forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@threesacult group

Quill: So apparently the ‘bad vibes’ I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress.’

Dally: WE ARE ADULTS?!?!

The Sandman: Can I see you in my office?
Azazel, putting on a camo jacket: You can try.

Anthony: Have you heard from Quill?
Cyrus: I'm sure everything is fine. We left her with Jack.
Anthony: Those two sentences don't go together.

Karma: Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Quill: We're playing racquetball?


Dally: WE ARE ADULTS?!?!


@HighPockets group

Jackson: So apparently the ‘bad vibes’ I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress.’

The Director: Can I see you in my office?
Kels, putting on a camo jacket: You can try.

@LilMeme group

Kage: I'll stomp one of yall bitches out
Emiko: How you going stomp a bitch out with some yeezys, you need to put on some timbs

Hanaki: How he your man and he watching pokemon with me

Hikari: I guess you can call me woke, I haven't slept in days

Why flirt when there's life alert
You need to stop doing this

Asumi: Howdy partner the sun sets early
Kage: So does my will to live

Kage to Asumi: You surprisingly suck less than everyone else
Asumi:… Thanks

Unzari trying to cheer Kage: Let's both get nice bodies and break as many hot guy's hearts we can

Hikari during the Kami Game: I'm glad I came to school S C R A P P E D

Collin: Save me, internet

Asumi: Who knew Collin was a gamer
Kage: Let me get this straight, How is the supposed embodiment of charity also a gamer who spends his time online
Collin playing cooking mama

Asumi: Meet Kage, He cries when he wanks
Unzari: I see, he's a man of culture

Kage: Dawg, This is the fucking collector edition
Nono: Whatever collect your shit and dip

Ran: You thought you were dipping and dodging on those payments
Eri: Bitch yes

Kosuke: I stopped someone from getting kidnapped
Unzari: How?
Kosuke: Self-control
Unzari: ._.

@threesacult group

Karma: I stopped someone from getting kidnapped today.
Emmett: Really? How?
Karma: Self-control.

Quill: I guess you can call me woke, I haven't slept in days

@HighPockets group

Talia: So apparently the ‘bad vibes’ I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress.’


Julianna: Can I see you in the throne room?
Therese, putting on a camo jacket: You can try.

Joan: Have you heard from Samuel?
Nell: I'm sure everything is fine. We left him with Therese and Nich.
Joan: Those two sentences don't go together.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Hex: I stopped someone from getting kidnapped today.
Delphinia: Really? How?
Hex: Self-control.

Jesse: I guess you can call me woke, I haven't slept in days

Sybella: Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Gracelyn: We're playing racquetball?

Gracelyn: We need a distraction, one of you needs to go out there and scream and jump wildly.
Delphinia, cracking her knuckles: My time has come.

Jesse: *bursts into the room and slams the door shut, clearly panicked*
Gracelyn: What's happened? What did you do?

@LilMeme group

Kage: Your life can't fall apart if you never had it together

Hanaki: What's wrong with the world
Kage: What's right with it

Collin: I like to make grown-up choices
picking a prize at the fair
Collin: Marshmallow or Snake plushie? …… This is too hard

Asumi after realizing Kosuke was Kage's ex: not only is that a violation of health, that's a violation of human decency

Ran To Kosuke: You're ugly, You're disgusting, I'm going to kill you, give me 200 dollars

Hikari after Kage joins Asumi in dismantling the Kami Game: That's not very cash money of you

Kage: Death is just one little word but, when you hear it, it turns your whole life upside down.
Minato: Woah, that's deep

Kage: I did die once for eight seconds

Kage: Asumi belongs to me [pause] by that I mean I'm his protector, not like he's my property or anything

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Jesse: Yall, we're being the white college kids in a horror movie right now.
Gracelyn: Yeah, but none of them have ever had a knife!
Jesse: Why do you have a knife?!
Delphinia: Because she's better at hand-to-hand combat so I take the crossbow.

Delphinia: I'll do anything for you!
Jesse: Then perish.

Jesse: Why is there blood on you?
Hex: I may have aggressively poked someone with a knife.
Hex: No, I aggressively poked them with a knife.

Gracelyn: You can't fight an entire room of people, you have to pick your battles.
Hex: Well I'm full of rage and I pick them all!

Jesse: Let's blame Hex!
Gracelyn: Yes!
Delphinia: Alright, on the count of three. One, two, three…
Jesse, Gracelyn, & Delphinia: Hex's fault!

Gracelyn: What are you doing?
Jesse: I'm confronting the person who ruined my life.
Gracelyn: You're yelling at a mirror.
Jesse: Your point?

@Williamnot group

Joseph: Which of you is in charge?
Jarrod: Usually just whoever screams the loudest.

Jarrod: Have you heard from Em?
Austin: I'm sure everything is fine. We left her with Kay.
Jarrod: Those two sentences don't go together.

Felix: Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Jarrod: We're playing Monopoly.

Jarrod: We need a distraction, one of you needs to go out there and just blow shit up or something
Felix, cracking their knuckles: My time has come.

Felix: Bursts into the room and slams the door shut, clearly panicked
Jarrod: What's happened? What did you do?
(He set the kitchen on fire again)

Felix: I was arrested for being too cool ;)
Jarrod: And the charges were dropped because there was no supporting evidence.

Austin: I'm going to play a song for you. It's called My Life So Far. [takes deep breath] AAAAHHHHH

Em: Did it hurt when you fell?
Felix: From Heaven? Nah.
Austin: No, when you fell down the stairs and just kinda laid there for five minutes.
Jarrod: We all saw that.

Jarrod: Can I see you in my study?
Felix, putting on a camo jacket: You can try.

Austin: So apparently the ‘bad vibes’ I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress.’

Felix: I'M AN ADULT?!?!

Felix: Hows he your man when hes watching pokemon with me

Austin: I guess you can call me woke, I haven't slept in days

Felix: Why flirt when there's life alert
Jarrod: You need to stop doing this

Mel: Yeah, the night ends early in the summer. As usual.
Austin: So does my will to live
(Mel: WHy do you do this to me)

Austin after knowing Mel for like a day: You surprisingly suck less than everyone else
Mel: …Thanks

Felix trying to cheer up Jarrod: Let's both break as many hot guy's hearts we can

Austin: Save me, internet

Jarrod: Meet Felix, He cries when he wanks. Please don't ask how I know.
Austin picking up a bat: There's only room for one depressed bitch in this family and that's me now.

Austin: I stopped someone from getting murdered
Mel: How?
Austin: Self-control

Mel: Your life can't fall apart if you never had it together
(Austin: (I'm so proud of you)

Jarrod: What's wrong with the world
Felix: What's right with it

Felix to Austin: You're ugly, You're disgusting, I'm going to kill you, give me 200 dollars

Austin: Death is just one little word but, when you hear it, it turns your whole life upside down.
Mel: Do you need to talk?

Felix: I did die once for eight seconds
Jarrod: Yeah, I was pissed at you
Felix: For dying?
Jarrod: For living

Austin: Em belongs to me [pause] by that I mean I'm her protector, not like she's my property or anything

@Williamnot group

Quill: So apparently the ‘bad vibes’ I’ve been feeling are actually ‘severe psychological distress.’



Rolan: why are you naked?
Yuzu: Uh
Yuzu: I'm out of clothes?
Rolan: opens closet You have pants, shirts, hello drew, three extra gaudy belts…

Drew: Which of you is in charge?
Archie: Usually just whoever screams the loudest.

Rolan: Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Katana: We're playing softball.

Yuzu: I was arrested for being too cool ;)
Drew: And the charges were dropped because there was no supporting evidence.

Yuzu: Did it hurt when you fell?
Rolan: From Heaven? Nah.
Yuzu: No, when you fell down the stairs and just kinda laid there for five minutes.
Archie: We all saw that.

@HighPockets group

Gabriel: Some of you may die, but that's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.
Georgie: We're playing Monopoly.

Beck: Death is just one little word but, when you hear it, it turns your whole life upside down.
Marisol: Do you need to talk?

Cordelia: I did die once for eight seconds.
Gabriel: Yeah, I was pissed at you.
Cordelia: For dying?
Gabriel: For living.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Sophie: Dawg, This is the fucking collector edition
Bonita: Whatever collect your shit and dip

Skylar: Tony the Tiger is our furry lord and savior. He died for our balanced breakfast

Colton: Would you like a juice box, Elijah
Elijah: Elijah's not here, Mister Colton, Only Hunter now
Colton: Ok, would Hunter like a juicebox
Hunter!Elijah: Yes

Matthew: So as I saying about Sophie, I drew this
Pulls out a picture of him and Sophie
Matthew: How'd you feel about it. Hang on the fridge material. Do you ship us, Elliott
Elliott: Uhhhh….

Kosuke: Stop saying I look like Sangwoo, he's dumb and he's a coward
Kosuke: and I am not a coward

Felix: Sees Skylar, Cleo, Theo, and Elliott
Felix: God, you are eight of the four fucking kids Felix had the misfortune of laying my eyes on, Felix can't wait for this cat to kill you

Terry: "Hey, at least I pretend to be nice to people!
Sophie: "Yeah, whatev… wait, pretend?

Tsumi: There, was that so hard? Frigging drama queen
Bonita: You tried to kill me! I say this is an appropriate amount of drama
Tsumi: It's not like the first time that happened
Bonita: That doesn't make it better

Matthew: Daddy's girl, eh, I can be your daddy

Hunter: Look Elijah, you can become either an accomplice or you can become a ninth victim

Jax to life: Like ma'am, I'm not the fucking one today, I'm not in a good fucking mood, My body is sore, Please back up out of my face

Tyler: Man, sure is lovely out
William: Ah
Tyler: Ah
Tyler: Could say the same thing about you, pal
William: Were you watching us
Tyler: Little bit
William: You sick son of bitch

Micheal: These are my frieds, they're a bunch of crazy people they're a menace to themselves, me, and innocent bystanders

Charlie: Why? Why do think, Charlie because they're following us that's why
Sophie: You're not really clear on who, though
Kelly: All of them, Everyone. THECOPS! UNDERWORLD! THE ILLUMANTI! THEY'RE TOTALLY REAL AND THEY'RE WACTHING US! iknowbecausetumblrtoldme
Charlie: Oh god who let her on tumblr

Lucas: All these ghosts and I still can't find a boo

Amberly: Bish, I'm washing me and my clothes

Blevin's stepmom: Blevin, why do you want to go to the ball
Blevin: Because mother ball is life

Lucas: So change of plans I'm not going to college, I'm going to hell, Yeah I'm not excited

Noelle: Say what I am, Say if you know what I am
Sophie: A bitch

Vampire King: So my stepdaughter who was allegedly killed by my daughter after I told her to, just sent me this
Noelle: I lived bitch

Lucas: Dad, there's a ghost in my room
Lucien: There no such thing as-
Camilla: SO I"M NOT HERE
Lucien OH MY GOD
Camilla: OH MY GOD

Lucas: I just got done microwaving beans but little do I know I accidentally left them in the can and now
~My motherfricking house burned down (house burned down) and I don't have anywhere to live(Where to live)~

Logan(shaking his guardian): Miss, Miss
Logan's guardian:………………………..
Logan: OMFG She fucking ded

Sophie: open door
Amberly(in the tub): I wanna go where the people are~ (spots Sophie) HEY GET OUT

Noelle: Dafuq I look like crying over some human that doesn't want me, when I can be mouth harassing a hamburger

Vampire king seeing Lucas trying to escape: You're moving my border
Lucas: Well I'm Mexican (Escapes with Scarlet plays harmonica in the background)

Charlie: I heard everyone posting it's nation sex day but the only thing I'm fucking is stupid and only thing fucking me is life, So

Sophie: We got Koala bears in Michigan =)

Blevinstands up a skeleton: Steve is taking first baby steps look him go
Noelle: Yo what the fuck up kyle {punches the skeleton}
Blevin: {cries in werewolf}

Amberly: read Amberly out, Huh what do they know I run this clubhouse Misco MUSCA

Janice: This day can't get any goddamn worst, Oh fuck
Alex: Well hello Janice
Janice: I haven't seen you in 8 years and you still look like a slut

Jane: To all those people saying they're going through something, JUST GO AROUND IT, IT'S NOT THAT HARD

Jane: Mom can we stop at Mcdonalds
Janice: I'm making food at home
Jane: I hate this fucking family>={

Alex: Hey, don't you sell drugs
Elise: Not anymore, I plan to be a better mother for my son
Alex: Bitch, fuck your son, I want my drugs

Sophie: Hey can I get a sip of that water
Jax: It's not water
Sophie Vodka, I like your style
Jax: It's vinegar >=}

Jacob cradling Alex:He' dead
Jax: …Not the dickhead, What am I supposed to say

Micheal:Where the hell are you
Sophie: You told me to go to the supermarke-

Alice (to Jane): We're best friend, If I'm dying your dying with me, ain't no choice

Jax<following Janice with fox sprite powers: Mom it doesn't hurt that much it's a BB gun, For real, Mom can we just talk

Mavis: Fuck you, dad, burn in hell
Alex: Jacob What the hell
Mavis: I hate you
Alex: I'll give you back your vape pen

Sophie: Backstreet Back alright
Drunk!Jax: Doh doh doh doh

Elliot: What do we want
Elise: An heartfelt ending to this vine
Elliot: Wait. Mom?
Elise: That's right, I'm home

I'm driving
Sophie: Shotgun
M&S: Whoa whoa whoa
Elliot: No I found a shotgun clicks gun and I want the front seat

Matthew to Sophie: My heart bleeds black blood for you and it's like a lock that can never be unchained

Skylar:: yOu GoT tHe LiMo oUt fRoNt OwOaH
Skylar's parents: MOAR PASSION
Skylar: HoTtEsT sTylEs

cue ugly-ass cake
Matthew: I love how this cake is cut
Theo: I'm gonna knock you on your ass

Cleo: Hi welcome to chili's
throws glass

(During a battle)
Matthew: I want to believe you're a Libra but you're acting like a Gemini
Elliott: Don't signshame me!

Matthew**chasing a cat in cat mode: Kitty? Why do you run from me? I want to sing you a song! hElLO lIttLE kItTy WhY TF R U rUnNiNg

Dawn: How'd you do on the driving test
Cleo: I fucking failed it XD
Dawn: Like with everything else in your life
Cleo: yeAh

Theo:P-Polar Bear Polar Bear Polar Bear
Theo: The polar bears are dying
Cleo: Yeah
Theo: The Ice caps are melting, human are depleting all the natural supplies

Felix(see that Mat, Eli, Sky, Theo and Cleo are infected): What's going on? YALL ARE GOING TO JAIL! PEEEEEROIDT

Matthew: You got to stop letting people walk all over you
Elliott:(being stepped on) Ooookkk

Skylar: Holy shit, *walks up to a red car with an Cars eyes windshield** Is that Ryan Williams from Disney Pixar's Cars

Mia: Matthew, why are you asking all these questions
Matthew: Well I'm making a list of everyone's favorite sport and then I'm going to watch play those sports
Mia That's nice, Yoga Matt
Matthew: And then when I watched you for a long time, I'll learn your weaknesses, and then I'll challenge you to a game then I'll beat you so BAD and become KING OF SPORTS FOR ALL OF ETERNITY
Laughs in yandere

Marrionette: I have no soul, Have no soul have a nice day
William: I don't have one either

Tyler: All bitches listen up cause I'm the memelord now

Mason: Hi there, I'm Mason and I am nice and normal
Lucas: In the father, son, and holy fist
Mason: I beg your pardon
Lucas one punches Mason into space

Micheal: Stop it get some help

Duke: You're all going to hell bye

Charlie: Mason, Matthew, Please violence is never the solution
(Gets punched by Mason) Enough with nonviolence I AM ON YOU LIKE STRIPES ON A TIGER

Micheal: Look she fell asleep mid huntiing, I'll wake her (walks up to Sophie) sOpHiE!!!

Crystal: For my sweetie
Matthew: You call me sweetie again and you're going to be eating some knuckles
Chrystal: So you're not taking the gift
Matthew: Oh I'm taking the gifts

William: I look at all your enthusiastic faces and I think to myself… I hate my life

Theo: (Throws a piece of cheese on a sleeping Eri)
Cleo (Eats the cheese calmly)
Theo: I H A T E Y O U

{After Charlie got hit by a truck}
Charlie(fully healed): Hey =}
Sophie: Hey =)… Wut O_o

Dawn: Now you've joined a gang, we gotta give you a nickname
Charlie: Lil-
Dawn: S P R I N K L E S, Imma call you sprinkles

Kelly(probably to Everyone): If you fucking put a hand on me, imma fucking rip ur face off bitch
Dawn: What did he do
Kelly: Cause he fucking pushed me

Hasuko: Alright son, let out a big roar
Charlie: A S T E R I S K S R A W R A S T E R I S K S XD

Claire: At this dumbass school with these fake ass people
Aaron: Hey
Claire: Hey…Fucking bitch

Charlie(looking at Elijah's table): I wish that I can be like the cool kids
Elijah:flips him off
Charlie: cuz the cool kids <={

Darrell: Road work ahead… Yeah I sure hope it does

Terry: That is not correct because in the encyclopedia of jrfhufndkvbruefjjbfhejswjc

(At the Wellness Club meeting)
Tori: Hi welcome to chili's

Terry: Ask my friends they'll say I'm the nicest BUT IF UR IN MOTHERFREAKING ISIS

Sophie: I've been thinking of doing some magic
Emma: Magic, Sophie, It says talent

Claire: Look what you did to my peonies
Darrell: Good god you're right

Darrell: These pens are so cute
Aaron: Darrell that's gay
Darrell: Aaron, we've been dating for six months

Terry: Not to be racist but I love goat cheese
Tori: That's not even racist

Charlie(singing while playing piano): I hate myself, oh I hate myself

Eri: So tell us something about yourself
Kage: Hi, my name is Kage, I hate everyone in here, especially Emiko, She's a whore

Micheal: Oh my god, stop killing me
Concerned Sophie walks in

Insato: This my assistant, Tsuyoi-yells at TsuyoiWRITE THIS SHIT DOWN- she does all the things I don't want to
Insato:Pushes paper in Tsuyoi's face Do it hetero

Ava: You are unattractive in the facial region, you are father's offspring because he is ugly as well

Gaki: Now that the others are dead and rested, we can be together forever!
Insato:Reachs about to Gaki about to pet him but strangles him instead
Insato: You keep talking about "We", I A I N T N E V E R F U K W I T N I N T E N D O

Muda: Wait I can't live without you
Insato… Then die

Insato: if he breathes. HE"S A THOOOOOOOOT
Sophie and Insato engage in a sword duel as Ava, Valerie, Bonita, and Matthew stand befuzzled

Valerie: Check out this missing phone I got
Claire: Wait's that bad luck
Valerie: Chill out
Insato:Crawls from phone WHO SUMMONED ME!?!?!?!

Valerie: WUT R U DOING
Muyo crushes a phone killing Tsuyoi
Valerie: Confused screaming

Sophie: Mom, do we have a flash drive
Stephanie: Why do you need a flash drive
Sophie: Fighting off escaped anime characters

Alvis: Stop saying I look like Reiji, he' s dumb and he's a coward AND I AM NOT A COWARD!

Gaki: Yo Pharroh, look at this god body
Tsumi walks in

Insato drinks vodka and spits it out
Insato: Fuck em all

Insato: wow

Sophie: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Ava
Bonita: I do
Sophie: I know Bonnie
Bonita: I'm sad :{
Sophie: I know Bonnie

Ava walks to a tree while Renai Circulation is blaring in the background* Score a bottle flips and dabs

@HighPockets group

Henry: These are my friends, they're a bunch of crazy people. They're a menace to themselves, me, and innocent bystanders. I love them.

Giana: So, change of plans. I'm not joining to college, I'm going to the faerie world. Yeah I'm not excited.

Oscar: Hey, can I get a sip of that water?
Anne: It's not water
Oscar: Vodka, then? Ah. I like your style.
Anne: It's vinegar.

Darlene, cradling Louis: He' dead.
Gabriel, sarcastically: Oh no, not the dickhead.
Everyone: Intense glares
Gabriel: What am I supposed to say?

Harper: How'd you do on the driving test?
Beck: I fucking failed it, like with everything else in my life.
Harper: Jesus, dude. Chill.

Kels: I look at all your enthusiastic faces and I think to myself… I hate my life

Talia: Now you've joined a mob, we've gotta give you a nickname
Portia: Oh, maybe something from a book, or-
Talia: Sprinkles! I'm calling you sprinkles.


Kallai: Where is everybody?
Varian: Alune's having a nervous breakdown, Sana is looking after him, Leaoni is trying to kill Frost, I think Miran went back to bed, and I'm in charge.
Varian: Why is that the only thing you're panicking about?!

Frost, holding a conch shell to his ear: The ocean says you’re a nerd.
Alune: Not surprised.

Alune: Why are there little hand prints all over the wall?
Varian, whispering: Why are there little hand prints all over the wall?
Miran, whispering back: Because I have small hands.
Varian: Because he has small hands.

Zatian: How does Varian usually get out of these messes?
Leaoni: He doesn't. He just makes a bigger mess which cancels out the first mess.

Leaoni: Is Frost here?
Kallai: (Visibly sweating)
Kallai: You know what?
Frost: (hurls himself through a glass window in the background)
Kallai: He just left.

Varian: I'm Varian FUCKING Larkspur, I can do whatever I want, when I want, and nobody can stop me.
Leaoni: That's it, I’m calling Alune.
Varian: (sweating) No, wait-

Zatian: I could kill you if I wanted to.
Varian: Yeah? So could another human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. Thanks for trying but you aren't special.

Alune: Do you ever think before you speak?
Varian: Yes. I think 'haha, that's funny', and then I say it.

Frost: I have conquered my fear of ghosts!
Sana: That's the spirit!
Frost: Oh fuck where-

Alune: I can't believe we're stuck in this forest together.
Varian: (burning the map) Truly unfortunate.

Frost: I dare you to jump off that cliff.
Leaoni: Are you telling me to go die?
Frost: Are you a coward?
Leaoni: First of all, fuck you. Second of all, death fears me. YEET.
Kallai: nO-

Sana: I have come to check up on you! How are you? Are you okay?
Leaoni: (dipping an Oreo in whiskey) Why wouldn't I be okay?

Kallai, looking at Varian: What the fuck is he doing now…
Sana, glaring at Kallai: His best.

Leaoni: Did you eat all of my powdered doughnuts?
Miran, with a mouthful of doughnuts: No.
Leaoni: Oh yeah? Well what's that white powder all over your face?
Miran: That's cocaine.

Varian: Whoever makes Alune fall asleep will win $100.
Leaoni, holding a frying pan: Where is he?

Leaoni: Why would I be crying over some human that doesn't want me, when I could be moving on and mouth harassing a hamburger?

Frost: To all those people saying they're going through something, JUST GO AROUND IT, IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

Kallai: I'm driving.
Frost: Shotgun!
Leaoni, loading an actual shotgun: No. I have the shotgun. Therefore, I get the front seat.
Frost: What?
Kallai, nodding: Frost, get in the back.
Frost: What!

Sana, chasing a cat: Kitty? Why do you run from me? I want to sing you a song! hElLO lIttLE kItTy WhY aRe YoU rUnNiNg-

Miran, a child: I have no soul. Have a nice day!
Alune, a tired mess: I don't have one either.
Miran: (laughs hysterically)

Zatian: I look at all your enthusiastic faces and I think to myself… I hate my life.

Varian, impersonating Alune: That is not correct. Because according to the encyclopaedia of jrfhufndkvbruefjjbfhejswjc-
Alune: (getting a tension headache)

Frost: I'm over this dumb-ass place with these fake ass people.
Leaoni: Hey.
Frost: Hey!
Frost, under his breath: Fucking bitch

Alune: Hey, check out this portal to the Eldritch Realm I managed to summon :)
Frost: Wait, isn't that place bad luck?
Alune: Chill out-
An eldritch abomination, crawling out the portal: WHO SUMMONED ME??!?!?!?!
Alune and Frost: (incoherent screaming)

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Luffy: I'm Monkey D. FUCKING Luffy, I can do whatever I want, when I want, and nobody can stop me.
Law: That's it, I’m calling Nami.
Luffy, sweating: No, wait-

Law: Do you ever think before you speak?
Luffy: Yes. I think 'haha, that's funny', and then I say it.

Brook, a literal skeleton: I have conquered my fear of ghosts!
Usopp: That's the spirit!
Brook: Oh fuck where-

Nami: Did you eat all of my powdered doughnuts?
Luffy, with a mouthful of doughnuts: No.
Nami: Oh yeah? Well what's that white powder all over your face?
Luffy: That's cocaine.

Usopp: Whoever makes Chopper fall asleep will win 100 Beli.
Nami, holding a frying pan: Where is he?

Doflamingo: To all those people saying they're going through something, JUST GO AROUND IT, IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

Law: I look at all your enthusiastic faces and I think to myself… I hate my life.

Law, in Sabaody: I'm over this dumb-ass place with these fake ass people.
Kid: Hey.
Law: Hey!
Law, under his breath: Fucking bitch.

@HighPockets group

Kels: Do you ever think before you speak?
Kay: Yes. I think 'haha, that's funny', and then I say it.

Imogen: Did you eat all of my powdered doughnuts?
Kay, with a mouthful of doughnuts: No.
Kels: Oh yeah? Well what's that white powder all over your face?
Kay: That's cocaine.

Tabitha: I look at all your enthusiastic faces and I think to myself…I hate my life.

Tabitha, at the Academy: I'm over this dumb-ass space with these fake-ass people.
Pietyr: Hey.
Tabitha: Hey!
Tabitha, under her breath: Fucking bitch.


Nolte: I look at all your enthusiastic faces and I think to myself… I hate my life

Nolte: I could kill you if I wanted to.
Arka: Yeah? So could another human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. Thanks for trying but you aren't special.


Morrigan: Do you think Pandora is a sadist?
Alexander: Yes.
Morrigan: Wow, there was no hesitation.
Pandora: He died of natural causes.
Alexander: You pushed him off of a roof.
Pandora: Gravity is natural.
Kalisha: The human body has 7 trillion nerves and somehow, you manage to get on every single one of them.
Tiriana: Since when do you think logically?
Kalisha: Hi, I'm level-headed Kal. I only come out when Tiriana goes a little cuckoo.
Alexander: You should've called Cassius.
Kenna: I don't trust him right now, Alex.
Cassius, entering: Hey!
Alexander: PS I called Cas…
Reia: Kai will go. Find the castle, retrieve the ancient scrolls.
Kalisha: Kai? What makes you think he'll come back?
Kai: Yes, what makes you think he will come back?
Kenna: Are all Court nobles this stupid?
Cassius: Yes. Yes, usually.

@Williamnot group

Felix: Tony the Tiger is our furry lord and savior. He died for our balanced breakfast
Jarrod:[loading gun] This is it. Today I kill you.

Felix: You want soda Austin?
Wolf in Austin's body: Austin won't be able to reply, Wolf is in control for now~!
Felix: Ok, do you want a soda Wolf?
Wolf: Yes

Mel to herself after knowing Austin, Jarrod, Felix, and Em for a while: These are my new friends, they're a bunch of crazy people. They're a menace to themselves, me, and innocent bystanders

Felix: All these ghosts and I still can't find a boo

Felix the first time he gets drunk: Bish, I'm washing me and my clothes

Jarrod: Austin, you hate social interaction, why do you want to go to the ball
Austin: Because, Jarrod, ball is life
Jarrod: You're grounded.

Austin: So change of plans I'm not going to school, I'm going to hell, Yeah I'm not excited

Felix: Say what I am, Say if you know what I am
Jarrod: A bitch

Austin: Jarrod, there's a ghost in my room
Jarrod: There no such thing as-
Jarrod: OH MY GOD
Wolf: OH MY GOD~

Felix: I just got done microwaving beans but little do I know I accidentally left them in the can and now
~My motherfricking house burned down (house burned down) and I don't have anywhere to live(Where to live)~

Jarrod: open door
Felix(in the tub): I wanna go where the people are~ (spots Jarrod) HEY GET OUT

Felix: Dafuq I look like crying over some human that doesn't want me, when I can be mouth harassing a hamburger

Jarrod: You're moving my border
Felix: Well I'm Mexican (SleepDeprived!Austin sighs into a harmonica)

Felix: I heard everyone posting it's national sex day but the only thing I'm fucking is stupid and only thing fucking me is life, So
Jarrod: You are literally the biggest slut I know

Em, hugging a raccoon that doesn't know what's happening: We got Koala bears in Washington! :)

Austin stands up a skeleton: Steve is taking first baby steps look him go
Mel: Yo what the fuck up kyle {punches the skeleton}
Austin: {cries in werewolf}

Felix: To all those people saying they're going through something, JUST GO AROUND IT, IT'S NOT THAT HARD

Felix: Hey, don't you sell drugs
Some lady: Not anymore, I plan to be a better mother for my son
Felix: Bitch, fuck your son, I want my drugs

Felix: Hey can I get a sip of that water
Austin: It's not water
Felix: Vodka, I like your style
Austin: It's vinegar
Felix: aha… what?
Austin: It's vinegar, pussy-

Mel to Austin: We're best friends, If I'm dying you're dying with me, there's no choice
Austin: Epic

Felix: Fuck you, Jarrod, burn in hell
Jarrod: Felix, what the hell
Felix: I hate you
Jarrod: I'll give you back your liquor, Jesus Christ-

Jarrod,: I'm driving
Felix: Shotgun
Austin: You had shotgun last ti- why do you have a gun.
Felix: I found a shotgun! [clicks gun] and I want the front seat.
Austin: lol nope
Felix: God DAMMIT Austin.

cue ugly-ass cake
Austin: I love how this cake is cut
Felix: I'm gonna knock you on your ass

Wolf!Em, chasing a cat: Kitty? Why do you run from me? I want to sing you a song! hElLO lIttLE kItTy WhY TF R U rUnNiNg

Jarrod: How'd you do on the driving test
Felix: I fucking failed it XD
Jarrod: Like with everything else in your life
Felix: Fucking exactly XD

Austin: Holy shit, *walks up to a red car with an Cars eyes windshield** Is that Ryan Williams from Disney Pixar's Cars

Felix: I have no soul, Have no soul have a nice day!
Austin: I don't have one either

Jarrod when Felix does anything: Stop it get some help

Joseph: You're all going to hell! Buh-bye!

Felix: For my sweetie
Jarrod: You call me sweetie again and you're going to be eating some knuckles
Felix: So you're not taking the gift
Jarrod: Oh I'm taking the gifts

Austin: I look at all your enthusiastic faces and I think to myself… I hate my life

Felix: Now you've joined the Family Austin, we gotta give you a nickname
Jarrod: Literally no one-
Felix: S P R I N K L E S, Imma call you sprinkles

Felix(looking at Jarrod's table): I wish that I can be like the cool kids
Jarrod: flips him off

Felix driving: Road work ahead… Yeah I sure hope it does
Mel and Austin, simultaneously realizing their horrible mistake: Oh shit

Felix: I've been thinking of doing some magic
Jarrod: Magic, Sophie, It says talent

Austin: Not to be racist but I love goat cheese
Mel: How is that racist
Austin: Well I did say 'not to be racist' learn to fucking use your ears Mel-

Felix(singing while playing piano): I hate myself, oh I hate myself

Felix: This my assistant, Jarrod -[yells at Jarrod] WRITE THIS SHIT DOWN- he does all the things I don't want to
Felix:[Pushes paper in Jarrod's face] Do it gayass

Austin: if he breathes. HE"S A SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMP
Austin and Felix begin a fight to the death as Mel, Em, and Jarrod look on in confusion.

Felix: [guzzles an entire bottle of vodka]
Felix: Fuck em all

Jarrod: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Austin
Felix: I do
Jarrod: I know Felix
Felix: I'm sad
Jarrod: I know Felix

Austin: Do you think Felix is a sadist?
Jarrod: Yes.
Felix: Ok, no fucking hesitation, I see how it is-

Felix: He died of natural causes
Jarrod: You pushed him off of a roof.
Felix: Gravity is natural.

Jarrod to Felix: The human body has 7 trillion nerves and somehow, you manage to get on every single one of them.

Felix: Austin will go. Find the demon, beat it's brains out.
Jarrod: Austin? What makes you think he'll make it back?
Austin: Yes, what makes you think he'll make it back?

Austin: Is Felix usually this much of a dumbass
Jarrod: Yes, usually.

Mel: Do you ever think before you speak?
Austin: Yes. I think 'haha, that's funny', and then I say it.

Austin: Did you eat all of my powdered doughnuts?
Felix, with a mouthful of doughnuts: No.
Austin, picking up a bat: Oh yeah? Well what's that white powder all over your face?
Felix: That's cocaine.

Felix: I dislike that word, Jarrod. "Cult." Ha, no, it's a new, exciting religion that I invented!

@HighPockets group

Imogen: Do you think the Director is a sadist?
Tabitha: Yes.
Imogen: Wow, there was no hesitation.

Tabitha: The human body has 7 trillion nerves and somehow, you manage to get on every single one of them.

Alessandra: Since when do you think logically?
Percy: Hi, I'm Level-Headed Percy. I only come out when Alessandra goes a little too off-the-rails.

Marcus: Nich will go to ally with Creston and secure their support.
Samuel: Nich? What makes you think he will come back?
Nich: Yeah, what makes you think he'll come back?

Alessandra: Are all court nobles this stupid?
Percy: Yes, usually.