forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@sock group

Lucas: Who actually likes sour candy? Who says "I'm gonna eat this candy covered in pain salt and like it?"
Himari: Me. Feed me the pain salt.

Zephyr: You’re losing too much blood! Elyas, what’s your blood type?
Elyas: B positive-
Zephyr: I’m trying, okay?!

Deleted user

Allison: Who actually likes sour candy? Who says "I'm gonna eat this candy covered in pain salt and like it?"
Azrael: Me. Feed me the pain salt.

Allison: You’re losing too much blood! Elyas, what’s your blood type?
Azrael: B positive-
Allison: I’m trying, okay?!


Miran: I think there’s a monster in the closet!
Varian: [reaching into the closet] That’s silly, there’s no such thing as mon- OH MY GOD IT’S TEARING MY ARM! Just kidding, he only eats kids, goodnight.

Sana: If you aren’t kissing your cat on its soft little forehead, what are you even doing?
Alune: Yelling at her for eating plastic.

Varian: Oh my god! You're in love with Rose, aren't you?
Alune: No. What have I ever done to give you the impression that I’m straight?

Frost: [drops a chicken nugget on the floor]
Frost: I think this is the saddest thing that's ever happened to me.
Leaoni: You're literally an orphan, Frost.
Frost: Fuck off.

Leaoni, at Varian's funeral: Could I have a moment alone… to say goodbye?
The rest of the gang, leaving: Of course, take as long as you need.
Leaoni, leaning closer to the coffin: Look, I know you're not actually dead, you jerk.
Varian, from inside the coffin: Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Zatian: How dare you all infect me with morals.

Frost: Hey, I'm having girl trouble…could I get your advice?
Alune: You want my advice? Isn't there someone better you could ask?
Frost: Like?
Alune: Literally anyone else.

Kallai: I told you to stop doing that with the knives.
Frost, with knives taped to his hands: But Wolverine has–
Kallai: I said stop.

Frost: Pointing laser pointer at the floor
Alune: You know, just because Phel looks like a normal cat doesn't mean she acts like one, she's a demon -
Frost: Move the laser pointer across the floor
Phel: Jumps over the couch to chase the dot.
Alune: Really, Phel -

Varian: Who actually likes sour candy? Who says "I'm gonna eat this candy covered in pain salt and like it?"
Leaoni: Me. Feed me the pain salt.

@spacebluelily language

Gwendolyn, at Rosie's funeral: Could I have a moment alone… to say goodbye?
The rest of the gang, leaving: Of course, take as long as you need.
Gwendolyn, leaning closer to the coffin: Look, I know you're not actually dead, you jerk.
Rosie, from inside the coffin: Yeah, no shit, Sherlock.

Sheryl: Oh my god! You're in love with Georgia, aren't you?
Madelyn: What have I ever done to give you the impression that I’m straight?

Harriet: I told you to stop doing that with the knives.
Sora, with knives, taped to her hands: But Wolverine has–
Harriet: I said stop.

Thomas: Who actually likes sour candy? Who says "I'm gonna eat this candy covered in pain salt and like it?"
James: Me. Feed me the pain salt.

Georgia: hugs Madelyn
Madelyn: What is this?
Georgia: Affection!
Madelyn, tearing up: Disgusting.

William: You're late
Thomas: You’re lucky I decided to come

Johnny, peeking under the bed: Ash? Are you ready to come out and interact with other people?
Ash: growling
Johnny: Understandable. I'll get you some leftovers

Georgia: How did they get this little cat into the phone?
Madelyn: Love, I know you know what the internet is.
Georgia: They used a net?
Madelyn: I saw you on Twitter an hour ago!

Joan: Tell her about the birds and bees
Sheryl, to Rosie: They're disappearing at an alarming rate

Thomas: enters a room
Ash: throws books, a pen, little rocks, and a gum wrapper
Thomas, ducking: WOULD YOU STOP?

Joan: Sheryl, just hand me the instructions.

Jim: Why is it whenever I have fun, it's considered wrong?
Molly: Jim, when you have fun, people die.

Jim: I heard you like bad boys.
Sebastian: Um, yeah, but–
Jim: Well, I'm bad at everything.
Jim: winks with both eyes

Molly: He may seem like an arsehole, but deep down Jim is a good person.
Jim: And deeper down, I'm a bigger arsehole.

Jim: You amuse me. I will make you mine.
Sebastian: You mean like a boyfriend? Or like a slave?
Jim: …Yes.

Jim: There's nothing wrong with me.
Sebastian: Jim, you set Sheryl's flat on fire just to get her attention.
Jim: ….Okay, I see your point.

Jim: I've got this completely under control.
Sebastian: …Is that why everything's on fire?

Georgia, standing in front of a locked door: Fortunately, I have a delicate lock-picking technique.
Georgia: Punches the door down

Madelyn: I have done nothing wrong, ever, in my life.
Georgia: That’s a lie, but I still love you.

@HighPockets group

Marisol: Who actually likes sour candy? Who says "I'm gonna eat this candy covered in pain salt and like it?"
Beck: Me. Feed me the pain salt.

Charlie: You’re losing too much blood! Jackson, what’s your blood type?
Jackson: B positive-
Charlie: I’m trying, okay?!

Geneva: From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say… I’m not sorry.

Carrie: What are you doing?!
Mourton, holding a dagger to Nich's throat: Is it not obvious?

@threesacult group

Dally: Who actually likes sour candy? Who says "I'm gonna eat this candy covered in pain salt and like it?"
Anthony: Me. Feed me the pain salt.

Dally: You’re losing too much blood! Cy, what’s your blood type?
Cyrus: B positive-
Dally: I’m trying, okay?!

Jack: From the bottom of my heart, I just want to say that… I’m not sorry.

Quill: What are you doing?!
Jack, holding a dagger to Azazel's throat: Is it not obvious?

Jack: Why is it whenever I have fun, it's considered wrong?
Anthony: Jack, when you have fun, people die.

Doyle: I heard you like bad boys.
Tracey: Uh–
Doyle: Well, I'm bad at everything.
Doyle: Winks with both eyes

Jack, peeking under the bed: Emmett? Are you ready to come out and interact with other people?
Emmett: Growling
Jack: Understandable. I'll get you some leftovers

@LilMeme group

Kage: I heard you like bad boys.
Asumi: Uh–
Kage: Well, I'm bad at everything.
Kage: Winks with both eyes

Nanami: Can I have freedom
Gang: Freedom machine broke
Nanami goes god mode: BRUH FIX THAT JOINT

Mikoto: This flower could represent our friendship
Flower droops as Hikari and Emiko talks in the background
Mikoto: You guys aren't talking about killing me, are you
Hikari: I do have a good broiler
Emiko: That should work, we can't have her betray us again

Mikoto: I'm not like other girls. I'm worse.

Ai filling application: Are you a morning person or a night person?
Kage: I'm barely even a person.

Eri: If I were a drink, I'd be a cherry vanilla pop. What drink would you be?
Kage: Bleach.
Asumi: Calm down, edgelord.

Unzari: My milkshake brings all the boys
Collin throws milkshake

Asumi about Collin: He kinda looks like a girl from behind!

Hikari crying to Ai: Do you have any idea how awful it to have cute girls walk up to you and say "I think your gay brother is sexy."

Emiko: I refuse to be as ugly as the rest of you
Kage: Don't worry, Emi, you're even uglier

Unzari: Look I'm a big cat. Do you want to scratch my belly
Kage: You need to seek professional help

@HighPockets group

Beatrice, to Marian: Do you have any idea how awful it to have cute girls walk up to you and say "I think your gay brother is sexy"?
Marian: I think you're sexy-

@LilMeme group

Kosuke: Welcome slaves! I've made this room so it's easier for you to worship me
Kage: That ain't chief

Collin: tfjxdtufhtyfjhtuy
Kage: Wtf Colin
Hikari: That was the ugliest keyboard smash ever
Hikari: It's supposed skskskssksk you fucking cretin

Ai to Eri: Haven't you got an education system to fail

Yuda oh, the irony: lol gay
Kosuke: I'm about half a second from dragging in my basement
Yuda: And then what
Kosuke: Huh
Yuda: You said you're gonna drag me to your basement what are you going to after that
Kiiro: Kosuke you're a failure

Unzari: I can't help but feel you don't like me
Collin: Was that a revelation from God or did you finally develop brain cells

Kage: I went to my doctors for my depression and I got diagnosed with stage 5 homosexuality

Ai: We all got our hobbies

Emiko: When I look at all your stupid faces, I think how it will be to pound them to dust

Hikari: It seem simple enough. I take all. You can go home now

@threesacult group

Cyrus, to Anthony: Do you have any idea how awful it is to have cute girls walk up to you and say "I think your gay friend is sexy"?

Dally: I can't help but feel you don't like me.
Jack: Was that a revelation from God, or did you finally grow some brain cells?

Cyrus: I went to the doctor the other day and got diagnosed with stage five homosexuality.
Cyrus: Also depression

@HighPockets group

Oscar, to Nathaniel: Do you have any idea how awful it is to have cute guys walk up to you and say "I think your gay sister is sexy"?

Kels: I can't help but feel you don't like me.
Tabitha: Was that a revelation from your gods, or did you finally grow some brain cells?

Oscar: I went to the doctor the other day and got diagnosed with stage five homosexuality.
Oscar: Oh, and also PTSD.

@HighPockets group

(Slightly melodramatic, very gay, doesn't have a ton of friends but absolutely adores the ones he has, likes having nice things and drinking nice wine. Poet.)


((i say they give each other endless shit but would throw down at a moments notice. she gives him fancy wine glasses and he gives her new fodder for her monologues))

@knightinadream group

Doctor: Here's your x-ray photo.
Seokju: Ew I look ugly in this one. Delete it and take it again.

Carmen: If we ever have a kid and it's a girl, we should name her Lizard and call her Liz and people will be like "Oh is that short for Elizabeth?" and she'll be have to say "No, my name is Lizard."
Lyz: You're officially never allowed to touch a birth certificate in your life again.

Knight: I have three moods.
Ash: What are they?
Knight: Fuck off, fuck you, and fuck me.

Lily: Where are you going?
PJ: Depends.
PJ: Like when I die, probably hell
PJ: but for now I'm going to the bathroom.

Deleted user

Vozreal: If we ever have a kid and it's a girl, we should name her Lizard and call her Liz and people will be like "Oh is that short for Elizabeth?" and she'll be have to say "No, my name is Lizard."
Allison: You're officially never allowed to touch a birth certificate in your life again.

Faith: I have three moods.
Allison: What are they?
Faith: Fuck off, fuck you, and fuck me.

@HighPockets group

Alys: Here's your x-ray photo.
Oleander: Ew, I look ugly in this one. Delete it and take it again.

Geneva: I have three moods.
Jackson: What are they?
Geneva: Fuck off, fuck you, and fuck me.

Marya: Where are you going?
Oleander: Depends.
Oleander: Like when I die, probably hell.
Oleander: But for now I'm going to the bathroom.


Sana: Small creatures are far more vicious. It’s because their anger has less space to bottle up.
Kallai: Ridiculous. Give me an example.
Sana: Spiders.
Leaoni: Wasps.
Frost: Terriers.
Varian: Alune.

Sana: What do we say when someone feels wronged by our actions?
Varian, without hesitation: Hoes mad
Sana: No-

Sana: Are you a morning person or a night person?
Alune: I'm barely even a person.

Zatian: I'm not like other girls. I'm worse.

Leaoni: My milkshake brings all the boys
Frost: [throws milkshake]

Zatian: I have three moods.
Leaoni: What are they?
Zatian: Fuck off, fuck you, and fuck me.

Alune: Where are you going?
Varian: Depends.
Varian: Like when I die, probably hell.
Varian: But for now I'm going to the bathroom.

@HighPockets group

Joan: Small creatures are far more vicious. It’s because their anger has less space to bottle up.
Samuel: Ridiculous. Give me an example.
Jon: Spiders.
Nell: Wasps.
Darius: Terriers.
Nich: Therese.

Portia: What do we say when someone feels wronged by our actions?
Talia, without hesitation: Hoes mad
Portia: No-

Lyra: I'm not like other girls. I'm worse.

Deleted user

Vozreal: Small creatures are far more vicious. It’s because their anger has less space to bottle up.
Azrael Ridiculous. Give me an example.
Vozreal: Spiders.
Ronald: Wasps.
Allison: Terriers.
Rachel: Faith

Azrael: What do we say when someone feels wronged by our actions?
Allison, without hesitation: Hoes mad
Azrael: No-

Allison: Are you a morning person or a night person?
Azrael: I'm barely even a person.

Azrael: I'm not like other girls. I'm worse.

Allison: My milkshake brings all the boys
Prospero: [throws milkshake]

Azrael: I'm Lesbian
Gabriel: I thought you were American?

@nebula__ group

Kaneki: I guess I'm too tough to cry.
Kaseki: Just today you were crying about snakes.

Shin: If you ever feel safe, please remember that I'm out there.

Shin: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad?
Ashe: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated-
Midori: Smad.
Elliott: There are two types of people.

Shin: Are you calling me a liar?
Midori: I ain't callin' you a truther!

Midori: I just got Shin today, but if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in this room and then myself.

Shin: Pizza rolls are just mini Hot Pockets.
Midori: Shut the hell your mouth-

Ashe: How does it feel to be the worst liar ever?
Midori: Shut up, your mother buys you Mega Blocks instead of Legos-
Ashe: raises fist You take that BACK