forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@threesacult group

Emmett: If I make a mistake in English, please don't correct me. I have no respect for this language.

Elias, texting: Perry, there's a big ass spider outside the bathroom door. Can you come get rid of it?
Elias: Please, I've been trying to leave the bathroom for 45 minutes.
Elias: Perry?
Elias: PERRY?!?!
Perry, texting: Perry is dead, and you're next. Love, Spider :)

Cyrus: "Go to hell" is so abstract.
Cyrus: "Get trapped in a porta-potty for 67 months"— Now that's specific. That's possible. That's terrifying.

@Pickles group

(thank you fellow Lizzie for these gems)

Alex after arriving at a reservoir: WOOOOAAAHHH
Sophie: See? Wasn't it worth the hike up?
Alex: not really.

Emma: I bet I can beat you crossing the creek.
Sophie: Hey, we aren't racing across the creek, it's not safe.
Emma: That's why we want to do it.

Danny: Wow, my tie-dye looks great
Alex: Yeah it's really good
Danny: I like yours too
Alex: Yeah mine is better, I lied about yours being good

Alex: lying on the ground in the middle of the trail
Sophie: C'mon, the faster you go, the faster you get lunch and ice cream
Alex: Go away and let me die here

@Pickles group

Mr. Smith: And then we finish with chicken and carrot surprise casserole
Sophie: We don't have any chicken
Mr. Smith: That's the surprise

@Starfast group

Holly: What are you watching?
Brian: Unsolved Mysteries.
Holly: So, just Mysteries then?
Brian: Well—
Holly: Whatever. I’m going to go to the store to buy some edible food if you want anything.


alex: tell mihael and lyss that i'm going to kill both of them for supporting lorelei wearing an outfit that sexy
ai: got it
alex: ….but also let them know i'm paying for dinner for them next time we go out
ai: dude which one is it

@knightinadream group

Fen: What if mayonnaise came in cans?
Jason: That would suck because you can't microwave metal.
Phillip: Good morning to everyone except you two.

Carmen: Adding "lmao" doesn't hide your pain.
Ash: Yes it does lmao.

Elijah: What was that sound?
JJ, who just smashed open the pickle jar: The sound of victory.

AJ: Ugh, why did I eat so much?
Ashley: Because the sign said "all you can eat" and you took that as a challenge.

Adrian: I think Jack is trying to murder me!
Basil: Don't be silly! Murder is illegal, he can't do that.


lorelei: all of my exes' parents love me, but my uncle hates pretty much all of my exes. it's because i'm nice and bring baked goods from the bakery

ai: truth or dare
alex: truth
ai: how many hours have you slept this week
alex: dare
ai: go to sleep
alex: i don't like this game

lorelei: fight me
ray: ha, look at you. you're tiny. what are you gonna do, kick me in the ankle?


ai: uh…lyss, why is ray on the floor crying?
lyss: lorelei kicked him really hard in the ankle

ai: you missed practice, where were you?
lorelei and lyss: in a holding cell. sorry mom

alex(he's trying, okay. a for effort): how is the most beautiful person in the world doing?
lorelei: i think thema's doing alright but you should ask her
lyss: i'm also fine

gabe: what are you gonna do, stab me?
gabe: i shouldn't have asked

lorelei: ugh, i'm cold
gabe: come over here, i've got a lighter and you're flammable
lyss, shooting him a glare: here, have my coat. and scarf. and let's get you inside, the last time you had a cold you were miserable to be around.

lorelei: i may be short but you're still beneath me

gabe, being a dick to a server for being slightly late: i'd like to speak to your manager about-
the entire team, who have all had to work customer service jobs(not including alex but he doesn't like gabe): dude shut up

lorelei, on team game night(kat included): alright, right hand on red
thema: ends up on top of kat
thema: okay you're doing this on purpose aren't you
lyss: she stopped spinning like fifteen turns ago, i'm surprised you didn't notice sooner. also half of us haven't even moved at all

lyss: absolutely not
lyss: what did i tell you about the puppy eyes
lorelei, sighing: it only works on everyone else

@HighPockets group

Georgie, after arriving at a reservoir: WOOOOAAAHHH
Julia: See? Wasn't it worth the hike up?
Georgie: Not really.

Della: I bet I can beat you crossing the creek.
Teagan: Hey, we aren't racing across the creek, it's not safe.
Theo: That's why we want to do it.

Percy: Wow, my outfit looks great
Oscar: Yeah, it's really good
Percy: I like yours too
Oscar: Yeah, mine is better, I lied about yours being good

@HighPockets group

Geneva: What are you watching?
Jackson: Unsolved Mysteries.
Geneva: So just mysteries then?
Jackson: Well—
Geneva: Whatever. I’m going to go to the store to buy some edible food if you want anything.

@HighPockets group

Nell: You missed dinner, where were you?
Nich: In a holding cell. Sorry, cuz.

Evan: How is the most beautiful person in the world doing?
Ayla: I think Carrie's doing alright but you should ask her.
Celia: I'm also fine!

Jackson: What are you gonna do, stab me?
Jackson, 5 minutes later, bleeding profusely: I shouldn't have asked.

Therese: I may be short but you're still beneath me.

Claudio, to the barely-late waiter: I'd like to speak to your manager about-
Frankie, Kat, and Padma, perfectly in-synch: Dude, shut up

Alys: Absolutely not.
Alys: What did I tell you about the puppy eyes?
Petrichor, sighing: It only works on everyone else.

@Reblod flag

Thana: I'm not going to pretend that I'm not here as a spy for a different cult

Jorvon: Sounds very bottom to me, my good bitch

@threesacult group

Dally: “People only care if you’re pretty”
Dally: Well, I’m pretty fucking stupid and yet no one cares about me.

Karma: I may be short, but you're still beneath me.

Quill: Ladies, gentlemen and bastards of assorted genders I am not vibing

@HighPockets group

Georgie: “People only care if you’re pretty”
Georgie: Well, I’m pretty stupid and yet no one cares about me.

Maia: I may be short, but you're still beneath me.

Jackson: Ladies, gentlemen and bastards of assorted genders, I am not vibing

@sock group

Elyas: I wish I could go to bed
Chan: Yeah? Well I wish I grew an inch taller everyday as you get an inch shorter until you're as flat as a piece of paper and I'm 11 feet tall
Elyas, in a squeaky voice: …What?
Ren: You're going to die of a mixture of skeletal instability and heart disease
Chan: Yeah, but I'll look good while doing it

@ElderGodSeeba petsbing bing 🐸

Markus: You ever wonder if you’re the bad guy in somebody else’s story?
Oliver: You babbling Fool, i am the bad guy in my own story.
Robin: I’ve got an AMAZING gaydar. I can tell if a person is gay or not just with a glance
Alfie: ive been in love with you for 2 years
Memphis: Are you nervous?
Eric: …yes
Memphis: Is this your first time?
Eric: no…
Eric: I ve been nervous before.

@Pickles group

Alex: I can tell you're trying to get a rise out of me or there's something wrong in your head
Alex: Either way it's your problem
Alex: But okay yeah if it's the first one, you've succeeded

@HighPockets group

Cypress: You ever wonder if you’re the bad guy in somebody else’s story?
Oleander: You babbling fool, I'm the bad guy in my own story.

Oscar, before the first battle: Are you nervous?
Nathaniel: Yes.
Oscar: Is this your first time?
Nathaniel: No, I've been nervous before.