forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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Varian: In my defence your honour, I simply do not vibe with the law.

Sana: How are you so calm?
Alune: I think I’m having two mental break downs at the same time and they're cancelling each other out.

Leaoni: I trusted you!
Frost: Why?

Sana: So what do you have planned for the future?
Leaoni: Lunch.
Sana: No, like long term.
Leaoni: Oh…um, dinner?

Varian: I'll have you know that I am a sweet treat. I am a fucking delight to be around, okay?

Alune: Hold this.
Leaoni: What is it?
Alune: I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important.

Leaoni: What has the universe ever done for you? Why would you wanna save it?
Varian: Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!

Leaoni: Would you shoot your best friend in the leg for ten million dollars?
Frost: Alune, you shoot me, and then, when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house and Range Rovers.
Alune: You can shoot me too, that way we get twenty million.
Frost: Good thinking, fuck the system.

Alune: Why do I have to be the bad guy?
Varian: I don’t know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.

Leaoni: I fucking love toast, what absolute genius took a bite of bread and was like “cook it again”, unreal.

Marcello: You told me you went camping!
Varian: Yeah, we were. It… it was in space.

Leaoni: How many fingers am I holding up?
Leaoni: Say two.
Kallai: Two?
Leaoni: Perfect!

Varian: You called the police before you called me?
Sana: I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body!?
Varian: YES.

Kallai: Varian's driving you mad, is he?
Zatian, holding a crossbow: Not for much longer.

Sana: I think it's nice that Alune feels comfortable enough to sleep with you guys around.
Varian: He looks so peaceful.
Leaoni, getting out a marker: And vulnerable.

Sana: Cut out the toxic people in your life!
Leaoni: Cut the toxic people in your life.
Frost: Cut toxic people.
Zatian: Cut people.
Sana: Why are you all like this?

Varian: Punch me in the face.
Alune: What?
Varian: Punch me in the face. Didn’t you hear me?
Alune: I always hear “punch me in the face” when you’re speaking, but it’s usually subtext.

@HighPockets group

Nich: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not vibe with the law.

Addie: How are you so calm?
Eliot: I think I’m having two mental break downs at the same time and they're cancelling each other out.

Percy: I am a fucking delight to be around, okay?

Kels: Hold this.
Kay: What is it?
Kels: I don't know. I'm hoping it's not important.

Christopher: What has the world ever done for you? Why would you want to save it?
Georgie: Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!

Talia: Why do I have to be the bad guy?
Vince: I don’t know, why am I the hot one? We all have our thing.

Geneva: You called the police before you called me?
Victor: I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body!?
Geneva: Yes!

Eliot: The Director is driving you mad, isn't she?
Sola, holding a crossbow: Not for much longer.

@Starfast group

Jackie: Give me the code, hoe.
Jackie: Omg what happened??
Holly: Bitch, that's the code.

Dallas: sorry I’m late I broke down on the way here
Ara: is your car working fine now?
Dallas: car?
Dallas: Ara, I don't have a car.

Crispin: Why are you sad?
Gerard: I don't know.
Crispin: So just for no reason?
Gerard Oh no there are plenty of reasons. I'm just not sure which one it is this time.

Frank: Tell me why there's a ten page essay on my desk why we should lock Crispin up?
Kit: I wanted to keep it brief

Calidor: Why do I have to be the bad guy?
Milo: I don’t know, why am I the hot one? We all have our thing.

Caleb: How are you so calm?
Gerard: I think I’m having two mental break downs at the same time and they're cancelling each other out.

Crispin: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not vibe with the law.

Milo: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not vibe with the law.

Savona: Cut out the toxic people in your life!
Keyla: Cut the toxic people in your life.
Calidor: Cut toxic people.
Milo: Cut people.
Garzlan: Why are you all like this?

Brian: Would you shoot your best friend in the leg for ten million dollars?
Holly: Jackie, you shoot me, and then, when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house and Range Rovers.
Jackie : You can shoot me too, that way we get twenty million.
Holly: Good thinking, fuck the system.

Garzlan: I know we don’t always see eye to eye on thi-
Milo: It’s because you’re short.

Andor: Tony the Tiger is our furry lord and savior. He died for our balanced breakfast
Ara:[loading gun] This is it. Today I kill you.

Andor, hugging a raccoon that doesn't know what's happening: We got Koala bears in Vancouver! :)

Ara to Andor: The human body has 7 trillion nerves and somehow, you manage to get on every single one of them

Ara: Do you ever think before you speak?
Andor: Yes. I think 'haha, that's funny', and then I say it.
this is like 90% of their conversations tbh

Milo: Accept your flaws, you’ll feel better. It worked for me.
Keyla: You’ve accepted your flaws?
Milo: No, I accepted yours.

Gerard: I will actually start sobbing, don’t test me.

Milo: Punch me in the face.
Keyla: Punch you?
Milo Yes, punch me in the face. Didn’t you hear me?
Keyla: I always hear “punch me in the face” when you’re speaking, but it’s usually subtext.

Milo: I hate the phrase “an eye for an eye.” If you take my eye, I will take both of your eyes and your dominant arm.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Jesse: Anything that comes out of your mouth is stupid!
Delphinia: Jesse.

Hex: Accept your flaws, you’ll feel better. It worked for me.
Jesse: You’ve accepted your flaws?
Hex: No, I accepted yours.

Delphinia: I will actually start sobbing, don’t test me.

Jesse: Punch me in the face.
Hex: Punch you?
Jesse: Yes, punch me in the face. Didn’t you hear me?
Hex: I always hear “punch me in the face” when you’re speaking, but it’s usually subtext.

Sybella: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not vibe with the law.

Jesse: How are you so calm?
Gracelyn: I think I’m having two mental breakdowns at the same time and they're cancelling each other out.

Gracelyn: Hex is driving you mad, isn't he?
Jesse, holding a crossbow: Not for much longer.

Sybella: What has the world ever done for you? Why would you want to save it?
Jesse: Because I'm one of the idiots who lives in it!

Gracelyn: I think it's nice that Jesse feels comfortable enough to sleep with you guys around.
Delphinia: He looks so peaceful.
Hex, getting out a marker: And vulnerable.

@LilMeme group

Eri: Cut out the toxic people in your life
Kage: Cut the toxic people in your life
Mikoto: Cut toxic people
Eri: Why are you all like this

Ran at graduation day: I hope you all end up unemployed and homeless

Mikoto: I don't play that bullshit, I play that gun shit for real

Kosuke with a gun: Fuck you, Kage, burn in hell.
Kage: Kosuke, what the hell-
Kosuke: I hate you.
Kage: I'll give you back your phone, Kernel Sanders-

Mikoto: On my side, I have facts, evidence, and reason. All Kage has is fear-mongering and lies.
Mikoto: My god. He's gonna win.

Hikari: Do you think Ai is a sadist?
Kage: Yes.
Hikari: Wow, there was no hesitation.

Kage: I never ask to suffer but I always do

Emiko: I'm Emiko Junjo, and I have no interest in you normies. If none of you are a god, angel, or demon, don't even bother talking to me

Mamoru: Wow, Your intellect is on a higher level than that of a normal humanoid
Kage: If that's the case our species is doomed to fail

Collin: if he breathes. HE"S A SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMP
Kage: Well by that logic you're a simp too
Collin:… Crap

Kage: Green
Emiko: (groans)
Kage: Green
Emiko: Oh come on! >:(
Kage: Green
Emiko: I CaLL FucKiNG hAcKS
Asumi: Emiko, No swearing
Emiko: I L L B E S A L T Y
Kage: Hahaha
Emiko: Shut up you emo
Kage: That is what you get
Emiko: (Demonic screeching)

(Playing Uno)
Asumi: Yellow
Kage: Asumi, you whore
Asumi: There is a child here, Kage
Kage:… Do you even know half the shit she says
Emiko: He's right, I can't argue with that

Asumi: I think it's nice that Collin feels comfortable enough to sleep with you guys around.
Unzari: He looks so peaceful.
Kage, getting out a marker: And vulnerable.

Kage: Accept your flaws, you’ll feel better. It worked for me.
Asumi: You’ve accepted your flaws?
Kage: No, I accepted yours.

Hikari: You can't escape me, glasses boy
Minato: Knock it off, will you
Hikari: I don't wanna

Unzari: Dad, can you not go killing everyone we know
Kosuke: Hmmm… I'll think about
Unzari: K thanks
Kosuke: I thought it about. how about no

Emiko: Hey rich girl, how's the mommy issues going
Minato: What the fuck Emiko

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Gracelyn: In times of trouble, I ask myself what Jesse would do. Then I do the exact opposite.

Sybella: You look trashy.
Delphinia: You look jealous.

Sybella: *accidentally starts a war*
Sybella: Hey Siri, how do I run a country?

Jesse: Alright, so I was thinking-
Hex: Aha! I thought I smelled something burning.

Delphinia: When have I ever done anything rash or irresponsible?
Hex: I keep a list. It's alphabetized.

Jesse: So here's the tea.
Gracelyn: For the last time, it's called a police report.
Jesse: Do you want the tea or not?

Jesse: Really not enjoying being one of the good guys this week! Really not!

Delphinia: Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads?
Jesse: Oh my gosh. I don't know. Go to sleep.

Gracelyn: Jesse, we need to talk about your professionalism.
Jesse, standing on a chair: Those are bold words for someone standing in lava.

Hex: I don't need breakfast. My body runs on pure rage alone.

Jesse: Delphinia, no.

@threesacult group

Anthony: In times of trouble, I ask myself what Cyrus would do.
Anthony: Then I do the exact opposite.

Karma: You look trashy.
Cyrus: You look jealous.

Anthony: Dallas, we need to talk about your professionalism.
Dally, standing on a chair: Those are bold words for someone standing in lava.

Quill: Do you think horses get songs stuck in their heads?
Anthony: Oh my god. I don't know. Go to sleep.

Cyrus: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not vibe with the law.

Dally: How are you so calm?
Quill: I think I’m having two mental break downs at the same time and they're cancelling each other out.

Anthony: Why do I have to be the bad guy?
Jack: I don’t know, why am I the hot one? We all have our thing.

Cyrus: You called the police before you called me?
Quill: I'm supposed to call you first when I find a dead body!?
Cyrus: Yes!

@HighPockets group

Beck: Sorry I’m late, I broke down on the way here.
Casey: Dude, is your car working fine now?
Beck: Car?
Beck: Casey, I don't have a car.

Fern: Why are you sad?
Huxley: I don't know.
Fern: So just for no reason?
Huxley: Oh no, there are plenty of reasons. I'm just not sure which one it is this time.

Marcus: Tell me why there's a ten page essay on my desk why we should lock Nich up?
Darius: I wanted to keep it brief.

Louis: In my defense, your majesty, I simply do not vibe with the monarchy.

Trinity: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for ten million dollars?
Louis: Carter, you stab me, and then, when my leg gets better, we buy whatever we wanr.
Carter : You can stab me too, that way we get twenty million.
Louis: Good thinking, fuck the system.

Tabitha: I hate the phrase “an eye for an eye.” If you take my eye, I will take both of your eyes and your dominant arm.

Deleted user

Arwood: In my defense, your honor, I simply do not vibe with the law.
Berthold: Ladios is crying. What do I do?
Felman: Comfort him.
Berthold: How do I do that?
Felman: Start with hugs!
Berthold: With what?
Tournour: holding Ladios’ bow over his head.
Ladios: Give it back! That’s not fair, you’re all giant, and stupid!
Tournour: What did Arwood say about name-calling?
Ladios: That it’s the best distraction tact to make your enemies mad so they lose!
Tournour: …..What does Lady Thilah say about it?
Ladios: muttering Not to.
Ladios: You have…a face.
Thea: Yes, I do.
Ladios: I mean, a nice face. You have a nice face.
Thea: Thanks, I think.
Ladios: Please accept my attempts at flirting. I don’t know what I’m doing.
Ladios (to Thilah): You realize that by marrying Arwood, you are technically adopting Thea and me?
Thilah: laughs
Arwood: He’s not joking.
Felman: I just need you to stay calm, okay?
Berthold: Yeah, I'm just gonna stay angry. I find that relaxes me
Thea: What's the plan?
Jedrek: We ride around the lake on horseback. It takes three times longer and it’s twice as much effort as taking the boat.
Thea: But why don't we just take the boat?
Ladios: We voted.
Tournour: Yeah, we all voted boat, and Arwood voted horseback, so we're doing horseback.
Thea: …
Arwood: What are you? Twelve?
Kale: On a scale of one to ten, yeah.
Ladios and Kale are in jail
Ladios: So who should we call?
Kale: I’d call Arwood but I feel safer in jail.
Tournour: I’m taller.
Ladios: I’m cuter.
Tournour: That’s not even-
Ladios: People prefer dogs, not giraffes.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Azami: In my defense Your Honor, I simply do not vibe with the law.

Luffy: How are you so calm?
Law: I think I’m having two mental breakdowns at the same time and they're cancelling each other out.

Law: So, what do you have planned for the future?
Luffy: Lunch.
Law: No, like long term.
Luffy: Oh…um, dinner?

Perona: I'll have you know that I am a sweet treat. I am a fucking delight to be around, okay?

Nami: Would you shoot your best friend in the leg for ten million beli?
Azami: Lu, you shoot me, and then, when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass island and another ship.
Luffy: You can shoot me too, that way we get twenty million.
Azami: Good thinking, fuck the system.

Bartolomeo: Why do I have to be the bad guy?
Cavendish: I don’t know, why am I the pretty one? We all have our thing.

Luffy: I love toast, what absolute genius took a bite of bread and was like “cook it again”, unreal.
Sanji: …

Azami: Sanji's driving you mad, is he?
Zoro, unsheathing his swords: Not for much longer.

@LilMeme group

Hikari: Oh, there's no need to bother with such trifles, We should simply make ourself conformable and I̘̊ W̗̾IL͇͍̬̬͛̀̋̀L͇̟͋́ ̝́W̛͖͖͖̫͗̋̈À͚T̰̯͂̾Ć̗̻̳͆̏Ḫ̢̦̱̃̌̔̇ ̛͙͓̉Y̮͈̣̑̓́Ȍ̪Ű̱̹̍ ̠̻̭͋̑̊͘͢Ḅ̖̣́͂̅U̫̅R̬̮̗͓̮̋̿͂̇͡N̲̞̹̏͊͌- adapt to our environment- Y̼͚̟̭͓͒͊̎̓͘Ő̪̼̇̏̽͜͟U͖̘̠͚̐͊̈̚R͇͉̙̼̀́͗͘ ̛̹͖̭̋̃D̝͓̠̀̓̚A̛͓̫̻̍͠Ỳ͎̥͠Ş̲͇̬̐͋͊͘ ͍̈́Ą͞R̯̈́E ̭͎́͡Ṅ̺̗͝U͍͔͆̈́M̧̰̻͋̉̕B͎̺͚͓̤̈͋̆͠͝E̦̪͊̆R̭͖͠͡Ẽ̱D̡͓̞̆̉͌
Kage: Uh
Emiko: Hehe

Eri: Hey, can you lend me some money?

Mikoto: Ah! Social Interaction! G-g-get it away from me

Unzari: If I had to guess, I say you were an avid fan of niche pornography
Kage: WHAT!?
Unzari: Ah, My suspicions are confirmed. Most interesting will take note for future reference

Kotone after being arrested: I ain't drop anything but school but when I come back yall hoes going being dropping left and right. Casket business about to be booming. Better start counting your days and your minutes…

Kosuke to Kotone: My middle finger gets a boner every time it sees you

@threesacult group

Quill: Sorry I’m late, I broke down on the way here.
Dally: Dude, is your car working fine now?
Quill: Car?
Quill: Dally, I don't have a car.

Quill: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for ten million dollars?
Cyrus: Dally, you stab me, and then, when my leg gets better, we buy whatever we want.
Dally: You can stab me too, that way we get twenty million.
Cyrus: Good thinking. Fuck the system.

Jack: I hate the phrase “an eye for an eye.” If you take my eye, I will take both of your eyes and your dominant arm.

@HighPockets group

Kels: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a worse plan.
Kay: We attack the Director with hummus.
Kels: I stand corrected
Kay: Just keeping things in perspective!

Addie: I don’t understand why people need to drink or party in order to have fun. Have you tried mac and cheese and reading a good book?

Pietyr: What are you doing?
Kay: Mocking you.
Pietyr: Alright, normally I would be angry but I admire your honesty.

Imogen: It would help if we all showed up looking like a loving, supportive class.
Tabitha: For how long?
Imogen: 10 minutes, maximum.
Kels: See if you can get it down to five.

Kay: You know, I once had a plant that died.
Kels: Please don't compare my father to your plant.

Kels: Yield or die.
Ilsa: Just, take it down to like…a seven.
Kels: Yield or else.


Alexa: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a worse plan.
Thomas: We attack my mom with hummus.
Alexa: I stand corrected
Thomas: Just keeping things in perspective!

Anastasia: I don’t understand why people need to drink or party in order to have fun. Have you tried mac and cheese and reading a good book?

Alexa: What are you doing?
Thomas: Mocking you.
Alexa, accidentally adopting a kid: Alright, normally I would be angry but I admire your honesty.

Alexa: You know, I once had a plant that died.
Thomas: Please don't compare my short life span to your plant.

Alexa: Yield or die.
Anastasia: Just, take it down to like…a seven.
Alexa: Yield or else.

@LilMeme group

Collin: True friends don't judge each other
Hanaki & Collin: They judge other people together

Hikari: What should I get at IHOP
Emiko: Killed
Kage: A Goth
Minato: A Hamburger
Hikari:… On second thought I'm going to Outback

Kage sees a dead body: Okay, first of all, big mood

Hikari after trying to bond with Kage: I'm not going to no hospital! Hospitals are for rich people and my (Japanese equivalent to Obamacare) ain't kicked in yet

Hikari: You know what, You don't deserve my big Toblerone

Ai: I'm being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No.


Death is Sad - Asumi Himawari, 20XX

Hikari: Didn't you die
Kotone: Yes but I lived

After Kage uses the happiness machine
Kage: That's a lot of porn and video games
Asumi: That's depressing
Kage: Yeah, I'm a fucking mess

Emiko: I don't need breakfast. My body runs on pure pride alone.

Unzari: No offense, but a waiter could literally murder me, and I’d still tip 20%.
Kage: I would actually tip more if they murdered me. That's great customer service.

Hikari: Why are you sad?
Kage: I don't know.
Hikari: So just for no reason?
Kage Oh no there are plenty of reasons. I'm just not sure which one it is this time.

Asumi: How are you so calm?
Kage: I think I’m having two mental breakdowns at the same time and they're canceling each other out.

Asumi: Don't worry I can save you
Kage: Please don't

@HighPockets group

Eliot: True friends don't judge each other.
Eliot and Tabitha: They judge other people together.

Joan: I'm being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No.

Oleander: I don't need breakfast. My body runs on pure pride alone.

@Williamnot group

Felix: Alright, hear me out, you let me try your sword once…
Austin: No.
Felix: Or I get to tell Mel you cried when Jarrod accidentally called you son.
Austin: That didn’t happen.
Felix: Ok, but can I swoosh the sword.

Felix: Tell me, Austin, are you secretly a crackhead?
Austin: Why, did my constant lack of energy tip you off?

Felix: Punch me in the face.
Jarrod: Punch you?
Felix: Yes, punch me in the face. Didn’t you hear me?
Jarrod: I always hear “punch me in the face” when you’re speaking, but it’s usually subtext.

Felix: We’re playing scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Austin: I don't really like scrabble, but it's never been a nightmare.
Felix: It is when you’re playing with Jarrod. He puts words like ‘ephemeral,’ and I put ‘dog.’

Austin: I hate the phrase “an eye for an eye.” If you take my eye, I will take both of your eyes and your dominant arm.

Austin: When I say I’m “feral” it doesn’t always mean I’m angry. Maybe, I’m impulsive and if you give me food, you’ll earn my trust and I’ll follow you around.

Jarrod: Guys, I can't find Felix
Austin: Good

Felix: I don't like Jarrod
Austin: He bought you McDonald and you acted like he took you to a five star restaurant

Mel: Austin, can you go to bed at a fucking reasonable time please.
Austin: Hmmm… I'll think about it
Mel: Okay, good
Austin: I thought it about. how about no

Felix: Hey gayass how's the daddy issues going
Mel: What the fuck

Felix: I don't play that bullshit, I play that gun shit for real

@HighPockets group

Jackson: Tell me, Gen, are you secretly a crackhead?
Geneva: Why, did my constant lack of energy tip you off?

Jackson: Punch me in the face.
Geneva: Punch you?
Jackson: Yeah, punch me in the face. Didn’t you hear me?
Geneva: I always hear “punch me in the face” when you’re speaking, but it’s usually subtext.

Geneva: We’re playing scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Morgan: I don't really like scrabble, but it's never been a nightmare.
Geneva: It is when you’re playing with Victor. He puts words like ‘ephemeral,’ and I put ‘dog.’

Eleanor: Guys, I can't find Georgie!
Gabriel: Good.

@threesacult group

Quill: I don’t understand why people need to drink or party in order to have fun. Have you tried mac and cheese and reading a good book?

Jack: What are you doing?
Azazel: Mocking you.
Jack: Alright, normally I would be angry, but I appreciate your honesty.

Love: We’re playing scrabble. It’s a nightmare.
Jack: I don't really like scrabble, but it's never been a nightmare.
Love: It is when you’re playing with Emmett. He puts words like ‘ephemeral,’ and I put ‘dog.’

Cyrus: Guys, I can't find Dally!
Anthony: Good.

Dally: You know, I once had a plant that died.
Quill: Please don't compare my dad to your plant.

Dally: True friends don't judge each other.
Dally and Cyrus: They judge other people together.

Cop: We got a call that you had pot in your car.
Cyrus, pulling out a flower pot: Oh, you mean this?
Cop: My mistake, what are ya growing?
Cyrus: Weed

Emmett: Why are 20-year-olds so sad? Are…are you guys okay?
Cyrus: Absolutely not.
Anthony: Help me.

Dally: So, how is the most beautiful person in the world doing today?
Anthony: I don’t know. How are yo-
Jack: Emmett’s doing great, thanks for asking

Cyrus: A cute girl told me she had lots of plants in her house and I told her, for some fucking reason, "damn, the oxygen at your place must be mad crisp," and somehow still got her number. So chase your dreams, kids, nothing is impossible apparently

Dally: No one really cares what I think. Sometimes Anthony will say "what do you think you're doing!?"
Dally: But that just means stop.
Dally: He doesn’t actually wanna know my thought process.

Quill: God, Azzi, sometimes I can’t stand you! I really, really want to punch you in the face right now.
Azazel, eating chips: So does everyone else I’ve ever met. Get in line, bitch, you ain’t special


Kallai: Remind me again how you both got arrested?
Varian: I don’t know! We didn’t do anything wrong!
Leaoni: When the police pulled us over, he asked "papers?" and Varian replied with "scissors" and drove off.
Varian: You snitch!

Madam Margo: Out of my way, I'm a mom making a difference!

Kallai: Don't jump to conclusions.
Frost: I'm jumping. I've jumped. I've landed.

Alune: I think Leaoni is taking Varian's disappearance really well.
Leaoni: (screams and punches a hole in the wall)

Sana, texting Frost advice: A good romance starts with a good friendship.
Frost: A bad romance starts with "rah rah ah ah ah, ro ma ma ga ga, ooh la la".

Zatian: That goes against my moral compass.
Kallai: Your moral compass is a roulette wheel.

A kitten: [touches Sana with its small paw]
Sana: [eyes tearing up] Thank you

Varian: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Kallai: What? Why?
Varian: Alune's not here and he's like 90% of my impulse control.

Sana: So, when do you usually fall asleep?
Alune, downing another cup of coffee: Whenever I collapse next is purely up to the gods.

Kallai: What's going on with you?
Alune: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I'm better than everyone else.

Varian: I just saw Frost crying in the library for five or six minutes and then his phone alarm went off and he just?? stopped crying?? and went right on back to work???
Kallai: It's called time management.

Sana: Something brought you here! Call it fate, destiny-
Kallai: A horse.
Sana: - so I have made the decision to trust you.
Kallai: A horrible decision, really.

Leaoni, banging on the door: OPEN UP!
Varian: Well, it all started back when I was a child-
Leaoni: I meant open the door!

Leaoni: Attention everyone! Since there are children here (gestures to Miran) Alune has banned all swearing.
Varian: Heck
Leaoni: What the fuck did I just say?
Leaoni: Shit.

Miran: (screams)
Varian: (screams louder to establish dominance)
Alune: Should we…stop them?
Leaoni: Nah, I want to see who wins.

Alune: I'm feeling the spirit of Christmas welling up inside me.
Alune: Or maybe that's vomit.

Kallai: Frost, we need to talk about your professionalism.
Frost, standing on a chair: Those are bold words for someone standing in lava.

Varian: (accidentally starts a war)
Varian: Hey Siri, how do I run a country?

@HighPockets group

Oberon: Don't jump to conclusions.
Titania: I'm jumping. I've jumped. I've landed.

Addie: I think Kels is taking Tabitha's disappearance really well.
Kels: Screams and punches a hole in the wall

Henry: A good romance starts with a good friendship.
Jackson: A bad romance starts with "rah rah ah ah ah, ro ma ma ga ga, ooh la la".

Tabitha: That goes against my moral compass.
Eliot: Your moral compass is a roulette wheel.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Nami: Remind me again how you both got caught?
Luffy: I don’t know! We didn’t do anything wrong!
Usopp: When the Marine stopped us, he asked "papers?" and Luffy replied with "scissors" and ran off.
Luffy: You snitch!

Sanji: Don't jump to conclusions.
Zoro: I'm jumping. I've jumped. I've landed.

Bartolomeo: That goes against my moral compass.
Cavendish: Your moral compass is a roulette wheel.

Luffy: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Rayleigh: What? Why?
Luffy: Nami's not here and she's like, 90% of my impulse control.

Bartolomeo: What's going on with you?
Cavendish: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I'm better than everyone else.

Law: Attention everyone! Since there are children here gestures to Jax I've banned all swearing.
Shachi: Heck.
Law: What the fuck did I just say?
Law: Shit.

Sanji: screams
Zoro: screams louder to establish dominance
Nami: Should we…stop them?
Usopp: Nah, I want to see who wins.

Sengoku: Garp, we need to talk about your professionalism.
Garp, standing on a chair: Those are bold words for someone standing in lava.

Deleted user

Interviewer: So, what's it like being around your cast members so often?
Felman: It's really all like… one big, dysfunctional family. Individually, we're all so weird and different and there are times where we can't stand each other because of that. But there's no doubt that we love each other just as much as a family would.
Thea: You really like that family idea. What are we, the children?
Berthold: Ladios is our innocent baby bro who must be protected at all costs.
Ladios: Berthods that sibling who makes us all want to pull out our hair!
Kale: In that case, I claim the title as everyone’s uncle. No take-backs.
Thea: I would assume that Thilah is the mother in our group?
Ladios: Then that makes Arwood team dad!
Arwood: You're all grounded.
Berthold: What?
Arwood: Grounded.
Kale: Even me?
Arwood: You are especially grounded!

@HighPockets group

Imogen: Remind me again how you both got caught?
Kay: I don’t know! We didn’t do anything wrong!
Addie: When Pietyr stopped us, he asked "papers?" and Kay replied with "scissors" and ran off.
Kay: You snitch!

Eliot: Don't jump to conclusions.
Kels: I'm jumping. I've jumped. I've landed.

Kay: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Imogen: What? Why?
Kay: Addie's not here and she's like, 90% of my impulse control.

Imogen: What's going on with you?
Tabitha: I have this weird self-esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I'm better than everyone else.