forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@sock group

Ren: Lucas, keep an eye on Chan today. He’s going to say something to the wrong person and get punched
Lucas: Sure, I’d love to see Chan get punched
Ren: Try again
Lucas: I will stop Chan from getting punched
Ren: Correct

Himari: Are you mad?
Lucas: No
Himari: So sharpening knives at 2am is just a hobby?

Chan: Do you know why I came to you for help?
Lucas: I assumed you’d lost a bet

Zephyr: Are you getting enough sleep?
Ren: Sometimes when I sneeze my eyes close

Elyas: Do you take constructive criticism?
Chan: I only take cash or credit

Himari: Do you ever find yourself late at night, face down in a pillow, begging for sleep, but in the darkness your brain starts going: Ron… Ron… Ron Weasley

Zephyr: I think I will become a creature
Zephyr: [scuttles]

Chan: You hate me because you know I am funnier and sexier than you. When I jingle my little clown bells and do my silly little jester dance it fills you with anger that I can be so funny and also so sensual in my big, big clown shoes
Lucas: What the fuck-

Ren: When Emily Bronte said in her diary entries "I have a good many books on hands but I am sorry to say that, as usual, I make small progress with any" I felt that

@threesacult group

Doctor: I’m sorry, only family is allowed to see Quill right now.
Cyrus: Bold of you to assume I won’t legally adopt her right now.
Jack: I wish I could say she was joking.

Azazel: I hope you get run over.
Jack: Hoping is all well and good, but ultimately, it gets you nowhere. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Get in your car and run me the fuck down instead of waiting for others to do your work for you, you coward. You lazy fool.

Quill: When Emily Bronte said in her diary entries "I have a good many books on hands but I am sorry to say that, as usual, I make small progress with any" I felt that


doctor: i'm sorry, only family is allowed to see mr. park right now
catori: bold of you to assume i won't marry him right now.
kas: i wish i could say she was joking

((the legal age to get married in virginia, is 16))

@Williamnot group

Austin: I'm not like other guys. I'm worse.

Austin: It's impossible to say the word bubbles and make it sound angry.
Felix: Oh yeah?
Jarrod, rubbing his temples: Can someone please tell me why Felix has been screaming "bubbles" for fifteen minutes?

Mel: Are you a morning person or a night person?
Austin: I'm barely even a person.

Austin: I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.
Jarrod: Felix?
Felix, blushing: Yeah?
Jarrod: Could you move? I'm trying to get to my tea.

Felix: Listen up fives, a ten is speaking.

Austin: Love is dead and never existed. You betrayed me as I lay sick and festering. You are the definition of dread.
Jarrod: Austin? Are you okay?
Austin: Em took my garlic bread.

Jarrod: If I were a drink, I'd be a cherry vanilla coke. What drink would you be?
Felix: Bleach.
Austin: Sewage.
Jarrod: Okay geez, calm down edgelords.

Jarrod: Austin, keep an eye on Felix today. He’s going to say something to the wrong person and get punched
Austin: Sure, I’d love to see Felix get punched
Jarrod: Try again
Austin: I will stop Felix from getting punched

Jarrod: Do you know why I came to you for help?
Felix: I assumed you’d lost a bet

Mel: Are you getting enough sleep?
Austin: Sometimes when I sneeze my eyes close

Mel: Do you take constructive criticism?
Austin: I only take cash or credit

Austin: Do you ever find yourself late at night, face down in a pillow, begging for sleep, but in the darkness your brain starts going: Ron… Ron… Ron Weasley

Austin: I think I will become a creature
Em: I concur
Both: [scuttle]

Felix: You hate me because you know I am funnier and sexier than you. When I jingle my little clown bells and do my silly little jester dance it fills you with anger that I can be so funny and also so sensual in my big, big clown shoes
Jarrod: What the fuck-

Mel: When Emily Bronte said in her diary entries "I have a good many books on hands but I am sorry to say that, as usual, I make small progress with any" I felt that

@threesacult group

Doyle: It's impossible to say the word “bubbles” and make it sound angry.
Tracey: Oh yeah?
Suanne, rubbing his temples: Can someone please tell me why Tracey has been screaming "bubbles" for fifteen minutes?

Quill: I think I will become a creature.
Perry: I concur.
Both: [Scuttle]

Quill: Do you ever find yourself late at night, face down in a pillow, begging for sleep, but in the darkness your brain starts going: Ron… Ron… Ron Weasley

Elias: Are you getting enough sleep?
Quill: Sometimes when I sneeze my eyes close

@HighPockets group

Petrichor: I think I will become a creature.
Robin: I concur.
Both: Scuttle
How have I never considered the inevitable chaos that would spring from a Chorrie-Robin team up?

Della: Do you ever find yourself late at night, face down in a pillow, begging for sleep, but in the darkness your brain starts going: Ron… Ron… Ron Weasley

@threesacult group

Suanne: So, Cyrus, do you have a boyfriend yet?
Dally: Uh, actually, Cyrus is gay.
Suanne: What? Don’t say that, it’s rude!
Dally: No, I-
Suanne: No excuses.
Cyrus: Suanne, I am literally a homosexual

Love: How do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing?
Emmett: A glass of water is an inanimate object and is therefore incapable of having a thought process or understanding of basic language.
Love: Water you doing?

Anthony: One time I was with a friend and- oh wait, that was you.
Cyrus: Yeah, I figured. You don’t have any other friends.

Dally: Consider the following:
Dally: Seatbelts. Except they throw you out of your seat and are called yeetbelts.
Emmett, vigorously searching through flashcards: What the fuck is a yeet

Love, without looking up from their book: You look nice today, Jack.
Jack: Aw, thank y- wait, how do you know? You didn’t even look up.
Love: No, but I can hear Emmett’s heartbeat and it doubled when you walked in.
Emmett: Chokes

Quill: Hey, Mr. Buttons!
Quill: I mean… my old calculator… which doesn’t have a name…

@sock group

Chan: Consider the following:
Chan: Seatbelts. Except they throw you out of your seat and are called yeetbelts.
Elyas, vigorously searching through flashcards: What the fuck is a yeet

Chan: How do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing?
Ren: A glass of water is an inanimate object and is therefore incapable of having a thought process or understanding of basic language.
Chan: Water you doing?


Leaoni: Phel, I knight thee in the name of the father-
Alune: [waves]
Leaoni: The son-
Miran: [dabs]
Leaoni: And the unholy spirit.
Varian: [screeching]

Rose: [flirting with Alune]
Leaoni: You’re really quiet today, Varian.
Varian: No one plans a murder outloud.

Varian: Guys, shut up, Madam Margo is on the phone!
Nova: Hey, pass the weed!
Leaoni: [fake moaning]
Sana: Put your pants back on!
Madam Margo, over the phone: What the hell is going on over there?
Varian: [speechless]

Varian: Did you just hiss at me?
Alune: Yes. I do that when I hit my limit of stupid questions.

Leaoni, drunk: Excuse me, have you seen my girlfriend? I lost her.
Random person: What does she look like?
Leaoni: [crying] Beautiful.

Kallai: Calm down!
Varian: To quote Hamlet, Act III, Scene III, Line 92, ‘No’.

Sana: Frost, what did you do this time?
Frost: Nothing!
Sana: There you have it. He said he did nothing.
Leaoni: So I caught him red-handed doing nothing?

Varian: I keep saying things that annoy people.
Alune: Have you ever considered not saying anything?
Varian: Ha ha
Varian: [pulls out megaphone]
Varian: No.

Frost: How do you ask a glass of water what it’s doing?
Alune: A glass of water is an inanimate object and is therefore incapable of having a thought process or understanding of basic language.
Frost: Water you doing?

Varian: Consider the following:
Varian: Seatbelts. Except they throw you out of your seat and are called yeetbelts.
Alune, vigorously searching through flashcards: What the fuck is a yeet-

Frost: I think I will become a creature.
Sana: I concur.
Both: Scuttle

Sana: It's impossible to say the word “bubbles” and make it sound angry.
Leaoni: Oh yeah?
Alune, rubbing his temples: Can someone please tell me why Leaoni has been screaming "bubbles" for fifteen minutes?

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Blevin: Let's all have fun together
(3+ hours later)
Blevin: Come on. I'm waiting for your bankruptcy
Flonnel: We're playing monopoly

Lucas: chewing gum
William: Lucas, do you have something to share with the class
Whole class faces him
Lucas: What is this communism

Jacob: Why are you so down in the dumps
Jax: Oh you know the usual, I'm friendless, is emotionally stunted, I just figured out that Gary and Patrick are related, which kind of make Spongebob a slave owner in proxy

Noelle: I'm the leader because I'm red
Briar: That's burgundy

Hunter, possessing Sophie: Aha, now I have complete control over your body
Sophie: Well, that's kind of hot
Hunter: [immediately exorcises himself]

William: Raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized by Elijah Lillian.
Kelly: raises hand
Everyone else: *raises hands

Jax: Oh, man, I will never forgive your ass for this shit. This is some fucked up, repugnant shit.
Alex: Son, did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he's wrong, that he is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings? Have you ever heard that?
Jax: Get the fuck out of my face with that shit! The motherfucker that said that shit never had to pick up itty-bitty pieces of skull on account of your dumb ass.

@HighPockets group

Ms. Taylor: So, Henry, do you have a girlfriend yet?
Jackson: Uh, actually, Henry is gay.
Ms. Taylor: What? Don’t say that, it’s rude!
Jackson: No, I-
Ms. Taylor: No excuses.
Henry: Carol, I am literally a homosexual.

Samuel: One time I was with a friend and- oh wait, that was you.
Nich: Yeah, I figured. You don’t have any other friends.

Alessandra, without looking up from her book: You look nice today, Oscar.
Oscar: Thank y- wait, how do you know? You didn’t even look up.
Alessandra: No, but I can hear Nathaniel's heartbeat and it doubled when you walked in.
Nathaniel: Chokes

Luci: Hey, Mr. Buttons!
Luci: I mean… my old calculator… which doesn’t have a name…

@threesacult group

Azazel: I keep saying things that annoy people.
Quill: Have you ever considered just… not saying anything?
Azazel: Haha.
Azazel: [Pulls out megaphone]
Azazel: No.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Jesse: We all have 2 minutes to live, but we reset the clock every time we breathe.
Gracelyn: How long have you been awake?
Jesse: 37 hours, why?

Hex: Are you mad?
Martell: No.
Hex: So sharpening knives at 2am is just a hobby?

Gracelyn: Do you know why I came to you for help?
Hex: I assume you’ve lost a bet.

Clem: Are you getting enough sleep?
Jesse: Sometimes when I sneeze, my eyes close.

Jesse: Hey, Mr. Buttons!
Jesse: I mean… my old calculator… which doesn’t have a name…

Delphinia: You’re really quiet today, Hex.
Hex: No one plans a murder out loud.

Delphinia: Calm down!
Hex: To quote Hamlet, Act III, Scene III, Line 92, ‘No’.

Delphinia: Whatcha doin?
Jesse: Stealing my neighbor's cat.
Delphinia: Scandalous. Can I help?

@threesacult group

Quill: You’re really quiet today, Jack.
Jack: No one plans a murder out loud.

Dally: Whatcha doing?
Cyrus: Stealing my neighbor's cat.
Dally: Scandalous. Can I help?

Love: Calm down!
Jack: To quote Hamlet, Act III, Scene III, Line 92:
Jack: ‘No’.

Anthony: Are you mad?
Cyrus: No.
Anthony: So sharpening knives at 2 AM is just a hobby?

Cyrus: Do you know why I came to you for help?
Tracey: I assume you’ve lost a bet.

@HighPockets group

Imogen: You’re really quiet today, Tabitha.
Tabitha: No one plans a murder out loud.

Oscar: What're you doing?
Marian: Stealing Nathaniel's cat.
Oscar: Scandalous. Can I help?

Teagan: Calm down.
Della: To quote Hamlet, Act III, Scene III, Line 92: ‘No’.

@nebula__ group

Shin: What are you doing?
Midori: Cutting off Ashe's arm.
Shin: Scandalous. Can I help?

Ashe: Shout out to people who have seen you naked but you can still have regular conversations with.
Midori: Shout out to people who can have regular conversations with you naked.
Shin: Shout out to being naked
Midori: Dude what the hell,,,

Midori: I hate it when people call their grandparents weird names instead of grandma or grandpa, like babooshka or salami.
Shin: I'm tellin' grandpa salami that you were talking shit- >:(

Shin: Shut up @ people who still say "science side of Tumblr."
Midori: Science side of Tumblr, why is this man so salty?
Ashe: Osmosis.

Midori @ Shin: What's with this… sassy lost child?

Shin: I got catcalled while I was walking the other day and I couldn't think of anything clever to say so I just made the most hideous shrieking noise possible.
Midori: How did they react?
Shin: I heard the guys in the car go "the fuck?"

@HighPockets group

Geneva: Shut up, people who still say "science side of Tumblr."
Jackson: Science side of Tumblr, why is this woman so salty?
Victor: Osmosis.

Kate: I got catcalled while I was walking the other day and I couldn't think of anything clever to say so I just made the most hideous shrieking noise possible.
Kristi: How did they react?
Kate: I heard the guys in the car go "the fuck?"

@nebula__ group

Ashe: Got called a lesbian in Walmart earlier, lads.
Midori: Tell us what happened, lad.
Ashe: I got called a lesbian in Walmart.
Midori: Ye, but why?
Ashe: I was being a lesbian.
Midori: In Walmart?
Ashe: Yeah, it was in Walmart.

Midori: I am the fries at the bottom of the McDonalds bag.
Levi: Maybe you go unnoticed at first, but someone's always thrilled to find you.
Shin: Truly inspirational.

Shin: eats four slices of pizza
Shin: I'm so full…
Shin: eats 4 more slices of pizza

@nebula__ group

Shin: I wanna be a reverse tooth fairy, where I rob people then scatter human teeth on their bed.
Midori: A dentist.
Levi: I don't know what your dentist is doing to you, but I think you need to go to the police.

Shin: How am I supposed to say funny things when nothing happens in my life at all?
Midori: You just use a story from the Sims and pretend it really happened to you.
Levi: One time, I was swimming but the pool ladders disappeared, so I couldn't get out of the pool and I swam for 10 hours, then died.
Saiki: Classic.

Shin: Make sure you chew your food properly, kids.
Shin: Also, make sure to screw in your tongue piercings tightly.
Midori: You swallowed a tongue piercing, didn't you?
Shin: I sure fucking did.

Midori: Imagine reading a book with the name of all of the guys that ever had a crush on you?
Shin: Why would I want a book with blank pages in it?

Shin: Plot twist; You are your crush's crush.
Levi: Unrealistic. Blocked.

@threesacult group

Anthony: Shut up, people who still say "science side of Tumblr."
Cyrus: Science side of Tumblr, why is this man so salty?
Jack: Osmosis.

Cyrus: I got catcalled while I was walking the other day and I couldn't think of anything clever to say so I just made the most hideous shrieking noise possible.
Quill: How did they react?
Cyrus: I heard the guys in the car go "the fuck?"

Cyrus: Got called a lesbian in Walmart earlier, lads.
Jack: What happened?
Cyrus: I got called a lesbian in Walmart.
Jack: Yes, but why?
Cyrus: I was being a lesbian.
Jack: In Walmart?
Cyrus: Yeah, it was in Walmart.

Cyrus: Plot twist: You are your crush's crush.
Anthony: Unrealistic. Blocked.

@HighPockets group

Therese: Got called a lesbian in Walmart earlier, lads.
Nich: What happened?
Therese: I got called a lesbian in Walmart.
Nich: Yeah, but why?
Therese: I was being a lesbian.
Nich: In Walmart?
Therese: Yeah, it was in Walmart.

Darius: Plot twist: You are your crush's crush.
Jon: Unrealistic. Blocked.


jo: shut up @ people who still say "science side of tumblr."
catori: science side of tumblr, why is this man so salty?
nicky: osmosis.

cisco: remember that time you dared me to lick the swing set
kas: no, i said 'don't like the swing set' and you said 'don't tell me what to do'
kas: and then you licked the swing set

jo: it's just one of those things we'll never know. like what happened to the titanic
nicky: it hit an iceburg
jo: maybe.

catori: i relate to the phrase chillin' like a villain because it shows that i am calm but also ready to sin

vivienne: what's the fear of the supernatural called again
nicky: phasmophobia
catori: weakness
cisco: common sense!

nicky: catori, we need to talk about your will
catori: what about it?
nicky: literally all you said was 'bury me with seven extra bones to fuck with archaeologists lmao'

jo: there's a tree out there growing wood for your coffin
catori: bold of you to assume my body will be found

catori: it's nice to be wanted, you know?
vivienne, smacking her: not by the law!

nicky: what the hell happened?
jo, in the nurse's office: catori pulled a knife on me
nicky: and?
jo: and i said 'what are you gonna do, stab me?'
nicky: so she stabbed you
jo: she stabbed me

cisco: do you ever say anything encouraging
jo: i encourage you not to die

kas: in legally blonde, elle won her case because she was true to herself and dressed cute
jo: kas, this is real life, not an excellent movie

catori: arson?
catori: oh you mean crime brulee?

jo: you can't lose an argument if you end it with 'shut up, nicky'
nicky: yes you can
jo: shut up, nicky

everette(who got kidnapped): get kidnapped, you'll find out who your real friends are
aella, who did not take everette getting kidnapped very well: i feel like there are steps you could take before that

catori: i can't do that, it's against my moral compass
cisco: your moral compass is a fucking roulette wheel