forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@HighPockets group

Margot: So, what's it like being around your cast members so often?
Jon: It's really all like… one big, dysfunctional family. Individually, we're all so weird and different and there are times where we can't stand each other because of that. But there's no doubt that we love each other just as much as a family would.
Therese: You really like that family idea. What are we, the children?
Jon: Ansel is our innocent baby brother who must be protected at all costs.
Ansel: Darius's that sibling who makes us all want to pull out our hair!
Oliver: In that case, I claim the title as everyone’s uncle. No take-backs.
Margot: I would assume that Marcus is the father of the group?
Marcus: You're all grounded.
Jon: What?
Marcus: Grounded.
Oliver: Even me?
Marcus: Especially you.

@sock group

Lucas: What the fuck is dark academia. Isn't the normal school system traumatizing enough

Ren: I know we don’t always see eye to eye on thi-
Chan: It’s 'cause you’re short

Zephyr: How are you so calm?
Ren: I think I’m having two mental break downs at the same time and they're cancelling each other out

Ren: Chan can be so immature sometimes
Himari: Remember when he realized he could drink two Caprisuns at the same time?
Chan, running in with three Caprisuns: GUYS YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS-

Himari: Roses are red, violets are blue, sunflowers are yellow, poppies are also red-
Elyas: Was that supposed to be a poem?
Himari: No, I just really like flowers

Ren: I never broke a bone as a child
Lucas: I broke five, but those kids deserved it

Chan: Should I got chocolate or donuts?
Lucas: Knock yourself out dumbass
Chan: 'Knock yourself out' starts with a 'c', so I'm getting chocolate
Lucas: Knock yourself out starts with a c???

Chan: There are only three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Chan way
Elyas: Isn't that also the wrong way?
Chan: Yeah, but it's faster

Elyas: Sorry I’m late I broke down on the way here
Ren: Is your car working now?
Elyas: Car?
Elyas: Ren, I don't have a car.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Law: So, what's it like being around your other crew members so often?
Sanji: It's really all like… one big, dysfunctional family. Individually, we're all so weird and different and there are times where we can't stand each other because of that. But there's no doubt that we love each other just as much as a family would.
Nami: You really like that family idea. What are we, the children?
Zoro: Chopper is our innocent baby brother who must be protected at all costs.
Usopp: Luffy's that brother who makes us all want to pull out our hair!
Brook: In that case, I claim the title as everyone’s uncle. No take-backs.
Chopper: I would assume that Robin is the mother in our group?
Usopp: Then that makes Franky team dad!
Franky: You're all grounded.
Luffy: What?
Franky: Grounded.
Azami: Even me?
Franky: You are especially grounded!

Sanji: I know we don’t always see eye to eye on thi-
Zoro, exactly 1 centimeter taller: It’s 'cause you’re short

Cavendish: Roses are red, violets are blue, sunflowers are yellow, poppies are also red-
Bartolomeo: Was that supposed to be a poem?
Cavendish: No, I just really like flowers

Usopp: I never broke a bone as a child
Zoro: I broke five, but those kids deserved it

Luffy: Should I got chocolate or donuts?
Law: Knock yourself out dumbass
Luffy: 'Knock yourself out' starts with a 'c', so I'm getting chocolate
Law: Knock yourself out starts with a c???

Luffy: There are only three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Luffy way.
Nami: Isn't that also the wrong way?
Luffy: Yeah, but it's faster!

@LilMeme group

Ai: So tell us something about yourself
Emiko: Hi, my name is Emiko, I hate everyone in here, especially Kage, He's a whore

Kage: What's wrong with you, bruh what the hell
Kage, while Mikoto making angry oni noises: You tripping bruh. YOU TRIPPING

Hikari: I'm making copies (Pushes Asumi out the way) Move I'm gay

Asumi: Love is like beauty and the beast
Hikari(hugging onto Minato): Love is what you're looking at now
Kage: T H E R E I S N O S U C H T H I N G A S L O V E

Kage: Guardians please no, I hate this babysitter
Ai: Don't worry, Asumi loves you
Kage: (Visible concern)
Asumi: (Takes off hoodie and dances)

Asumi: What do you want from me
Denpa Neko: (sitting menacingly on the bed while eating a KitKat the wrong way)

Kage: I don't know what you're-AAAAAAH
Kosuke: (Hyponitises everyone)
Kosuke: (hypnotize more people)

Collin's grandparent: When we go to this restaurant, you are 12
Collin: I'm 18 gets slapped
Waiter: Would you like a kid's meal
Collin: Yes sir

Hanaki: So mom, if you're a vampire and dad's a demon, does that make me like something on Diabolik Lovers
Hanaki's mom: Hanaki, what did I say about Diabolik Lovers
Hanaki: It's racist
Hanaki's mom: And I won't let it be mentioned in this household

Kage: (Throws a piece of cheese on a sleeping Eri)
Eri (Eats the cheese calmly)
Kage: I H A T E Y O U

Unzari: So who the hottest uber driver
Minato: I never been to Oober Javar

Kage: I just want a guy who could choke me then tell I'm pretty- Anyways can I have a hamburger

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Charlie: H I M Y N A M E I S C H A R L I E W H A T S Y O U R F A V O R I T E D I N N E R F O O D

Elijah: No off-topic question. Because I don't want to. Permission denied. That's an off-topic, Next.

Elijah: E M M A I C A N S E E A S Q U I R R E L

Tori: Stop it get some help

Kelly: I refuse to go back after what my principal said
Kelly's mom: What did he say
Kelly: Y O U " R E E X P E L L E D, Like dare he

Hunter: You thought it was over, ha
Colton: What are doing in my room

(Dancing to running man)
Emma: At night I think… about how much I hate myself

Aaron: Hey look, Darrell, It's the good kush
Darrell: It's the dollar store, How good can it be

Dawn: Hey guys, Look at this new dress my mom bought me, Sike it's was a jumpsuit you were fooled

Charlie: Terry your speech was amazing
Terry: I wasn't trying, It was like improv
Charlie: O H M Y G O D W H Y C A N T Y OU T H E F R E A K I N G C O M P L I M E N T

Terry: This one is to end racism (Fails to make the shot)

Elijah: It's Brittany bitch

Tsuyoi: It's beginning to look a lot like-

Stephanie: Sophie, It Christmas
Sophie: Christmas! (Jumps out of bed and kicks down the door) I'M COMING SANTA (jumps off the stairs)

(Hanging up Christmas lights)
Micheal tied to a tree: AAAAAAAAAAAAA

Micheal: Ok you can do this
{A hour and lot of wrapping paper later)
Sophie: You ok
Micheal: CALL911!

Tsuyoi: I didn't do anything wrong you guys are all {Demon mode} IDIOTS

Gaki: You love me…
Ava: Dude, are you five
Gaki: Yeah, Five inches deep in your mom

Bonita(Being chased around by Insato and getting trapped in the basement) FRICK! FRICK!FRICK!FRICK!FRICK!FRICK!FRICK! OH FRIIIIIIIIICK!

Tsumi: If you play it you get 1000000 dollars but a 1000000 people would die
Alvis: (Plays the harmonica)
Tyusoi: Alvis No..

Otori: Every time I go out I feel like I'm doing my best and they're not
Tsumi: Lemme ask a fair question, What do you do successfully, Q U I C K L Y

Tsumi: I claim this house mine
Special guest Ayato: I live here
Tsumi: Oh, I called the boys

Insato: Just no one will ever hate you as must you hate yourself

Ava: We all die, You either kill yourself or get killed
Whatcha gonna do.Whatcha gonna do.Whatcha gonna do.

SurvivalMode!Bonita: Don't frick with me I have the power of god and anime on my side

Gaki: Hey sir all my friend's hate and think I'm an idiot, Have a nice day

Insato to Tsumi: I'm tired of playing yo ass, (pulls out a gun) today yo ass die bitch! say goodnight mofo

Ava: I don't need friends they disappoint me

Sophie: The power of Christ compels you
Gaki!Micheal: {scream in electronic noise}
Sophie: tHe PoWeR oF cHrIsT cOmPeLs YoU
Gaki: {Moar demonic electronic noise}

Valerie: I don't want to be cool anymore, I guess I don't have a choice

Valerie: I hate this hoe more than 👏 Satan 👏 him 👏fucking 👏 self

Tsumi: Surprise bitch, Bet you thought you seen the last of me

Ongi: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Why'd you leave me, Insato, what did I do

@HighPockets group

Alice: Max, your speech was amazing!
Max: Oh, I wasn't trying, it was like improv-
Alice: Oh my God why can't you just take the compliment?

Tabitha: I don't need friends they disappoint me

Calla: Surprise bitch. Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Gracelyn: Remind me again how you both got caught?
Hex: I don’t know! We didn’t do anything wrong!
Jesse: When Sybella stopped us, she asked "papers?" and Hex replied with "scissors" and ran off.
Hex: You snitch!

Hex: Don't jump to conclusions.
Jesse: I'm jumping. I've jumped. I've landed.

Delphinia: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Gracelyn: What? Why?
Delphinia: Jesse's not here and he's like, 90% of my impulse control.

Hex: Delphinia can be so immature sometimes.
Jesse: Remember when she realized she could drink two CapriSuns at the same time?
Delphinia, running in with three CapriSuns: GUYS YOU'RE NOT GONNA BELIEVE THIS

Hex: There are only three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Hex way.
Jesse: Isn't that also the wrong way?
Hex: Yeah, but it's faster!


Darren: Don't jump to conclusions.
Alexa: I'm jumping. I've jumped. I've landed.

Anastasia: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Darren: What? Why?
Anastasia: Alexa’s not here and she's like, 90% of my impulse control.

Anastasia: Thomas can be so immature sometimes.
Alexa: Remember when he realized he could drink two CapriSuns at the same time?
Thomas, running in with three CapriSuns: GUYS YOU ARE NOT GOING TO BELIEVE THIS-

Thomas: There are only three ways to do things: the right way, the wrong way, and the Thomas way.
Alexa: Isn't that also the wrong way?
Thomas: Yeah, but it's faster!

@spacebluelily language

Sora: Hey, did you ever see that one movie, the one where there's this cowboy, and he's like, the king of the castle. And then this astronaut shows up and tries to take over. So the cowboy attempts to murder him. But instead, the astronaut is taken hostage by this evil psychopath and the cowboy has to rescue him. And then they end up becoming really good friends.
Harriet: …..Toy Story?
Sora: Oh, my god, Toy Story! That's it, that's it! I love that movie!

William: You're smiling. Did something good happen?
Ash: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Aaron: Thomas tripped and fell in the parking lot.

William: How are you feeling?
Ash: I've been experiencing a bad headache lately that seems to come and go–
Thomas: enters Parker
Ash: It's back again.

Ash: You know, on second thought, gum would be perfection.
Johnny: gives him a strange look and hands him a piece of gum
Ash, thinking: Gum would be perfection. Gum would be perfection. I could have said gum would be nice, could have said I'll have a stick. But no no no no no, for me, gum is perfection. I loathe myself.

Ash: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We'll hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Johnny: We are not doing that.
Ash: Mistlefoe
Johnny: Ash, no.

Ash: Don't you realize you can die?
Percy: I'm not going to die. I'm 19.
Ash: And so you can't die?
Percy: I just don't see it happening.

Ash: What is your secret to always staying down-to-earth?
Sora: Well, I mean…
Sora: Gravity

Ash: My wrist hurts.
Aaron: Why? You were stuck in the nurse all day because you hurt your ankle.
Ash: I had to write "I will never be stupid again and hurt myself ever again" like, a million times
Aaron: Who made you do that?
Sora: Me.
Sora: It needed to be done.

Aaron: You tricked me!
Ash: I deceived you. "Tricked" makes it sound like we have a playful relationship.

Ash: So you know how you love me because you haven't had a single meeting since I became your right-hand man? That's because every time someone calls and requests a meeting with you, I always schedule it for March 31st.
William: Why?
Ash: Because I didn't think March 31st existed.
William: Today is March 31st.
Ash: I know.
William: So, then, how many meetings do I have today?
Ash: 93.

Ash: Rules are made to be broken.
Aaron: Rules are made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Johnny: uh, Piñatas.
Harriet: Glowsticks.
Angie: Karate Boards
Sora: Spaghetti when you have a small pot
Ash: Rules

Angie and Emily: Where is Poppy?
Ash: I'll do you one better. Who is Poppy?
Poppy, emerging from the shadows: I'll do YOU one better; Why is Poppy

William: pats Ash and Johnny on the back
William: Good job, gays
John, nervously laughing: Do you mean gu-
William: Did I fucking stutter?

Johnny: Oh no, you're getting an idea, aren't you?
Harriet: Yeah.
Johnny: Is it going to get me in trouble?
Harriet: Maybe.
Johnny: Is this idea going to cause me physical pain?
Harriet: Yeah, definitely.

@Williamnot group

Felix: Hey, did you ever see that one movie, the one where there's this cowboy, and he's like, the king of the castle. And then this astronaut shows up and tries to take over. So the cowboy attempts to murder him. But instead, the astronaut is taken hostage by this evil psychopath and the cowboy has to rescue him. And then they end up becoming really good friends.
Austin: …..Toy Story?
Felix: Oh, my god, Toy Story! That's it, that's it! I love that movie!

Mel: You're smiling. Did something good happen?
Austin: Can't I just smile because I feel like it?
Jarrod: Felix tripped and fell in the parking lot.

Austin: How are you feeling?
Jarrod: I've had a bad headache lately that seems to come and go–
Felix: [Walks into the room]
Jarrod: It's back again.

Austin: You know, on second thought, gum would be perfection.
Mel: [gives him a strange look and hands him a piece of gum]
Austin, thinking: Gum would be perfection. Gum would be perfection. I could have said gum would be nice, could have said I'll have a stick. But no no no no no, for me, gum is perfection. I loathe myself.
Austin, out loud: Sorry, I'm stupid

Felix: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We'll hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to FIGHT whoever else is under it.
Jarrod: We are not doing that.
Felix: Mistlefoe
Jarrod: Felix, no.

Austin: What is your secret to always staying down-to-earth?
Mel: Well, I mean…
Mel: Gravity

Austin: You tricked me!
Felix: I deceived you. "Tricked" makes it sound like we have a playful relationship, which isn't quite how I would describe it.

Jarrod: Where is Felix?
Mel: I'll do you one better. Who is Felix?
Felix, emerging from the shadows: I'll do YOU one better; Why is Felix

Austin: [pats Mel and Jarrod on the back]
Austin: Good job, gays
Mel, nervously laughing: Do you mean gu-
Austin: Did I fucking stutter?
Jarrod, realizing: Oh child-

Mel: Oh no, you're getting an idea, aren't you?
Austin: Yeah.
Mel: Is it going to get me in trouble?
Austin: Maybe.
Mel: Is this idea going to cause you physical pain?
Austin: Yeah, definitely.

@HighPockets group

Harper: Hey, did you ever see that one movie, the one where there's this cowboy, and he's like, the king of the castle. And then this astronaut shows up and tries to take over. So the cowboy attempts to murder him. But instead, the astronaut is taken hostage by this evil psychopath and the cowboy has to rescue him. And then they end up becoming really good friends.
Beck: …..Toy Story?
Harper: Oh my God, Toy Story! That's it, that's it! I love that movie!

Victor: You know, on second thought, gum would be perfection.
Henry: Gives him a strange look and hands him a piece of gum
Victor, thinking: Gum would be perfection. Gum would be perfection. I could have said gum would be nice, could have said I'll have a stick. But no no no no no, for me, gum is perfection. I loathe myself. I don't even like gum.
Victor, out loud: Sorry, I'm pretentious.

Geneva: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We'll hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever else is under it.
Jackson: We are not doing that.
Geneva: Mistlefoe
Jackson: Gen. No.

Victor: You tricked me!
Dr. Flynn: I deceived you. "Tricked" makes it sound like we have a playful relationship, which isn't quite how I would describe it.

@threesacult group

Quill: Hey, did you ever see that one movie, the one where there's this cowboy, and he's like, the king of the castle. And then this astronaut shows up and tries to take over. So the cowboy attempts to murder him. But instead, the astronaut is taken hostage by this evil psychopath and the cowboy has to rescue him. And then they end up becoming really good friends.
Anthony: …..Toy Story?
Quill: Oh my God, Toy Story! That's it, that's it! I love that movie!

Anthony: You know, on second thought, gum would be perfection.
Dally: Gives him a strange look and hands him a piece of gum
Anthony, thinking: Gum would be perfection. Gum would be perfection. I could have said gum would be nice, could have said I'll have a stick. But no no no no no, for me, gum is perfection. I loathe myself. I don't even like gum.
Anthony, out loud: Sorry, I'm pretentious.

Jack: Here's a fun Christmas idea. We'll hang mistletoe, but instead of kissing, you have to fight whoever else is under it.
Love: We are not doing that.
Jack: Mistlefoe
Love: Jack. No.

Cyrus: I don’t “have bad handwriting”. I have my own font. Bitch

Cyrus: I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Jack: But ‘cha didn’t

Cyrus: Hey, Anthony?
Anthony: Hmm?
Cyrus: Does God have you if you’re gay?
Anthony: Of course not!
Cyrus, disappointedly: Oh.

@Starfast group

Crispin: You can either mope your way up those stairs an soak in a pity bath, or you can get up and face your problems!
Gerard: Thanks Crispin.
Gerard: If Adelia asks, I'm borrowing her bubble bath.

Andor: You need to stand up for yourself!
Dallas: Do you know how easy that is for you to say?
Andor: No, nothing in English is easy for me to say.

Andor: Look, I know that no one asked for what I think
Ara: Then why are you even talking?!

Garzlan: Oh no, you're getting an idea, aren't you?
Milo: Yeah.
Garzlan: Is it going to get me in trouble?
Milo: Maybe.
Garzlan: Is this idea going to cause you physical pain?
Milo: Yeah, definitely.

Andor: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Dallas: What? Why?
Andor: Ara's not here and he's like, 90% of my impulse control.

Dallas: Lucas: What the fuck is dark academia. Isn't the normal school system traumatizing enough

Garzlan: I never broke a bone as a child
Milo: I broke five, but those kids deserved it

Holly: Rules are made to be broken.
Ara: Rules are made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Dallas: uh, Piñatas.
Jackie: Glowsticks.
Brian: Karate Boards
Andor: Spaghetti when you have a small pot
Holly: Rules

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

After Sophie finally manages to exorcise Gaki
(Zoom in on her smiling face as she strikes a pose when distorted music plays)

William: Welcome to Fairmallow High, Where dreams come to die

Terry to Charlie: Welcome, screw you

Skylar: What is your secret to always staying down-to-earth?
Felix: Well, I mean… gravity

Kelly: Do you want to die
Charlie: Yes, I tried but I'm unable to

Kelly: Welcome to the gang, how tough are ya
Charlie: I flipped off a dog once

Lucas: Dad please no, I hate this babysitter
Lucien: Don't worry, Sophie loves you
Lucas: (Visible concern)
Sophie: (Takes off hoodie and dances)

Jax: What do you want from me
Mavis: (sitting menacingly on the bed while eating a KitKat the wrong way)

Jax: I don't know what you're-AAAAAAH
Mavis: (Causing Jax to have a heart attack)
Mavis: (Possesses Jax to kill his family)

Elijah: pats Aaron and Darrell on the back
Elijah: Good job, gays
Darrell, nervously laughing: Do you mean gu-
Elijah: Did I fucking stutter?

Dawn: Remind me again how you both got caught?
Kelly: I don’t know! We didn’t do anything wrong!
Charlie: When Terry stopped us, he asked "papers?" and Kelly replied with "scissors" and ran off.
Kelly: You snitch!

Noelle: So mom, if you're a vampire and dad's a human, does that make me like something from Twilight
Noelle's mom: Noelle, what did I say about Twilight
Noelle: It's racist…..
Noelle's mom: And I won't let it be mentioned in this household

Amberly: Love is like beauty and the beast
Briar: Love is what you're looking at now
Blevin: T H E R E I S N O S U C H T H I N G A S L O V E

Aaron: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Charlie: What? Why?
Aaron: Darrell's not here and he's like, 90% of my impulse control

Charlie: Where is Lucas?
Jax: I'll do you one better. Who is Lucas?
Lucas, emerging from the shadows: I'll do YOU one better; Why is Lucas

Elijah: Oh, there's no need to bother with such trifles, We should simply make ourself conformable and I̘̊ W̗̾IL͇͍̬̬͛̀̋̀L͇̟͋́ ̝́W̛͖͖͖̫͗̋̈À͚T̰̯͂̾Ć̗̻̳͆̏Ḫ̢̦̱̃̌̔̇ ̛͙͓̉Y̮͈̣̑̓́Ȍ̪Ű̱̹̍ ̠̻̭͋̑̊͘͢Ḅ̖̣́͂̅U̫̅R̬̮̗͓̮̋̿͂̇͡N̲̞̹̏͊͌- adapt to our environment- Y̼͚̟̭͓͒͊̎̓͘Ő̪̼̇̏̽͜͟U͖̘̠͚̐͊̈̚R͇͉̙̼̀́͗͘ ̛̹͖̭̋̃D̝͓̠̀̓̚A̛͓̫̻̍͠Ỳ͎̥͠Ş̲͇̬̐͋͊͘ ͍̈́Ą͞R̯̈́E ̭͎́͡Ṅ̺̗͝U͍͔͆̈́M̧̰̻͋̉̕B͎̺͚͓̤̈͋̆͠͝E̦̪͊̆R̭͖͠͡Ẽ̱D̡͓̞̆̉͌

Elijah after dying: I ain't drop anything but school but when I come back yall hoes going being dropping left and right. Casket business about to be booming. Better start counting your days and your minutes…

Bonita: Ah! Social Interaction! G-g-get it away from me

Jax: If I had to guess, I say you were an avid fan of niche pornography
Sophie: WHAT!?
Jax: Ah, My suspicions are confirmed. Most interesting will take note for future reference

Charlie: What should I get at IHOP
Aaron: Killed

Kelly: Kelly ain't going to no hospital! Hospitals are for rich people and my Obamacare ain't kicked in yet

Elijah to Charlie: I'm being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No.

Gaki: ̖͒I̧̲̒̇ ̗́M͓̪̝̬̑͋͆̽ ̜̋ ̛̞̜̲́͝Ǧ̥͇̙͖͍͂͒̅͘ ̗͑O̩̿̚ͅ ̠̘͖̦̑̈́̃͗İ̯ ̻̓͟͝N ̤̰̗̺̔͂̾̚G̠͒ ̡͚͍͈̔̆͂͋ ̧͓̄͒G̘͕͚̓̍͞ ̰̟̏̿Å̝͍̌ ̀͜Ř̲̥̼͗̕ ͉̖̏͑G̗̥̼̲̍̀̉͛̅͜ ̨̣̉͗L̟̙̲͆̿̾̿͢ ̨͔͇̺̺̒̽͗̕͞É̟̳͎̌̉ ͕̝͉̳̐͗͊̊ ̨̳̖͋̄̊̕͢Ÿ̥̞̙́͊̽ ̛͔̝̃O̥͎͐͠ U̞̻͆̋ R̡̛̜̳̍͛ ̟̠͇̇̇́͟͞ ̠̓S͈͙̒̂͊͢ O ̡͖̲̞̂̀̃̿Ủ̟͚̱̥̀̂̆̅͜ L ̺͒ L ̻͖͆̚I̛̼̮̻̿̉ ̛̫̪͓̞̻̎͗̅͞K ͔̬̑̅E̺̽ ͖̎ ͖͚̋͋A̤͌ ̱̪̺̳̍̒̾͋ ̞̚͝ͅC̩͎̋͌ ͓̜͇̞̎͗͂͋͜͞H ͇͇̈́̋̔ͅE ̘̪̇̌E̪͔̋͐ ̢̮̮̞͒̅̀͡S̙͔̒̅ ̙͙̟̋̉͒Ė̢ C̖͋ ̺́Ḁ͚̦̽͒̕ K̘̠̫̺̆̍̄̓ ͇̘̤̔́͗E̤̒
Gaki: (̺͚̟͇͎̓̐̆̔͠Ǧ̺Ả͎R̢̖̺̉͋̄̒͜G̺͚̎̍͗͢LÌ̝̰̻̗̊̉͡NǴ̞̩̥̗̿̾͊͟͡ ̡̜̪̓̀͝Į͍͚͖̗́̀͊̊͝N̦̔T͈̫͒̀͒͢Ẹ̹̀̒NS̰̻̱̳̩͌́̓̉̏Í͎̩̙̓̌F̹͙̃́I̦̎EȘ̮̭̺͋́͊̏)͎̻͂͒̀͢

Terry: No offense, but a waiter could literally murder me, and I’d still tip 20%.
Charlie: I would actually tip more if they murdered me. That's great customer service.

Robber: Move and your father gets shot
Jax stares at his dad
Jax: aggressively hits the quan

@threesacult group

Jack, patting Dally and Anthony on the backs: Good job, gays
Dally, nervously laughing: Do you mean gu-
Jack: Did I fucking stutter?

Dally: Where is Jack?
Cyrus: I'll do you one better. Who is Jack?
Jack, emerging from the shadows: I'll do YOU one better. Why is Jack

Karma: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions.
Emmett: What? Why?
Karma: Love’s not here and they’re, like, 90% of my impulse control

@HighPockets group

Beck: I don’t have “bad handwriting”. I have my own font.

Mourton: I should have left you on that street corner where you were standing.
Nich: But ‘cha didn’t.

@sock group

Chan: Well, I guess I'm gonna go make some poor life decisions
Zephyr: What? Why?
Chan: Ren's not here and she's like, 90% of my impulse control

Elyas: Oh no, you're getting an idea, aren't you?
Chan: Yeah
Elyas: Is it going to get me in trouble?
Chan: Maybe
Elyas: Is this idea going to cause me physical pain?
Chan: Oh yeah, definitely

Elyas: You need to have more control over your emotions!
Chan: Do you know how easy that is for you to say?
Elyas: No, nothing in English is easy for me to say

Lucas to Chan: I'm being nice to you. Have I stabbed you? No, not yet

Chan, bursting into the room: THE FLOOR IS LAVA!
Ren: [lifts up her feet onto the coffee table and continues reading]
Himari: [jumps onto the couch, lands on Lucas]
Zephyr: [launches to the ceiling and clings to the ceiling fan]
Elyas: [faceplants onto the floor]
Ren: Elyas, nO-

Himari: The point is, we need to try it
Zephyr: But it's kind of illegal
Zephyr: I'm just kidding! I'm all in
Chan: I'm in too
Himari: Do you even know what we were talking about?
Chan: I heard the word illegal

Zephyr: I'm so done with the double standards around bones
Ren: What???
Zephyr: Teeth are the only bones that are "socially acceptable" to show people. I smile at you, and that's being polite, but when I peel back my ribcage, it's "horrifying" and I "need to see a doctor"
Ren: Wha-
Ren: Nevermind

Elyas: What's that?
Himari: It's a keyboard smash
Elyas: How do you do it?
Himari: Just press anything
Elyas: Oh, okay
Elyas: 9

@threesacult group

Emmett: You need to have more control over your emotions!
Love: Do you know how easy that is for you to say?
Emmett: No. Nothing in English is easy for me to say.

Cyrus, bursting into the room: THE FLOOR IS LAVA!
Anthony: [Lifts up his feet onto the coffee table and continues reading]
Dally: [Jumps onto the couch, lands on Jack]
Quill: [Faceplants onto the floor]
Cyrus: Quill, no-

Jack: The point is, we need to try it.
Cyrus: But it's pretty illegal.
Cyrus: I'm just kidding! I'm all in
Dally, walking in: I'm in, too!
Jack: Do you even know what we were talking about?
Dally: I heard the word illegal.

Jack: I'm so done with the double standards around bones.
Anthony: …What?
Jack: Teeth are the only bones that are "socially acceptable" to show people. When I smile at you, that's "being polite", but when I peel back my ribcage, it's "horrifying" and I "need to see a doctor".
Anthony: I-
Anthony: You know what? Never mind.

@NotSoBeautifulDiseaster group

Charlie trying to join the delinquent: Well, I signed onto Club Penguin and Moshi Monsters without my parent's permission. I guess you can say I'm a bit of a hardened criminal

Elliot, Charlie, Bonita, Chrystal & Logan: We're all disgrace!

Matthew after seeing his cat is a ghost: Guys I don't know what's wrong with my cat. Why does he look like that? Pls halp

Sophie: When is Christmas coming
Stepanie: Sophie, We been over this
Sophie: Isn't Thanksgiving really about the pilgrim stealing our land
Micheal: More cranberry sprite, please

Jax after fighting Mavis: Beat up a kindergartner, that shit was 4 years old

Tsumi describe him and family: We like a bootleg dynamic duo Shoutout Monika, Miyuki Sone
If they pull out a gun, bitch, we gone

Dawn: We don't do crazy shit like shoot up schools like my homie Olivia

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Jax, bursting into the room: THE FLOOR IS LAVA!
Bepo: Lifts up his feet onto the coffee table and continues reading
Penguin: Jumps onto the couch, lands on Shachi
Law: Faceplants onto the floor
Jax: Captain, no-

Zoro: I'm so done with the double standards around bones.
Sanji: …What?
Zoro: Teeth are the only bones that are "socially acceptable" to show people. When I smile at you, that's "being polite", but when I peel back my ribcage, it's "horrifying" and I "need to see a doctor".
Sanji: I-
Sanji, walking away: You know what? Never mind.