forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@Williamnot group

Melissa: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Austin: We could attack them with hummus.
Chance: We could saw off one of our arms and use it to have a better punching range.
Melissa: I stand corrected.
Chance: Just keeping things in perspective. * Austin nods. *

@Williamnot group

Melissa: * Locks Austin in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Austin: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?

In addition:
Austin: * Locks Chance in the car.* Act like a child, get treated like a child.
Chance: What? Isn't it illegal to leave a child locked in a car?

@Williamnot group

Melissa: * Answers phone.* Hello?
Austin: It's Austin.
Melissa: What did he do this time?
Austin: No, it's me, Austin. It's actually me.
Melissa: What did you do this time?

@Williamnot group

Austin: Fuck capitalism. It's a rigged system that keeps us poor and it isn't fair. You shouldn't need to work three jobs to afford basic necessities.
Austin, playing Monopoly: Sorry, if you wanted to win you should have tried not being poor.

@Williamnot group

Chance: How do tall people people possibly sleep at night when the blanket can't possibly cover you?
Austin: Chance, it's four o'clock in the morning.
Chance: So, you can't sleep, huh? Is it because of the blanket?


(you know you can put a whole bunch of quotes in one post, right? It’ll make it easier to go through later and find more, since there won’t be as much spam. not saying this to be rude just wanting to help)

@ElderGod-kirky group

Mathias: I could kill you if I wanted to
Rhea: Yeah? So could any other human being. So could a dog. So could a really dedicated duck. You're not special

Emyr: Making my way downtown
Emyr: Walking fast
Emyr: Walking slower so Tess can keep up

Zion: I'm immortal, baby!
Adélaïde: Then how come you scream so much when you're in danger?
Zion: Never said I wasn't a drama queen

Nina: Okay, you really need to go to bed, you sound tired. Doctor's orders
Shyama: Nooooo. I'm not tired
Nina: Okay, I bet, if I sit here quietly for a few minutes you'll fall asleep
Shyama: I will not. Nice try though
[two minutes later]
Shyama: soft snoring
Nina: Mhm, that's what I thought

Tess: I leave in three days
Emyr: Do you want me to cry?
Emyr: Do you want me to cry in front of my soldiers? Is that what you want?

Emyr: Did Tess just tell me she lovd me for the first time?
Adélaïde: Yeah
Emyr: And did I do finger guns back?
Adélaïde: Yeah, you did
Emyr: Yeah, I did

Emyr: nudges Tess awake at 4am Do you like me?
Tess: I married you
Emyr: Yes but did you marry me as a friend, or like, a wife? Unclear

Emyr: One wife! Count 'em—one! Mistresses? Zero! And I am also DAMN good at my job!
Adélaïde: And where's the proof of that?
Emyr: Has I ever led any of you to the losing side of a war?
Adélaïde: No

Yann: Observation; I have never broken a bone
Yann: Hypothesis; I am boneless
Yann: Data; I appear to have broken at least two bones in my foot slipping on the ice
Yann: Conclusion; I have at least two bones. Strong evidence suggests the possibility of a third one
Mathias: Uneducated people like you are the reason why there's so many science deniers in the world. You have 206 bones in your body, maybe you'd know that if you had more than a 4th grade education
Yann: I was an engineer

Damon: Honestly, I'm just so evil. So full of darkness. I feed off the souls of the living. I strike fear into—
Drucilla: You sleep with a stuffed giraffe
Damon: He is mY SeConD IN COMMAND IN MY amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) OF DARKNESS

Fiacre: Pluto is smaller than Russian. Why did the Earthlings even consider it a planet?
Yorath: Or forgotten

@Williamnot group

(you know you can put a whole bunch of quotes in one post, right? It’ll make it easier to go through later and find more, since there won’t be as much spam. not saying this to be rude just wanting to help)

Oh, does it give more than one notification? My bad, I'll keep them in one post from now on :)

@Williamnot group

*@strangebird posts *

Chance: I could kill you if I wanted to
Austin: Yeah? So could any human being. So could a dog. So could a really dedicated duck. You're not special

Melissa: Making my way downtown
Melissa: Walking fast
Melissa: Walking slower so Austin can keep up

Chance: I'm immortal, baby!
Austin: Then how come you scream so much when you're in danger?
Chance: Never said I wasn't a drama queen

Melissa: Okay, you really need to go to bed, you sound tired. Doctor's orders
Austin: Nooooo. I'm not tired
Melissa: Okay, I bet, if I sit here quietly for a few minutes you'll fall asleep
Austin: I will not. Nice try though
[two minutes later]
Austin: soft snoring
Melissa: Mhm, that's what I thought

Chance: Honestly, I'm just so evil. So full of darkness. I feed off the souls of the living. I strike fear into—
Austin: You sleep with a stuffed giraffe
Chance: He is mY SeConD IN COMMAND IN MY amy (the most wonderful woman in the world) OF DARKNESS

@Williamnot group

Austin: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Chance: That would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Melissa: Good morning to everyone except you two.

Melissa: Adding "lmao" doesn't hide your pain.
Austin: Yes it does lmao.

Austin: What was that sound?
Chance, who just smashed open the pickle jar: The sound of victory.

Austin: Ugh, why did I eat so much?
Melissa: Because the sign said "all you can eat" and you took that as a challenge.

Austin: I think Chance is trying to murder me.
Chance: Don't be silly! Murder is illegal, I can't do that.

Melissa: truth or dare
Austin: truth
Melissa: how many hours have you slept this week
Austin: dare
Melissa: go to sleep
Austin: i don't like this game

Austin: fight me
Chance(who is only a foot taller): ha, look at you. you're tiny. what are you gonna do, kick me in the ankle?


Melissa: uh…Kiren, why is Chance on the floor crying?
Kiren: Austin kicked him really hard in the ankle

Melissa: you missed practice, where were you?
Austin and Chance: in a holding cell. sorry mom

Austin: what are you gonna do, stab me?
Austin: i shouldn't have asked

Austin: ugh, i'm cold
Chance: come over here, i've got a lighter and you're flammable
Melissa, shooting him a glare: here, have my coat. and scarf. and let's get you inside, the last time you had a cold you were miserable to be around.

Austin: absolutely not
Austin: what did i tell you about the puppy eyes
Chance, sighing: it only works on everyone else

Deleted user

hey @themerpyderpy: you're spamming the chat. just one post at a time is fine.

@sock group

Zephyr: I'm immortal, baby!
Ren: Then how come you scream so much when you're in danger?
Zephyr: Never said I wasn't a drama queen

Chan: Hello Elyas, Ren
Chan: Now you may be wondering why I'm taped to the ceiling

Himari: What a pretty blue sky. Maybe I should go outside, breath some fresh air, let go a little
Himari: [sighs and pulls out laptop]
Himari: Too bad I have work to do
Himari [turns on a K-drama]

Lucas: Why would you ever want to run 20 miles?
Ren: The same reason you stayed on the couch for the whole month of June
Lucas: Ah, a sense of accomplishment!

Ren: Himari
Himari: Oh no, 'Himari' in a B flat, you're disappointed

Chan, holding a shoe to his ear: Hold on, I can't hear you, let me put you on sneaker
Ren: I am BEGGING you to stop

Chan: Wanna hear a joke?
Elyas: Sure
Chan: Quarantine
Elyas: I don't get it
Chan: It's an inside joke

Elyas: We have good news and bad news
Ren: Okay, bad news first
Elyas: The fire we started in the kitchen is out of control
Ren: WHAT??
Himari, holding a perfectly toasted pop tart: Wow, you don't even care about the good news?

Chan, trying to think of a conversation topic: Sooooo, what do you do for a living?
Barber: [slowly stops cutting hair]

Lucas: I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. Please wait patiently, and I will get to you shortly

@HighPockets group

Nich: Making my way downtown
Nich: Walking fast
Nich: Walking slower so Therese can keep up

Oleander: I'm immortal, baby!
Lavinia: Then how come you scream so much when you're in danger?
Oleander: Never said I wasn't a drama queen

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Law: Making my way downtown
Law: Walking fast
Law: Walking slower so Jax can keep up

Estella: We have good news and bad news
Peregrine: Okay, bad news first
Estella: The fire we started in the kitchen is out of control
Peregrine: WHAT??
Estella, holding a perfectly toasted pop tart: Wow, you don't even care about the good news?

Koala: Fight me
Sabo: Ha, look at you. you're tiny. What are you gonna do, kick me in the ankle?
Dragon: uh…Tori, why is Sabo on the floor crying?
Tori: Koala kicked him really hard in the ankle

Law: I personally don't think it's possible to come up with a crazier plan.
Luffy: We could attack them with meat.
Azami: We could saw off one of our arms and use it to have a better punching range.
Law: I stand corrected.
Azami: Just keeping things in perspective.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Thana: I'm not going to pretend that I'm not here as a spy for a different cult

I have a Thana too!

I'm really curious, @Reblod: what's yours like?

Aha completely missed your first post

Hm…my Thana is pretty chill but due to her abilities she has to go through a lot of suffering. She's kind and compassionate to everyone but with friends she can be sarcastic and loves to joke around as a bit of escapism. Too much attention makes her uncomfortable and she gets stressed out really easily. And she takes a lot of pride in personal hygiene. And has very little regard for her own life.

How'd they compare?

Mine’s super chill, low-key father figure vibes, gives off wise man aura.
(Mine only has a couple pages so isn’t that developed.)

@HighPockets group

Alessandra: Percy.
Percy: Oh no, 'Percy' in a B flat. You're disappointed.

Barry, holding a shoe to his ear: Hold on, I can't hear you, let me put you on sneaker
Joe: I am BEGGING you to stop

Jackson: Wanna hear a joke?
Victor: Sure
Jackson: Quarantine
Victor: I don't get it
Jackson: Yeah, it's an inside joke

Nell, trying to think of a conversation topic: Sooooo, what do you do for a living?
Margot: Slowly puts down her sewing needle

Oleander: I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. Please wait patiently, and I will get to you shortly

@knightinadream group

Kimin: It's the inside that counts not the outside.
Sanghun: Give me an example.
Kimin: The fridge.

Knight: I'm running away from my problems.
Louis: You hate running though.
Knight: I'm ubering away from my problems.

Hyungwon: Alright, what's something good you did today?
Seokju: I prevented murdering Maeng.
Hyungwon: Oh? And how did you do that?
Seokju: Self control.

Matthew: What's your number?
Jack, visibly texting: I don't have a phone.

Dae: Yesterday I gave Jaeseok a juice box with a post-it note that said "I love you" on it.
Carmen: Aw that's so cute! What did he say?
Dae: He said "I love you too, juice box"

Pearl: Look, there's something I think we need to talk about.
Chae: I'm not reading the last page of that dinosaur book. I know something bad happens to them.

@threesacult group

Jack: I'm immortal, baby!
Cyrus: Then how come you scream so much when you're in danger?
Jack: Never said I wasn't a drama queen

Quill: I'm running away from my problems.
Perry: You hate running, though.
Quill: I'm ubering away from my problems.

Cyrus: I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet offended. Please wait patiently, and I will get to you shortly

Dally: Ugh, I’m so cold
Jack: Come over here, I’ve got a lighter and you're flammable