forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@HighPockets group

Kate: Some guy just called me a bitch.
Bee: That's awful.
Kate: Are you kidding me? Morgan once told me I dress like an accountant going through her second divorce who's trying to get her oldest stepchild to call her once a month, that's a real insult.
Kate: That guy needs to try harder.

@HighPockets group

Oleander: I poisoned someone's drink, but I forgot whose.
Alys: You did what?
Oberon: The way this dinner has been going, I hope it's mine.

Erik: Don't you realize you could die?
Percy: I'm not going to die, I'm 19.
Erik: And that means you can't die?
Percy, shrugging: I just don't see it happening.

@HighPockets group

Kay: I poisoned someone's drink, but I forgot whose.
Imogen: You did what?!
Tabitha: The way this dinner has been going, I hope it's mine.

Oliver: You have to apologize to Samuel.
Therese: Fine.
Samuel: Looking at Therese expectantly
Therese: Unfuck you or whatever.

Geneva: My doctor told me to limit my alcohol intake to one glass a night.
Geneva: But last time I checked, bottles were made of glass.
Geneva: Drinks whiskey straight out of the bottle
Jackson: And you wonder why we stage interventions for you-

Casey: Has anyone seen Beckett?
Beck, lying on the floor: Present.


David: What are you guys going to be for Halloween?
Rolan: Sad
Yuzu: Gay
Katana: Sexy
Reef: Minecraft
Archie: Also Minecraft
Drew: Minecraft as well
Simian: Sexy Minecraft

@LilMeme group

Kage to life: Like ma'am, I'm not the fucking one today, I'm not in a good fucking mood, My body is sore, Please back up out of my face

Ai: Eat a potato salad and feel it's pain or be it?
Hikari: What the fuck kind of dumbass question is that

Ran about the Shiores: I hate these mfs more than satan

Kage when Asumi wants to end the Kami Game: You got the cards stacked against you, all the cards, Yugi about come out

Minato: You ain't shit in this room, you getting locked up, I guarantee you do 30
Kage: You act real fucking bold for a NPC, buddy
Minato: NPC stands for shut your stupid bitch baby ass up
Kage: That's the wrong fucking letters dawg

Eri: Do you have a boyfriend
Eri: I don't mean that body pillow in your closet
Eri: Or any of your 2D husbands

Unzari: Man, sure is lovely out
Asumi: Ah
Unzari: Ah
Unzari: Could say the same thing about you, pal
Asumi: Were you watching us
Unzari: Little bit
Asumi: You sick son of bitch

Kage: It's a KFC mascot
Hikari: Kage, we do not say company brand names on this show
Kage: So you don't want this delicious basket then
Hikari: Yeah, I do

Kage: Game of Sweets and Poison is a story where a blue-haired emo kid (and a cheerful glasses boi) is the savior of the world, but what is an emo kid without his closest allies… and Emiko

Kage: This is my family, they're a bunch of crazy people they're a menace to themselves, me, and innocent bystanders

@threesacult group

Karma: I poisoned someone's drink, but I forgot whose.
Love: You did what?!
Emmett: The way this dinner has been going, I hope it's mine.

Anthony: Has anyone seen Quill?
Quill, lying face-down on the floor: Present.

Anthony: Ugh, I hardly slept last night.
Quill: When you can't sleep, it means someone is thinking about you!
Anthony: Who the hell would be thinking about me at 3am?
Dally: [Tries way too hard to not act suspicious]

Dally: What's your biggest fear?
Quill: Being useless.
Dally: I was gonna say the Kool-Aid man, but that seems kinda stupid now-

Cyrus: Am I in trouble?
Anthony: Take a guess.
Cyrus: No?
Anthony: Take another one.

@Williamnot group

Felix: I just had the best idea, stay here.
[A few minutes later]
Felix: So my line of logic was "If I put a sponge in the blender, when I turn it on, the sponge will spin around and scrub the blender for me so I don't have to clean it." That's not what happened though.

Austin: Can someone hire a hitman to kill me please?
Mel: How about I hire a hugman who hugs you?

Austin: Can't spell disconnected from reality without disco. Let's dance!

Jarod: But you know, raising a kid is an absolutely wonderful experience and really rewarding-
Kidnapper: Just pay the ransom and take this Felix kid away.

Austin: [putting up "Have you seen Emily?" posters]
Mel: Oh my god! Is Em missing?
Austin wiping away a single tear: No, I just think that everyone should see her, because she's amazing.

Felix @ Jarrod: I recorded your snoring so you can hear how fucking loud you are and why I can't fucking sleep.

Felix: Hey.
Jarrod: Hey.
Felix: Have you eaten?
Jarrod: Have you eaten?
Felix: Are you copying me?
Jarrod: Are you copying me?
Felix: I love you.
Jarrod: Yeah, I ate an hour ago.

Felix: Is there a word that's a mix between angry and sad?
Jarrod: Malcontented, disgruntled, miserable, desolated.
Austin: Smad.

Jarrod: Being louder doesn't make you right.
Felix: It makes me not hear you being wrong.

Jarrod: Is something burning?
Felix: Just my desire for you.
Jarrod: Felix, why is the oven on fUCking fIRE AGAIN-

Jarrod: Has anyone seen Eliot?
Austin, lying facedown on the floor: Present.

Em: Here you go. Nice hot cup of coffee.
Jarrod: It's cold.
Felix: Nice cup of coffee.
Jarrod: It tastes horrible.
Felix: Cup of coffee.
Jarrod: I'm not even sure if this is coffee.
Em: …Cup.

Austin, sleep deprived: What's your biggest fear?
Mel: Being forgotten.
Austin: Man that's deep. I was gonna say the Kool-Aid man but that seems kinda stupid now.

Jarrod: Where are you going?
Felix: Either to get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.

Felix, after setting the kitchen on fire yet again: Am I in trouble?
Jarrod: Take a guess.
Felix: No?
Jarrod: Take another one.

@Starfast group

Ara: If you’d rather go to a club than a museum, you deserve to be unhappy.
Andor: Museum? What the fuck is in a museum? They got bitches in museums? Alive bitches?

Brian: Where are you going?
Holly: Either to get ice cream or commit a felony. I'll decide on the way.

Crispin, after setting the kitchen on fire yet again: Am I in trouble?
Frank: Take a guess.
Crispin: No?
Frank: Take another one

Frank: Has anyone seen Gerard?
Gerard, lying facedown on the floor: Present.

Farli: Being louder doesn't make you right.
Calidor: It makes me not hear you being wrong.

Milo: I poisoned someone's drink, but I forgot whose.
Garzlan: You did what?
Calidor: The way this dinner has been going, I hope it's mine.

Kit: Don't you realize you could die?
Crispin: I'm not going to die, I'm 16.
Kit: And that means you can't die?
Crispin, shrugging: I just don't see it happening.

@Williamnot group

Felix: I poisoned someone's drink, but I forgot whose.
Jarrod: You did WHAt?
Austin: The way this dinner has been going, I hope it's mine.

Austin: Sorry i'm late I got…held up by something important.
Felix, entering the room a little dishevelled: HE PUSHED ME DOWN THE FUCKING STAIRS!

Jarrod: You have to apologize to Austin.
Felix: Fine.
Austin: Unfuck you or whatever.

Jarrod: Ugh, I hardly slept last night.
Em: When you can't sleep, it means someone is thinking about you.
Jarrod: Who the hell would be thinking about me at 3am?
Felix: (eyes widen ever so slightly)

Jarrod: Don't you realise you could die?
Felix: I'm not going to die, I'm a bad bitch.
Jarrod: And that means you can't die?
Felix: I just don't see it happening.

Felix: My doctor told me to limit my alcohol intake to one glass a night.
Felix: But last time i checked, bottles were made of glass
Felix: (Drinks vodka straight out of the bottle)

Austin: I'm furious with you right now. There is nothing you can say or do that will make me forgive you.
Em: But Aus-
Austin: Okay, fine, i forgive you.

@HighPockets group

Oliver: My doctor told me to limit my alcohol intake to one glass a night.
Oliver: But last time I checked, bottles were made of glass
Oliver: Drinks vodka straight out of the bottle

@threesacult group

The Sandman: Azazel told me I should limit my alcohol intake to one glass a night.
The Sandman: But last time I checked, bottles were made of glass.
The Sandman: [Drinks vodka straight out of the bottle]

Jack: Don't you realise you could die?
Cyrus: I'm not going to die, I'm a bad bitch.
Jack, sarcastically: And that means you can’t die.
Cyrus: I just don't see it happening.

Jack: Sorry I’m late. I got…held up by something important.
Dally, entering the room a little disheveled: He pushed me down the fucking stairs!

@LilMeme group

Hanaki: Daddy's boy, eh, I can be your daddy

Kosuke: Look Unzari, you can become an accomplice or you can become a third victim

Ai: Some of the prettiest people are the ugliest inside
Kage: If that's case, you're an inner eldritch horror

Ai: What is your true love
Collin: Marshmallows

Hikari: "Hey, at least I pretend to be polite to people!
Kage: "Yeah, whatev… wait, pretend?

Hikari: There, was that so hard? Frigging drama queen
Asumi: You tried to eat me! I say this is an appropriate amount of drama
Hikari: It's not like the first time that happened
Asumi: That doesn't make it better

Nanami: I demand you to be hung
Asumi in the background: He's already hung
Kage: Can you untie me so I can hi-five my boyfriend

@threesacult group

Jack: Hey, at least I pretend to be polite to people.
Cyrus: Yeah, whatev… wait, pretend?

Jack, meeting Quill: Alright, kid, you got two choices. You can either become an accomplice or you can be a third victim.

@HighPockets group

Kels: Hey, at least I pretend to be polite to people.
Imogen: Yeah, whatev… wait, pretend?

Trix, meeting Ness: Alright, kid, you've got two choices. You can either become an accomplice or you can be a third victim.

@Williamnot group

Felix: Look Jarrod, you can become an accomplice or you can become a victim

JarrodL Some of the prettiest people are the ugliest inside
Felix: If that's case, I'm an inner eldritch horror

Em: Who is your true love
Austin: Marshmallows

Felix: "Hey, at least I pretend to be polite to people!
Jarrod: "Yeah, whatev… wait, pretend?

Felix, after sparring with Austin: There, was that so hard? Fucking drama queen
Austin: You tried to kill me, I say this is an appropriate amount of drama
Felix: It's not like the first time that happened
Austin: That doesn't make it better

Austin to the cultists who kidnapped them: I demand that Felix be hung
Felix: I'm already hung
Jarrod: Can you untie me so I can kill him myself

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Peregrine, first meeting Estella: Look, you can become an accomplice or you can become a victim.

Bartolomeo: Some of the prettiest people are the ugliest inside
Cavendish: If that's case, I'm an inner eldritch horror

Robin: Who is your true love?
Chopper: Cotton candy.

Zoro: Chopper told me I should limit my alcohol intake to one glass a night.
Zoro: But last time I checked, bottles were made of glass.
Zoro: Drinks sake straight out of the bottle

Peregrine: Don't you realize you could die?
Estella: I'm not going to die, I'm a bad bitch.
Peregrine: And that means you can't die?
Estella: I just don't see it happening.

Law: I'm furious with you right now. There is nothing you can say or do that will make me forgive you.
Jax: But Capta-
Law: Okay, fine, I forgive you.

@threesacult group

Quill: Y’know, some of the prettiest people are the ugliest inside.
Jack: If that's the case, I'm an inner eldritch horror.
[This is a little too literally correct]

Jack: There, was that so hard? Fucking drama queen.
Dally: You tried to kill me! I say this is an appropriate amount of drama.
Jack: It's not like it’s the first time that I’ve done that.
Dally: That doesn't make it better!

Dally: When I say I swing both ways, I mean I will punch both men and women.
Dally: Also, I’m bi.

Anthony: I’m so glad that stupid doge meme has finally, maybe died down.
Dally: Such glad.
Anthony: Such fuck you. Very go fuck yourself.
Dally: Wow. Such aggression. Very anger

@HighPockets group

Geneva: When I say I swing both ways, I mean I will punch both men and women.
Geneva: Also I’m bisexual.

Geneva: I’m so glad that stupid doge meme has finally, maybe died down.
Jackson: Such glad.
Geneva: Such fuck you. Very go fuck yourself.
Jackson: Wow. Such aggression. Very anger