forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Delphinia: I wish cars could talk.
Jesse: Man, do I have a movie for you.

Delphinia: I will cast a spell to make you have a good day!

Hex: I do not fear the dark side.
Sybella: You should. WHACK

Delphinia: You stole something from me when we met yesterday.
Hex: Sorry, I'll return your wallet.
Delphinia: You stole my hear- WAIT WHAT

Delphinia: Dirt. Mmm.
Jesse: The D in dirt stands for "do not eat this please."
Delphinia: But the IRT stands for "it's really tasty."

Jesse: You've heard of alphabet soup, now get ready for Times New Ramen!
Hex: *pulls out a knife*

@threesacult group

Azazel: Dirt. Mmm.
Quill: The D in dirt stands for "do not eat this please."
Azazel: But the IRT stands for "it's really tasty."

The Sandman: Drops coffee
The Sandman:
The Sandman: I’m so sick of being alive.

Anthony: You stole something from me yesterday.
Dally: Sorry, I'll give your wallet back.
Anthony: You stole my hear-
Anthony: Wait, what?

Cyrus: You've heard of alphabet soup, now get ready for Times New Ramen!
Jack: Pulls out a knife

Azazel: I'm not a thief, I'm a law-abiding citizen!
Quill: Really? Name one law.
Azazel: Don't kill people.
Quill: That's on me. I set the bar too low.

@HighPockets group

Robin: Dirt. Mmm.
Oberon: The D in dirt stands for "do not eat this please."
Robin: But the IRT stands for "it's really tasty."

Jackson: You've heard of alphabet soup, now get ready for Times New Ramen!
Geneva: Pulls out a knife

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Mugger: pulls out a knife Give me all your money!
Brook: Well this night took a sharp turn.
Chopper: I've never seen this many stab wounds on one person before. And I live on a ship with Zoro.

Sanji: You know, not every problem can be solved with a sword.
Zoro, nodding: That’s why I carry three swords.

Brook: whO THE FUCK-
Nami: Language!

Sanji: You're really campaigning for idiot of the year, aren't you?
Zoro: As defending champion, are you nervous?

Chopper: Do any of you have any healthy stress outlets?
Luffy: Screaming.
Robin: Murder.
Zoro: Alcohol.
Nami: Manipulation.
Chopper: Okay, so we have screaming.

Nami: Um, whatcha got there?
Luffy, standing beside a monster he wants to join the crew: A smoothie.

Jax, peeking under the bed: Captain? Are you ready to come out and interact with other people?
Law: demonic screeching
Jax: Understandable.

Sanji: You know what, Zoro, you're so unapproachable!
Zoro: And yet here you are.

Chopper: You're bleeding internally.
Luffy: That's good right? That's where the blood is supposed to be!

Zoro: I lost Chopper.
Nami: What? How?
Zoro: Give me a break. He's like 2 inches tall.

Chopper: Can we go out to get cotton candy?
Zoro: What did Nami say?
Chopper: She said no.
Zoro: Then why are you asking me?
Chopper: Because she's not the boss of you.
Zoro, internally: this is a trap this is a trap this is a trap-

Perona: I will make you sorry you were ever born!
Usopp: Well, for your information, I'm already sorry I was ever born!

Law: Drops coffee
Law: I’m so sick of being alive.

Nami, at Usopp's funeral: We'll miss everything about Usopp. Except for his pranks, those were the worst.
Usopp, in the coffin: Sweats nervously

Law: Why are there so many days??? I feel like we just had a whole day yesterday. The days don't stop.

Jax: If Luffy jumped off a bridge, wou-
Law: Probably.

Luffy: Dirt. Mmm.
Robin: The D in dirt stands for "do not eat this please."
Luffy: But the IRT stands for "it's really tasty."

Brook: You've heard of alphabet soup, now get ready for Times New Ramen!
Sanji: Pulls out a knife

@HighPockets group

Imogen: You know, not every problem can be solved with a staff.
Kels, nodding: That’s why I carry three staffs.

Kay: You know what, Tabitha? You're so unapproachable.
Tabitha: And yet here you are.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Jaime: I'm not a thief, I'm a law-abiding citizen!
Oscar: Really? Name one law.
Jaime: Don't kill people.
Oscar: That's on me. I set the bar too low.

Jaime: Um, whatcha got there?
Douglas, standing in front of the queen of demons: A smoothie.

Spirit: I will make you sorry you were ever born!
Jaime: Well for your information, I'm already sorry I was ever born!

Adeline: Ugh, Jaime, you're so unapproachable.
Jaime: And yet here you are.

Jaime, holding hands with Adeline: This is my sword girlfriend. She's like a regular girlfriend, but with a sword.
Douglas, shoving Spirit forward: Sword Girlfriend's got nothing on Knife Wife!

@knightinadream group

Maeng: [closes the fridge door and hears stuff fall in it]
Maeng: Well…sounds like a problem for the next person.

Basil: Who are you talking to?
Minwoo: I'm on the phone with Pizza Hut.
Basil: Who the hell is Pizza Hut and why are you talking to her? Is she pretty?

Haeil: I am going to fight you. Even though you are very tall, and could probably step on me. I HAVE NO FEAR!
Jaesung: [stands up]
Haeil: I have some fear…

Maestro: [sees a cat and immediately runs towards it to pet it]
Damian, watching: I want one.
PJ: A cat?
Damian: A Maestro.

Astra: Look! There's a message in my alphabet soup! It says, "OOOOOOOOOOO"!!
Chae: Those are Cheerios.

Ezra: What's a fish with no eyes called?
Myung: It's called an amblyopsidae.
Ezra: Fsh.

@Starfast group

Andor: What's a fish with no eyes called?
Ara: It's called an amblyopsidae.
Andor: Fsh.

Holly: [closes the fridge door and hears stuff fall in it]
Holly: Well…sounds like a problem for the next person.

Keyla: You know what, Milo? You're so unapproachable.
Milo: And yet here you are.

Ara: Drops coffee
Ara: I’m so sick of being alive.

Gerard: You're bleeding internally.
Crispin: That's good right? That's where the blood is supposed to be!

Gerard: You know, not every problem can be solved with a knife.
Crispin nodding: That’s why I carry three knives.

Dallas: The only thing I'm good at is breathing.
Ara: Don't you have asthma?

Brian: All your clothes are black. Whose funeral is it?
Holly: I haven't decided yet, but it's starting to look like yours.

Crispin: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve.
Kit: Do you mean cards?
Crispin, pulling out a knife: I do not.

Ara: Aw man, this coffee-flavored ice cream tastes nothing like coffee.
Andor: Oh, I hate it when that happens. Like, the strawberry shower gel tasted nothing like strawberries.
Ara: Come again?

Gerard: You can’t just set all your problems on fire.
Crispin: You’d be surprised about how many things are flammable.

Andor: I wish you would just admit that you made a mistake.
Ara, stirring his coffee: I actually prefer it with salt.

Keyla: Huh, you were actually telling the truth.
Milo: I do that quite a lot, yet people are always surprised.

@HighPockets group

Jackson: What's a fish with no eyes called?
Victor: It's called an amblyopsidae.
Jackson: Fsh.

Geneva: Closes the fridge door and hears stuff fall in it
Geneva: Well, that sounds like a problem for the next person.

Addie: Eliot's bleeding internally.
Kay: That's good, right? That's where the blood is supposed to be!

Oberon: Damn it, this coffee-flavored ice cream tastes nothing like coffee.
Robin: Oh, I hate it when that happens. Like, the strawberry shower gel tasted nothing like strawberries.
Oberon: Come again?

Imogen: Huh, you were actually telling the truth.
Pietyr: I do that quite a lot, yet you people are always surprised.

@threesacult group

Dally: Um, whatcha got there?
Jack, standing beside a dead body: …A smoothie.

Quill: Huh, you were actually telling the truth.
Azazel: I do that quite a lot, yet you people are always surprised.

Love: What's a fish with no eyes called?
Emmett: It's called an amblyopsidae.
Love: Fsh.

The Sandman: Damn it, this coffee-flavored ice cream tastes nothing like coffee.
Azazel: Oh, I hate it when that happens. Like, the strawberry shower gel tasted nothing like strawberries.
The Sandman: Come again?

Deleted user

( @Iron_Soldier_Is_Struggling_But_OK you know there's already a chat for this, right? No need to make a new one :))

(yeah i know there's one, but i kinda dont want to sift through 69 pages and almost 2000 messages)

@HighPockets group

( @Iron_Soldier_Is_Struggling_But_OK you know there's already a chat for this, right? No need to make a new one :))

(yeah i know there's one, but i kinda dont want to sift through 69 pages and almost 2000 messages)

(You don't need to though?? You don't need to read the entire chat to post lmao)

Deleted user

( @Iron_Soldier_Is_Struggling_But_OK you know there's already a chat for this, right? No need to make a new one :))

(yeah i know there's one, but i kinda dont want to sift through 69 pages and almost 2000 messages)

(You don't need to though?? You don't need to read the entire chat to post lmao)

(but im not wanting to post new ones im wanting to get ones)

@HighPockets group

( @Iron_Soldier_Is_Struggling_But_OK you know there's already a chat for this, right? No need to make a new one :))

(yeah i know there's one, but i kinda dont want to sift through 69 pages and almost 2000 messages)

(You don't need to though?? You don't need to read the entire chat to post lmao)

(but im not wanting to post new ones im wanting to get ones)

(So just read a few pages then?? Idk I just don't get why you'd start a whole new chat when there's a well-established one already)

Deleted user

( @Iron_Soldier_Is_Struggling_But_OK you know there's already a chat for this, right? No need to make a new one :))

(yeah i know there's one, but i kinda dont want to sift through 69 pages and almost 2000 messages)

(You don't need to though?? You don't need to read the entire chat to post lmao)

(but im not wanting to post new ones im wanting to get ones)

(So just read a few pages then?? Idk I just don't get why you'd start a whole new chat when there's a well-established one already)

(omigod i dont want to, ok? i dont get why you're so on me for this? it doesnt even affect you?)

@HighPockets group

( @Iron_Soldier_Is_Struggling_But_OK you know there's already a chat for this, right? No need to make a new one :))

(yeah i know there's one, but i kinda dont want to sift through 69 pages and almost 2000 messages)

(You don't need to though?? You don't need to read the entire chat to post lmao)

(but im not wanting to post new ones im wanting to get ones)

(So just read a few pages then?? Idk I just don't get why you'd start a whole new chat when there's a well-established one already)

(omigod i dont want to, ok? i dont get why you're so on me for this? it doesnt even affect you?)

(Jesus Christ, dude, calm down. All I was saying was that it was an easier alternative :/)

@HighPockets group

Kay: Um, whatcha got there?
Tabitha, hauling Ms. Dollon's dead body: …A smoothie.

Iam: Huh, you were actually telling the truth.
Oleander: I do that quite a lot, yet you people are always surprised.

Kay: What's a fish with no eyes called?
Kels: It's called an amblyopsidae.
Kay: Fsh.

@HighPockets group

Cora: Can we go out to get ice cream?
Beck: What did Dad say?
Cora: He said no.
Beck: Then why are you asking me?
Cora: Because he's not the boss of you.
Beck, internally: This is a trap this is a trap this is a trap-

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Brook: What's a fish with no eyes called?
Robin: It's called an amblyopsidae.
Brook: Fsh.

Usopp: closes the fridge door and hears stuff fall in it
Usopp: Well…sounds like a problem for the next person.

Deleted user

Alex: Can we go out to get ice cream?
Samantha: What did Dad say?
Alex: He said no.
Samantha: Then why are you asking me?
Alex: Because he's not the boss of you.
Samantha, internally: This is a trap this is a trap this is a trap-

Allison: What's a fish with no eyes called?
Azrael: It's called an amblyopsidae.
Allison: Fsh.

Allison: Huh, you were actually telling the truth.
Vozreal: I do that quite a lot, yet you people are always surprised.

Azrael: I will make you sorry you were ever born!
Rachel: Well for your information, I'm already sorry I was ever born!

Vozreal: I lost Allison!
Azrael: What? How?
Vozreal: Give me a break, she's like 2 inches tall.

Random Woman: You stole something from me when we met yesterday.
Vozreal: Sorry, I'll return your wallet.
Random Woman: You stole my hear- WAIT WHAT


sofi: can we go out to get ice cream?
cisco: what did mom say?
sofi: she said no
cisco: then why are you asking me?
sofi: because she's not the boss of you.
cisco: this is a trap this is a trap this is a trap-