forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@HighPockets group

Harper: It's just one of those things we'll never know, like what happened to the Titanic
Beck: It hit an iceberg.
Harper: Maybe.

Talia: I relate to the phrase chillin' like a villain because it shows that I am calm but also ready to sin

Geneva: Jackson, we need to talk about your will
Jackson: What about it?
Geneva: Literally all you said was 'bury me with seven extra bones to fuck with archaeologists lmao'

Della: There's a tree out there growing wood for your coffin.
Beck: Bold of you to assume my body will be found.

Georgie: Do you ever say anything encouraging?
Christopher: I encourage you not to die

Martha: In Legally Blonde, Elle won her case because she was true to herself and dressed cute
Jackson: Martha, this is real life, not an excellent musical

Joan: Arson? You mean crime brulee?

@nebula__ group

Midori: I can't do that, it's against my moral compass.
Levi: Your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel.

Saiki, to the tune of The Final Countdown: It's a mental breakdown
Shin: starts playing the kazoo extremely off-key

Midori: Text posts are like children.
Levi: How so?
Midori: You delete the ones that don't succeed.
Levi: Midori, what the fuck-

Levi: Saiki, you're doing so well! I'm so proud of your attempts and how composed you are all the time!
Saiki, crying because he can't untie his shoe: Yeah, I think I'm doing really well.

@nebula__ group

Levi: Midori, we need to talk about your will.
Midori: What about it?
Levi: Literally all you said was 'bury me with seven extra bones to fuck with archaeologists lmao.'

Shin: There's a tree out there growing wood for your coffin.
Midori: Bold of you to assume my body will be found.

Midori: grabs a knife and stabs Shin
Shin: pulls out the knife, bleeding out Can I eat this?
Midori: NO-

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Hex: People who still say "science side of tumblr" need to shut up.
Delphinia: Science side of tumblr, why is this man so salty?
Gracelyn: Osmosis.

Jesse: It's nice to be wanted, you know?
Gracelyn, smacking him: Not by the law!

Jesse: Do you ever say anything encouraging?
Hex: I encourage you not to die.

Delphinia: You can't lose an argument if you end it with 'shut up, Jesse'
Jesse: Yes you can.
Delphinia: Shut up, Jesse.

Gracelyn: Jesse, you're doing so well! I'm so proud of your attempts and how composed you are all the time!
Jesse, crying because he can't untie his shoe: Yeah, I think I'm doing really well.

Delphinia: Stop saying "I can't even" and start saying "I can even." Believe in yourself. Follow your dreams.
Jesse, squinting at what's behind her: Is that a flying lawn mower?
Delphinia: No, it's a lawn mower following its dreams.

Jesse: I'll pay someone $100 to stand at a distance at my burial and play "put that thing back where it came from or so help me" when they lower me into the ground
Hex: …
Hex: Sold.

Gracelyn: Is no one else concerned about the Charmin commercials where they're rubbing toilet paper on their faces?
Jesse, sweating nervously: You mean you don't do that?

@HighPockets group

Nich: You can't lose an argument if you end it with 'shut up, Samuel'
Samuel: Yes you can.
Therese: Shut up, Samuel.

Harper: I'll pay someone $100 to stand at a distance at my burial and play "put that thing back where it came from or so help me" when they lower me into the ground
Casey: …
Casey: Sold.

@LilMeme group

Emiko: You disgust me, leave
Kage: What's with this… sassy lost child?

Collin: I got catcalled while I was walking the other day and I couldn't think of anything clever to say so I just made the most hideous shrieking noise possible.
Unzari: How did they react?
Collin: I heard the guys in the car go "the fuck?"

Mikoto after learning that Kage's dad killed her uncle: Oh, man, I will never forgive your ass for this shit. This is some fucked up, repugnant shit.
Hikari: Naruhito-san, did you ever hear the philosophy that once a woman admits she's wrong, that she is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings? Have you ever heard that?
Miko: Get the fuck out of my face with that shit! The motherfucker that said that shit never had to pick up itty-bitty pieces of skull on account of your dumb ass.

Collin: Boys turn on each other so quickly
Kage: You're right
Kage: Wait, you were talking about betrayal

@threesacult group

Cyrus: I wanna be a reverse tooth fairy, where I rob people then scatter human teeth on their bed.
Azazel: A dentist!
Cyrus: …I don't know what your dentist is doing to you, but I think you need to go to the police.

Love: Stop saying "I can't even" and start saying "I can even." Believe in yourself. Follow your dreams.
Jack, squinting at what's behind them: Is that a flying lawn mower?
Love: No, it's a lawn mower following its dreams.

Cyrus: I'll pay someone $100 to stand at a distance at my burial and play "put that thing back where it came from or so help me" when they lower me into the ground
Jack: …
Jack: Sold.

Dally: It's nice to be wanted, you know?
Anthony, smacking him: Not by the law!

@sock group

Chan: You can't lose an argument if you end it with 'Shut up, Ren'
Ren: Yes you can-
Chan: Shut up, Ren

Ren: Elyas, you're doing so well! I'm so proud of your attempts and how composed you are all the time!
Elyas, crying because he can't untie his shoe: Yeah, I think I'm doing really well

Ren: Is no one else concerned about the Charmin commercials where they're rubbing toilet paper on their faces?
Zephyr, sweating nervously: You mean you don't do that?

Lucas: I'll have all the McNuggets with fries, and uh… what the fuck did you want?
Chan: You ;)
Lucas: You dumbass, there's 3 cars behind us, hurry the fuck up

Himari: I don't care if you don't like space puns - I like space puns
Himari: Comet me, bro

Chan: How far have you gone with a guy
Elyas: I went to the Imperial Palace with my dad once

Himari: Tooth fairies are a smaller and friendlier subspecies of the larger and much more hostile bone fairies
Ren: Thank you for the nightmares

Lucas: Being gay isn't a choice, it's a game, and I'm winning
Chan, zooming past him in a shopping cart: THINK AGAIN, TWINK

@threesacult group

Elias: How far have you gone with a guy?
Quill: I went to Disneyland with my dad once.

Anthony: I'll have McNuggets with fries, and, uh… what did you want?
Dally: You ;)
Anthony: Dame, there's three cars behind us, hurry the fuck up-

Quill: I don't care if you don't like space puns — I like space puns.
Quill: Comet me, bro.

@HighPockets group

Freddy: How far have you gone with a guy?
Ozzie: I went to Disneyland with my dad once.

Alessandra: I'll have McNuggets with fries, and, uh… what did you want?
Percy: You ;)
Alessandra: Babe, there's three cars behind us, hurry the fuck up-

Theo: I don't care if you don't like space puns — I like space puns.
Theo: Comet me, bro.

@LilMeme group

Hanaki: Your 15009 ladybugs just came in. Let's release them
Eri: No, keep them in there, They'll be more efficient when they're starving
Hanaki: o_O
Hanaki: That's fucked up

Mikoto: I'm a failure
Hikari: No, you're not, you're great at making cups of tea

Asumi before meeting Minato: That girl is so cute I wonder what she's listening to
Song: SHOT AT A MAN AND TOOK HIS SHOES-(or just insert some or random song)

Hikari: I like Minato's tea because it tastes like burnt wood
Asumi: How do you know what burnt wood taste like
Hikari: [sips tea]

Asumi: I need an adult
Kosuke: I am an adult
Asumi: Owo
Asumi: I need a different adult

Hanaki:How are you feeling
Kage: Nothing, Therefore I am nothing
Hanaki: Dude that's deep

Eri: A'ight, so let's go through your charges; armed robbery, trespassing, bullshitting with shrines, Trash lyrics
Kage: What you talking about trash lyrics
Eri: In that poem
Kage: That's a crime
Eri: In the state of Kanto

Asumi when Kosuke use Unzari's power: Ah shit he got bars
Kage, feigning bravery: IDGAF if he got bars
Kosuke: Yeah I got a new mixtape coming out (named Why'd you leave, Little Flower)
Kage: That weak-ass mixtape ain't talking about shit

Kage: I hate him so much
Asumi: Then why are touching yourself
Kage: Should I be more concerned about the fact that getting off to my ex or that I'm jacking off in public?
Asumi: All of the above

@requiemisback language

Freya: How far have you gone with a guy?
Mizu: I went to Disneyland with my dad once.

Jocelyn: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Jacquelyn: That is the most hopeful thing I've ever heard someone say.
Freya: What if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
Mizu: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day-
Freya: Get out.

Freya: You wanna know the best thing about dogs?
Mizu: Sure-
Freya: The best thing about them is that you can act like something really good just happened and they'll instantly start celebrating too, and they have no idea what the context is, they're just always ready to party
Mizu: Facts.

Mizu: I have abs……………..solutely nothing.

Mizu: Wanna know my most vivid memory of high school?
Freya: Shoot.
Mizu: I remember asking my freshman bio teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up and he stared at me blankly and said "assassinated."
Freya: That sounds more like something you'd say, honestly.

@HighPockets group

Martha: You wanna know the best thing about dogs?
Geneva: Sure-
Martha: The best thing about them is that you can act like something really good just happened and they'll instantly start celebrating too, and they have no idea what the context is, they're just always ready to party
Geneva: Facts.

@threesacult group

Anthony: Wanna know my most vivid memory of high school?
Cyrus: Shoot.
Anthony: I remember asking my freshman bio teacher what he wanted to be when he grew up and he stared at me blankly and said "assassinated."
Cyrus: That sounds more like something you'd say, honestly.

Quill: You wanna know the best thing about dogs?
Perry: Sure-
Quill: The best thing about them is that you can act like something really good just happened and they'll instantly start celebrating too, and they have no idea what the context is, they're just always ready to party
Perry: Facts.

@nebula__ group

Shin: Being gay isn't a choice, it's a game, and I'm winning.
Midori, zooming past him in a shopping cart: THINK AGAIN, TWINK

Saiki: I love when adults are like "If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you jump too?"
Saiki: Like… I'd jump off a bridge for fun. I hate myself.

Levi: Money can't make you happy.
Saiki: Well, it sure as hell ain't gonna make me SAD.

Shin: My computer screen is brighter than my future.
Midori: Sounds accurate.

@sock group

Ren: Money can't make you happy.
Lucas: Well, it sure as hell ain't gonna make me SAD.

Lucas: I hate when people ask me to 'explain my thought process', like hell if I know
Lucas: 'What's going on in that head of yours?' Nothing I want to be part of

Chan, in the group chat at 3am: Why not spell pants like 'pance'? Just a little thought I had

Elyas: I'm phobic
Elyas: Just scared

Himari: I go to Home Depot
Himari: I eat the tools
Ren: Stop it
Himari: Crumch

Chan: Who ready to get nasty
Elyas: I am! What are we cleaning?
Elyas: Wait-

Elyas: One of these days I'm going to say the f-word
Elyas: Then you'll be sorry

@HighPockets group

Samuel: Money can't make you happy.
Nich: Well it sure as hell isn't gonna make me sad.

Beck: I hate when people ask me to 'explain my thought process', like hell if I know
Beck: 'What's going on in that head of yours?' Nothing I want to be part of

Victor: I'm phobic
Victor: Just scared

Robin: I got to Home Depot
Robin: I eat the tools
Oberon: Stop it
Robin: Crumch

Nell: One of these days I'm going to say the f-word
Nell: Then you'll be sorry

@nebula__ group

Midori: I go to Home Depot.
Midori: I eat the tools.
Levi: Stop it-
Midori: Crumch.

Shin: I wonder… How do parents go from "sex is bad" to "I want grandkids"?
Midori: Shut up and let me sleep.

Levi: You can't lose an argument if you end it with 'Shut up, Midori.'
Midori: Yes you can-
Levi: Shut up, Midori.

Shin: hiding from a murderer in the pantry
Shin: quietly tries to open a bag of chips

Shin: Bill Gates has more dollars than you have seconds left in your life.
Saiki, about to cry: You really didn't have to go there, dude…

@ElderGod-kirky group

reappears, potentially with some of my own quotes to provide some to y'all

Canon Quotes

Damien: Why the hell is he here?
Selena: B–
Harper: Because fuck you
Selena: Oh my god

Damien: Something's bothering you
Harper, drunk off his ass: I said I'm fine
Damien: You're drowning yourself in alcohol
Harper: I'd hardly call it drowning. More like lovingly seducing her into knocking my ass out for a few hours

Harper: He came out to me before anyone else–
Arin, confused: Wait–
Harper: Not now. My problems first

Harper: having an identity crisis
Arin, tossing a bag of buttered popcorn at Harper: Eat that and save it for when we get to the house
Harper: I have… many comments
Arin: Shoot
Harper: I'm not a child. You're acting like I'm going to be sick–
Arin: You've puked during a crisis before
Harper: –and I'm really hoping you didn't steal this from the theater
Arin: I would never do such a thing
Harper: You're spiteful. This is why we're friends
Arin: No, we're friends because you could teach me the art of theft
Harper: So you stole this
Arin: No, I borrowed it for later consumption

Selena: Gross. I'm in

Harper: Just be glad I chose to be decently civil today

Harper, sarcastic: That madly in love with Selena, are you?
Damien, very gay and looking Harper up and down: Quite

Incorrect Quotes

Harper: Sometimes I look at myself and I'm actually pretty attractive. But other times…
Harper: looks in the mirror
Harper: I'm horrific

Selena: Our parents have made their decision. Damien and I are going to get married in a year
Harper the gay home-wrecker: I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it

Selena: God gives his hardest battles to his sexiest soldiers I guess
Harper: Sea, it's just a hangover

Damien: Gayer Than Intended: an autobiography

Drunk Harper: spins around in a chair ominously I've been expecting y–
Harper: chair continues to spin shit
Harper: tries to stop spinning shit!
Harper: tries to grab at a lamp or table to stop spinning sHIT
Harper: falls out of chair SHIT

Selena: That's a pretty rock
Arin: Harper gave it to me
Harper: I threw it at you
Arin: He's very sweet

Damien, under his breath: Future husband say what
Harper: What?
Damien: screeches internally
they do end up married

@nebula__ group

Saiki: That's a pretty rock.
Midori: Yeah, Shin gave it to me.
Shin: I threw it at you-
Midori: He's very sweet.

Shin: I swear to god, I'm gonna kill you.
Midori: Not if I kill you first!
-Shin and Midori start fighting-
Levi, interrupting the fight: Oi, break it up, ladies.
Shin and Midori, still fighting: Fuck off!

Shin, drunk: spins around in a chair ominously I've been expecting y–
Shin: chair continues to spin shit
Shin: tries to stop spinning shit!
Shin: tries to grab at a lamp or table to stop spinning sHIT-
Shin: falls out of the chair SHIT–

A mosquito begins flying around Midori
The mosquito: yikes

@HighPockets group

Charlie: Why the hell is she here?
Jackson: B–
Geneva: Because fuck you
Jackson: Oh my God

Jon: Something's bothering you
Oliver, drunk off his ass: I said I'm fine
Jon: You're drowning yourself in alcohol
Oliver: I'd hardly call it drowning. More like lovingly seducing her into knocking my ass out for a few hours

Oscar: He came out to me before anyone else–
Douglas, confused: Wait–
Oscar: Not now. My problems first

Therese: We're friends because you could teach me the art of theft.
Nich: So you stole this
Therese: No, I borrowed it for later consumption

Geneva: Just be glad I chose to be decently civil today

Oscar, sarcastic: That madly in love with Marian, are you?
Nathaniel, very gay and looking Oscar up and down: Quite.

@requiemisback language

Jocelyn: Why the hell is he here?
Freya: B–
Mizu: Because fuck you
Freya: Oh my God,,,

Mizu: He came out to me before anyone else–
Jacquelyn, confused: Wait–
Mizu: Not now. My problems first

Jocelyn: Would you stop listening to Hatsune Miku for a fucking second?
Mizu: No
Jocelyn, strangling Mizu: Now will you stop?
Mizu, choking: Yes ma'am-

@threesacult group

Anthony: Why the hell is she here?
Quill: B–
Azazel: Because fuck you
Quill: Oh my God

Quill: That's a pretty rock!
Dally: Thanks! Anthony gave it to me.
Anthony: I threw it at you-
Dally: He's very sweet.

Dally (a bi disaster): Gayer Than Intended: an autobiography

Doyle: Money can't make you happy.
Tracey: Well, it sure as hell ain't gonna make me sad.

Perry: He came out to me before anyone else–
Quill, confused: Wait–
Perry: Not now. My problems first

Cyrus: I hate when people ask me to 'explain my thought process', like hell if I know.
Cyrus: 'What's going on in that head of yours?' Nothing I want to be part of.

Quill: I'm phobic
Quill: Just scared


Sana: Why won't Varian put Miran down?
Leaoni, rubbing her temples: I told him about the tooth fairy.
Sana: And?
Leaoni: He did not take it well.
Leaoni: For the last time, she replaces a fallen-out tooth with money!
Alune, who also hasn't heard of the tooth fairy before: Why does she want to buy teeth?
Leaoni: [slams head into a wall]

Varian: What if whenever you cracked your knuckles your fingers started to glow like glow sticks.
Alune: Go to sleep.
Alune: Wait, I could read in the dark-!

Frost: Why the hell is he here?
Sana: B–
Varian: Because fuck you.
Sana: Oh my god.

Kallai: Something's bothering you.
Leaoni, drunk off her ass: I said I'm fine.
Kallai: You're drowning yourself in alcohol.
Leaoni: I'd hardly call it drowning. More like lovingly seducing her into knocking my ass out for a few hours.

Zatian: I hereby announce that former viscount Varian Voss is to be exiled and stripped of all titles.
Varian: I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it.

Leaoni: God gives his hardest battles to his sexiest soldiers I guess.
Sana: LeaLea, it's just a hangover.

Drunk Varian: [spins around in a chair ominously] I've been expecting y–
Varian: [chair continues to spin] Shit.
Varian: [tries to stop spinning] Shit!
Varian: [tries to grab at a lamp or table to stop spinning] sHIT-
Varian: [falls out of chair] SHIT!

Sana: That's a pretty rock.
Frost: Leaoni gave it to me.
Leaoni: I threw it at you.
Frost: She's very sweet.

Leaoni, under her breath: Future wife say what
Zatian: What?
Leaoni: [screeches internally]

Leaoni: You can't lose an argument if you end it with 'Shut up, Kallai.'
Kallai: Yes you can-
Leaoni: Shut up, Kallai.

Wren: hiding from a murderer in the pantry
Wren: quietly tries to open a bag of chips

Sana: One of these days I'm going to say the f-word
Sana: Then you'll be sorry.

Kallai: Money can't make you happy.
Zatian: Well, it sure as hell ain't gonna make me SAD.

Varian: I hate when people ask me to 'explain my thought process', like hell if I know.
Varian: 'What's going on in that head of yours?' Nothing I want to be part of.

Wren: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Leaoni: That is the most hopeful thing I've ever heard someone say.
Alune: What if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
Frost: Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day-
Leaoni: Get out.

Frost: You wanna know the best thing about dogs?
Sana: Sure-
Frost: The best thing about them is that you can act like something really good just happened and they'll instantly start celebrating too, and they have no idea what the context is, they're just always ready to party
Sana: Facts.

Frost: I have abs……………..solutely nothing.

Sana: Frost, you're doing so well! I'm so proud of your attempts and how composed you are all the time!
Frost, tearing up because he can't untie his shoe: Yeah, I think I'm doing really well.

Miran: You disgust me, leave.
Zatian: What's with this… sassy lost child?

Leaoni, to the tune of The Final Countdown: It's a mental breakdown!
Varian: [starts playing the flute extremely off-key]

Varian: It's just one of those things we'll never know, like what happened to the Titanic.
Alune: It hit an ice burg.
Varian: Maybe.

Varian: It's nice to be wanted, you know?
Alune, smacking him: Not by the law.

Varian (who got kidnapped): Get kidnapped, you'll find out who your real friends are!
Leaoni, who did not take Varian getting kidnapped very well: I feel like there are steps you could take before that.