forum Halfbloods Not Allowed Beyond This Point(Open!!)
Started by @Bandito

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“I sort of can’t tell. You’ve got a whole ‘maybe I’ll hug you, maybe I’ll stab you’ vibe. It’s a bit intimidating if I’m being honest…” Luke trailed off, shrugging. “Since apparently you’re not joking,you can call me Luke.”


Shace grinned. "For now, it's 'hug you'. I'm Shace and apparently Intimidating. I'm also Tired so I'm going to go home now."

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Luke grinned back, his smile considerably weaker once he realized he had to travel on his own back onto the street again. “Guess that’s my cue to leave.”

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“Lately it’s never safe to go.” Luke complained, looking outside. “Gotta love that postwar financial depression.” He snarked sarcastically.

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“Agreed.” Luke glanced at the door and then at Shace, seemingly indecisive. “So what’s your deal? Why are you so willing to help me?” He asked mistrustfully.


Shace's mouth twitched up slightly. "Probably because you have money and I want a ticket, badly." Her hair rose and she tilted her head back to stare at the darkening sky. "And what's your deal? Help or no help?"

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Luke’s impulsive nature got the better of him as he smirked. “Depends. You willing to drop everything and go right now?”

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“Not a clue. Away from here. Probably out of the city since those authorities got a nice look at me today.” Luke shoved his hands in his pockets with a casual shrug.


Shace took a deep breath. Smelled like rain. "Okay then." Why not? There was nothing good for her here. "Nearest ally I can think of is at least ten blocks away. And I need to get my money."

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Luke grinned, shifting his weight from foot to foot. “Then what’re you waiting for?”

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Luke waited where he was, antsy to get going. He shifted his feet from side to side, wondering how his impulsive decision would pay off. Likely with us getting killed…


Shace ran across a few rooftops before she found her bag; she threw into the blanket with the swords and returned to Luke. "Let's go…"

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“You had a packed bag?” Luke’s eyes widened in surprise, but he shrugged it off. “Out we go, I guess.” He eyed the street for danger before strutting out confidently.


Shace began to whistle nonchalantly. She wasn't the best, but the tune was clear enough that when they had walked for a while someone started to whistle back from a narrow side street. Shace glanced at Luke and turned down the street. "Our ride, sir."

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Luke stared down the alleyway. “That’s so sketchy.” He looked at Shace. “If I wasn’t wanted by half the authorities in this city, I hope you know I wouldn’t be following you down here.”


"If you weren't wanted by half the authorities in this city, I wouldn't be taking you down here." Shace stood still as the whistling stopped. A withered old man approached from a corner. "Need a ride?"
Shace eyed him. "Wait, where's Oracie?"
The old man smiled widely, showing fangs. "Oracie passed away. He left everything in his will to me. Price is still two thousand." He stared at Luke. "Or five thousand, if you want to bring your pet."
Shace made a sign at him and the old man winced. "I mean, your friend. Sorry."
"We have four thousand, right?" Shace turned to Luke. "I have 2350 and a lot of fancy swords."

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Luke’s eyes were fixed on the man’s fangs. He wasn’t quite thrilled about being called a pet either, but he had a feeling that this man was a halfblood and that elf ears probably fetched a good price on the black market. “We have enough.” He didn’t want to say how much he had aloud in case the man decided he’d be worth more dead. He fished out the needed amount of coins and handed them to Shace.


"Great." The old man beamed again, taking the money from Shace's hand. "Four thousand it is." Shace trailed him to the end of the street, where a small stable huddled. "'S nighttime too, so we probably won't be bothered." He opened a door to reveal a big cart, filled with food and other everyday items and drawn by a pair of griffins. "Where would you like to go?"

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Luke remained silent, choosing the listen to his instincts and play dumb. He looked at Shace blankly, hoping she would get the idea.


Shace was quiet for a moment, then she told the man, "Fort Taurus."
"We'll be there by morning." He gestured for them to get in the back as he opened the doors at the other end of the building. A gust of cold air blew in.