forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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Rheyna debated if she should try to forcefully take them to her commander, but based off the surrounding crowd and what happened last time she decided to play it casual. She weaved through the market place, eventually making her way to the criminal duo. "So, we meet again."


Shace squeezed Luke's hand back. "I just don't want you to get hurt again, elfie." She relaxed marginally as the guard showed herself. Hopefully she wasn't going to fight. "Peacefully, right?"

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Luke eyed the guard suspiciously. Sure, he wanted to win her over, but he had also threatened her only a little while ago. Something told him she might not be too friendly yet…


Valerie walked up behind the guard. It seems like she had targeted to fairly innocent people. She let out a low whistle before saying, "So, what did these two do for you to arrest them?"

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Luke’s head snapped to attention at the whistle. He grinned, seeing another pureblood had come to his aid.


Valerie gave the elf a quick wink before keeping her attention on the halfblood. She wasn't quite sure how the ordeal came about, but she would figure it out and come to a solution.


Rheyna turned to Shace. "It'll be peaceful if you listen to me." Great, another person is getting involved in this. She thought as a new person showed up. "Who says I'm arresting them? Don't jump to conclusions; it won't get you far."


"I'm not jumping to conclusions," Valerie explained her arms crossing across her chest as she put her weight onto one side, "I'm making an educated guess based upon your manners. You rush over here the moment you spot them, proceed to state that you met them again, and given that your an officer that would conclude you got them doing something illegal. If that's not leading up to an arrest then I'm crazy. So I'll repeat myself, what are you arresting hem for?"


For a brief moment Rheyna considered arguing back about how she technically wan't an officer, but she didn't want to make things worse. "Fine, if you want to make a big deal out of this. I'm arresting them for running from and attacking a soldier. Is that enough of a crime for you?"

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Luke peered around Rheyna at the mage, rapidly shaking his head no with wide eyes.


"Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, not really no," Valerie shrugged, "You could be completely making that up as you yourself don't have any clear injuries."


"Look, don't give me a reason to turn you in too. This is none of your business, so shoo." Rheyna was sick and tired of people trying to make her the bad guy. "Now you two," She said, turning towards Shace and Luke. "You know the drill. Don't make this harder than it needs to be."


Valerie came in between the guard and the other two, "Now hold up. Give you a reason to turn me in too? I'm sorry, but I've done nothing wrong."


"Nothing major, sure, but you're arguing with a soldier. That in itself will at least get you a warning." Rheyna replied, trying her best to remain calm and not lash out on the new girl.


"But technically I'm not arguing," Valerie pointed out, "I'm simply asking questions to which you are replying to. That, my dear friend, is called a conversation or a discussion if you want to call it that."


Name: Violet Evans (Ivy)
Age: looks 18 but is actually almost 2 centuries old
Gender: female
Sexuality: biromantic
Species: dragon shifter
Powers: she can shift into her dragon form and half shift, she can breathe ice as a dragon and has minor control of water as a 'human', and she can fly
Appearance: I'll make this more detailed later: shoulder length black and sliver hair, green eyes as a human and dark blue as a dragon, around 5'7"
Personality: develop
Background: you shall see

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“Do you even have a warrent yet?” Luke piped up, probably being unhelpful, staring at Rheyna over Valerie’s shoulder, his gaze slightly teasing.


Rheyna rolled her eyes. Dammit. This girl is like a much more annoying Shace, if that's possible. "First of all, I'm not your friend and I don't want to be. Second of all, I don't care about what you did or didn't do. I'm here for these two." Then she turned to Luke. "Don't act like you know what you're talking about, pureblood."


"If they've done nothing wrong then you can't take them," Valerie said her hands on her hips, "So now I'm kind of involved since I don't like it when people try to use their power on others. Simply because your a guard doesn't mean you can arrest anyone you don't like. Also do you have something against purebloods?"


"Purebloods seem to hate halfbloods, so it's only fair that I have a grudge against them." Rheyna replied simply, not wanting to get into the specifics of it. "And they did do something wrong." She added before pointing to Shace. "This one attacked me in an alleyway for no reason!" She noticed that she was getting louder. So much for the whole casual plan. Looks like people are getting involved yet again.


Valerie looked to the one she was pointing at and then back to the guard, "And? I'm sure she had a good reason. No one just does something on a whim. So based off of your clear prejudice for purebloods, I can assume you frightened them causing the elf's friend to retaliate after seeing her friend in trouble before both of them running off. To which you then chased them eventually ending up in this marketplace, where you were going to arrest them on charges manipulated to make it seem like you were the victim in this entire story. Am I correct?"


"Is that how everyone is seeing this? I'll let you know that they escalated the situation a lot more than they needed to. They were doing something slightly illegal, so I told them that I was going to turn them in. After that they ran away and attacked me, so what else could I do but go after them?" Rheyna said as innocently as she could. There was no way she was the villain in this situation.