forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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Guinevere: HARKER! Check your position!
Harker: Barking Toad, twelve o'clock, by the brown lizard, ma'am!
Guinevere: Emperor's tap-dancing thyroid gland! EVERYONE! DANGER! RETREAT IMMEDIATELY!
Sharla, confused: What?
Harker: Shiaran Barking Toad, miss! The most poisonous creature in the world! It'll let rip a cloud of toxins that'll kill anything if it's feelin' threatened! Even fully sealed plate armor don't help!
Sharla: Are you serious?
Guinevere: It's a lesser one, so situation's under control. Everyone step out of its immediate vicinity.
Sharla, still confused: All right? I do not want to believe you, but I do. Yama, step away from the frog.
Yama: I would like to pet this creature.
Sharla: Don't do that.
Yama: It would be but a single boop on its noggin!
Sharla: Do not boop that merry suicide bomber.
Yama: I want to boop the snoot!
Sharla: Stop wanting.
Yama: But!!
Sharla: STOP!
Yama: MUST!
Sharla: YAMA!
Sharla: NO BOOPING!!
Everyone else: Screaming
Squeaky noise
Yama: Ha ha ha! dies

@knightinadream group

[Sebastian added Jaesung to the group]
Sebastian: Dad
Maeng: Dad
Basil: Dad
Jack: Dad
Chansung: Dad
Minwoo: Dad
Adrian: Daddy
[Jaesung has left the chat]

a loud sound
Byungho: What was that?
C.Ro: My shirt fell down the stairs.
Byungho: That sounded louder than a shirt.
C.Ro: I was in it.

Khyung: Are you okay?
Astra, face flat on the floor: I'm having some me time.

Kimmie: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, officer, no I did not punch that man.
The officer:

PJ: You ever feel like you're being watched?
Maestro: All the time. When you look this good, you have to get used to it.

@threesacult group

Cyrus: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, Officer Kane, no I did not punch that man.

Anthony and Cyrus: I’ve only known Quill for three hours, but if anything happened to her, I’d kill everyone in this room and then myself

Quill: You ever feel like you're being watched?
Jack: All the time. When you look this good, you have to get used to it.

Jack: To all the people saying they want to rail me-
Jack: I…I’m not a train?? I can’t do that???

Quill: You think kindness doesn’t exist, you pathetic nihilist? How about you go look into the big beautiful eyes of a cow? What do you think now asshole

Love: You need to go to therapy.
Jack: Stop trusting everyone in my life? Try to control all my emotions?
Love: No, you need to go to therapy.
Jack: Hide everything about myself to be mysterious!
Love: Go. To. THERAPY.
Jack: Oh! Fall into a pit of paranoia!

Azazel: Do you prefer women or men?
The Sandman: I’d prefer death

@HighPockets group

Victor: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, sir, Geneva did not punch that man.
Mr. Flynn:

Erik, about the Expedition Corp: I’ve only known these five soldiers for three hours, but if anything happened to them, I’d kill everyone in this kingdom and then myself.

Esther: You ever feel like you're being watched?
Oleander: All the time. When you look this good, you have to get used to it.

Kate: To all the people saying they want to "rail" me…
Kate: I’m not a train. I can’t do that.

Marisol: You think kindness doesn’t exist, you pathetic nihilist? How about you go look into the big beautiful eyes of a cow? What do you think now, asshole?

Della: You need to go to therapy.
Beck: Stop trusting everyone in my life? Try to control all my emotions?
Della: No, you need to go to therapy.
Beck: Hide everything about myself to be mysterious!
Della: Go. To. THERAPY.
Beck: Oh! Fall into a pit of paranoia!

Darius: Do you prefer women or men?
Nich: I’d prefer cash.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Jax: You think kindness doesn’t exist, you pathetic nihilist? How about you go look into the big beautiful eyes of a polar bear? What do you think now, butthole?

Azami: Do you prefer women or men?
Nami: I’d prefer cash.

Azami: To all the people saying they want to rail me-
Azami: I…I’m not a train?? I can’t do that???

Law: I’ve only known Jax for three hours, but if anything happened to her, I’d kill everyone in this submarine and then myself.

Bartolomeo: You ever feel like you're being watched?
Cavendish: All the time. When you look this good, you have to get used to it.

@HighPockets group

Ophelia: You think kindness doesn’t exist, you pathetic nihilist? How about you go look into the big beautiful eyes of a polar bear? What do you think now, you bastard?

Wisteria: To all the people saying they want to rail me-
Wisteria: I…I’m not a train?? I can’t do that???

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Gaiesh: You ever wonder if you’re the bad guy in somebody else’s story?
Neirym: You babbling fool, I'm the bad guy in my own story.

Daniella, before the first battle: Are you nervous?
Nathaniel: Yes.
Daniella: Is this your first time?
Nathaniel: No, I've been nervous before.

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

Kym: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, Officer, no I did not punch that man.

Sam: You ever feel like you're being watched?
Kym: All the time. When you look this good, you have to get used to it.

Orion: Do you prefer women or men?
Octavia: I prefer death.

@knightinadream group

Haeil: Can you guys just TRY to see it from MY perspective?
Jaesung: [gets on knees]
Hyungwon: [crouches down]
Haeil: I will kill you both in your sleep.

Knight: If I die, I want you to carry my coffin.
Ash: That is very kind of you.
Knight: So you can let me down one more time.

Pearl: I got my license two years ago.
Khyung: What? Why didn't you say anything?
Pearl: I like being chauffeured around.
Pearl: It makes me feel important.

Kimin: I like a guy that's environmentally aware.
Adrian, pointing at the sky: That's a cloud.

Matthew: When Basil sleeps, does he dream in French or Korean?
Seokju: Bold of you to assume that Basil actually sleeps.

@Pickles group

Alex is short, brief edition

Alex: Can you guys just TRY to see it from MY perspective?
Ryan: [gets on knees]
Hunter: [crouches down]
Alex: I will kill you both in your sleep.

Ryan, bending over: Wow, no wonder you're so mad all the time, it sucks down here
Alex: I'm going to slaughter you like a cow

@HighPockets group

Alys: If I die, I want you to carry my coffin.
Oleander: That is very kind of you.
Alys: So you can let me down one more time.

Bee: I got my license two years ago.
Kate: What? Why didn't you say anything?
Bee: I like being chauffeured around.
Bee: It makes me feel important.

Alessandra: I like a guy that's environmentally aware.
Percy, pointing at the sky: That's a cloud.

Alice: When Victor sleeps, does he dream in French or English?
Henry, who lives with Victor: Bold of you to assume that Victor actually sleeps.

@GameMaster group

Amara: Can you try to see it from my perspective?
Marco: [gets on his knees]
Alec: [crouches]
Isaac: [sits on the ground]
Amara: …
Amara: I will kill all of you in your sleep

Jolene: When Isaac sleeps, does he dream in English or Latin?
Alec: I live with him, the boy never sleeps

Asia: Do you prefer women or men?
Alec: I prefer lectures.

Jolene: Do you ever feel like you’re being watched?
Asia: All the time. When you look this good you get used to it.

Jolene, before the experiment: Are you nervous?
Alec: Very.
Jolene: Is this your first time?
Alec: No, I’ve been nervous before.

Alec: To all the people saying they want to rail me…
Alec: I’m not a train? I-I don’t think…I can do that. …I’m sorry 🥺
Asia and Marco: dying

@HighPockets group

Kate: Can you try to see it from my perspective?
Peter: Gets on his knees
Kristi: Crouches
Bee: Sits on the ground
Kate: …
Kate: I will kill all of you in your sleep

Peter: Do you prefer women or men?
Kate: I prefer lectures.

Liz: To all the people saying they want to rail me…
Liz: I’m not a train? I-I don’t think…I can do that. …I’m sorry 🥺



Quinn: “Parker, I’m going to say something that I’ve never said to you before.”
Parker: “Yeah?”
Quinn:“You’re thinking too much. Now come on.”

Arla: “You make my life sound like cake.”
Quinn:“Let’s see, you’re smart, athletic, pretty, and popular. Sounds pretty cakey to me.”

Parker: Do you prefer women or men?
Quinn: I prefer silence.

Parker: Do you ever feel like you’re being watched.
Brooke: All the time. But when you look this good, you have to get used to it.

@knightinadream group

Louis: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Usagi: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Louis: Why?
Usagi: It's spiritually healing.

Orion: Hey Nari, feel my shirt.
Orion: You know what material is that?
Nari: Cotton?
Orion: It's boyfriend material.
Nari: …Pretty sure that's cotton.

Basil: Let's slow dance.
Minwoo: [does the macarena at 1/4 speed]

Kimmie: I've been dropping subtle hints that I like her.
Charli: [walks over to Kimmie]
Kimmie: I can't stand you.

@HighPockets group

Nich: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Samuel: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Nich: Why?
Samuel: It's spiritually healing.

Oleander: Hey Esther, feel my shirt.
Oleander: You know what material is that?
Esther: Silk?
Oleander: It's husband material.
Esther: No, I'm pretty sure that's silk.

Alessandra: I've been dropping subtle hints that I like him.
Alessandra: Walks over to Percy
Alessandra: I can't stand you.

@Starfast group

Andor: Stop correcting me!
Ara: Then stop being wrong!

Matthew: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Alexander: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Matthew: Why?
Alexander: It's spiritually healing.

Andor: Do you prefer women or men?
Ara: I prefer silence.

Keyla: Do you ever feel like you’re being watched.
Milo: All the time. But when you look this good, you have to get used to it.


Leo, bending over: Wow, no wonder you're so mad all the time, it sucks down here
Crispin: I'm going to slaughter you like a cow.

Ara: If I die, I want you to carry my coffin.
Andor: That is very kind of you.
Ara: So you can let me down one more time.

Dallas: When Andor sleeps, does he dream in English or Norwegian?
Ara: Bold of you to assume that Andor actually sleeps.

Holly: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, Officer, no I did not punch that man.

Keyla: What was that?
Taveb: My shirt fell down the stairs.
Keyla: That sounded louder than a shirt.
Taven: I was in it.

Ara (to Andor): I can tell you're trying to get a rise out of me or there's something wrong in your head
Ara: Either way it's your problem
Ara: But okay yeah if it's the first one, you've succeeded

Gerard: You know, not every problem can be solved with a knife.
Crispin: I do know.
Crispin: That's why I carry two knives.

Crispin: What are you gonna do, stab me?
Crispin, 5 minutes later, bleeding profusely: I shouldn't have asked.

@HighPockets group

Percy: Stop correcting me!
Alessandra: Then stop being wrong!

Oleander: Why are you looking at me through a fork?
Poplar: I'm pretending you're in jail.
Oleander: Why?
Poplar: It's spiritually healing.

Peter: Do you prefer women or men?
Kate: I prefer silence.


Peter, bending over: Wow, no wonder you're so mad all the time, it sucks down here
Kate: I'm going to slaughter you like a cow.

Erik: If I die, I want you to carry my coffin.
Douglas: That's very kind of you.
Erik: So you can let me down one more time.

Kate: Did you know that atoms never touch each other? And since we're made of atoms, we've never touched anything in our entire lives. So to answer your question, Officer, no I did not punch that man.

Nathaniel: What was that?
Oscar: My shirt fell down the stairs.
Nathaniel: That sounded louder than a shirt.
Oscar: Yes, I was in it.

Percy: What are you gonna do, stab me?
Percy, 5 minutes later, bleeding profusely: I shouldn't have asked.