because of all the people, but I guess that doesn’t matter as much since I got you now.”


Shace chewed her lip for a moment. She glanced at Luke. "Okay, let's go find her, I guess. If that's what you want to do"

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“Sure.” Luke shrugged. “We going now or?” He stood up and stretched.


Rheyna made her way to her the commander's office, standing as proudly as she could. As soon as she walked in, the commander glared at her.
"Rheyna. I see those citizens you confronted let you escape. Perhaps they were telling the truth?"
Uh oh. If the commander knew what had gone down, Rheyna wasn't getting out of this office unscathed.
"Yes but-"
"Enough out of you. Sometimes people tell the truth. Not everyone is a criminal that needs to be locked up. I've gotten multiple complaints from people who witnessed you harassing two innocent civilians."
Rheyna made the risky choice to raise her voice. "They weren't innocent!"
"They seemed perfectly innocent to everyone else." The commander stated, staring Rheyna in the eyes. "Last week I warned you that if you messed up again, I'd get rid of you."
"Just give me one more-"
The commander stood up, holding out her hand. "One more chance? I've given you plenty of chances, Rheyna."
Rheyna sighed, handing her badge and vest over to the commander before exiting the office, making sure to slam the door loudly.


(I wouldn't feel bad for her yet. Now she's full of rage and there are two specific people she has her eye on….)