forum Incorrect Quotes 2: Electric Boogaloo
Started by @HighPockets group

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@Pizzaz11 group

Jay: I'm not stupid, you know. I have general knowledge in practically every area!

Infano: how do you spell orange?

Jay: the fruit or the color?



Infano: can you pass the salt?

Aubry: can you pass away?

Infano: too much salt


Jay: I've given it alot of thought, and my love language is that I'll hold a grudge on your behalf
Jay: even if you get over it, I'll continue to feel rage over what happened to you until the end of time
Jay: it's your responsibility to do what's best for your mental health, it's my job to take names

@Tidermelon group

Chief: Why is there snow at the bottom of the log benches?
TD: Oh, those are towels! We put them there to prevent the legs of the sauna benches from scratching the floor.
Chief: Ohhhhh! Smart.
TD: Thank you.
Chief: Are they used towels-
TD: N O -

sincerely, a conversation I just had on Animal Jam with my good friend @sprinkles3109

@Pizzaz11 group

Jay: Hey Infano what's your last name again?

Infano: Oh, its Lurnir, why?

Jay: No reason

Jay, thinking: Hmmm….𝙅𝙖𝙮 𝙇𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙧..

@Tidermelon group

Jasper: Hey, Acacia, what’s your last name again?
Acacia: Oh, it’s Bristleheim, why?
Jasper: No reason.
Jasper, thinking: Hmmm… Jasper Bristleheim…

EDIT: PFFT I forgot last names go male —> female, nevermind this

@Tidermelon group

Mrs. Kestrel: Who would like to share their talent first?
Jimmy: Me! Me!
Mrs. Kestrel: Okay, Jimmy, what is your talent?
Jimmy: I can bang a drum!
Jimmy: aggressive BANG BANG BANG
Jimmy: I can bang it louder!
Mrs. Kestrel: No-


@Starfast group

Ravina You’ll never get away with this!
Milo: What? Why? What do you know?
Ravina: Oh. I don’t know, it just seemed like the thing to say.

Caleb: it's okay to ask for help!
Adelia: you're not a burden!
Crispin: murder is okay.
Eva: your feelings matter!

Andor: How do I become a jellyfish?
Ara: Jellyfish have no brains, so you're already pretty close.

Keyla: my ultimate goal is to punch Joralai in the eye, just to spite her one last time.

Milo: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go
Ravina: Those are wanted posters

Taven: Okay, just for a second, let's pretend I'm an idiot
Farli: I'm already there

Ravina: Welcome friends!
*sees Milo*
Ravina:… and enemies.

@HighPockets group

Silvie You’ll never get away with this!
Clare: What? Why? What do you know?
Silvie: Oh. I don’t know, it just seemed like the thing to say.

To Huxley
Lysander: It's okay to ask for help!
Fern: You're not a burden!
Carrie: Murder is okay.
Ayla: Your feelings matter!

Kay: How do I become a jellyfish?
Kels: Jellyfish have no brains, so you're already pretty close.
Kay: Okay, wow-

Kels: My ultimate goal is to punch the Director in the eye, just to spite her one last time.

Bastian: You know you've made it when you see your picture everywhere you go!
Silvie: Those are wanted posters…

Bastian: Okay, just for a second, let's pretend I'm an idiot.
Clare: I'm already there.

Poplar: Welcome friends!
Poplar: Sees Oleander
Poplar:… and enemies.

@LiteralCyborg group

(I'm still alive!)
Reese: Y'know, if Lorelai doesn't kill you, I will.
Ethan: Threatening a renowned superhero will get you canceled, Reese.
Reese: (mumbles) Well how 'bout threatening an ASS.
Ethan: I heard that!
Ethan: Are you in love with Minnie?
Sage: nO.
Ethan: Then why did you doodle "S+M" in your science notes-
Minnie: So… you and Reese finally getting along?
Ethan: Yesterday I asked them for a glass of water and they brought me a glass of ice and said "Wait".
Ethan: I love them.
Sage: Every time I inhale, I can feel my spine pop.
Minnie: And every time we kiss I swear I could fly-
Reese: There were two snipers up ahead, but I took care of them.
Ethan: Really? Wow, I didn't hear you at all.
Reese: Hey, that's the first rule of battle; don't ever let the enemy know where you are.
Minnie: (in the backround) WOOOO! (explosion sounds) I'M RIGHT HERE YA BASTARDS, RIGHT OVER HERE!! YOU WANT SOME O' THIS?? YEAH YOU DO!! C'MON-

@Pizzaz11 group

Perse: Are you in love with Infano?

Jay: nO-

Perse: Then why did you doodle "J+I" in your science notes-



Sky: There were two snipers ahead but I took care of them.

Infano: Really? Wow, I didn't hear you at all.

Sky: Hey, that's the first rule of battle; don't ever let the enemy know where you ar-

Jay: (in the background) WOOOO! (explosion sounds) IM RIGHT HERE YA BASTARDS, RIGHT OVER HERE!! YOU WANT SOME 'O THIS?? YEAH YOU DO!! C'MON-

@Tidermelon group

Bright: Are you in love with Oro?
Two: nO-
Bright: Then why did you write "T+O" in your Science notes?

@requiemisback language

miz: how do i become a jellyfish?
rick: jellyfish have no brains, so you're already pretty close.
miz: okay, wow-

midd: i'm going to ask you to be respectful.
rick: i will politely decline.

rick: then either Sonic is a god or could kill god, and i do not care if there is a difference.

skye: are you an ‘arr’ pirate or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate?
rick: i’m a ‘i’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.

miz: are you busy?
midd: yes.
miz: cool, listen to this.

midd: someone take me to art museums and make out with me.
miz: but they said not to touch the masterpieces.
midd: well, somebody's got to pin the artwork to the wall.
rick, on a walkie talkie: this is rick, those idiots are fucking around in the east wing again.

midd: are you mad?
rick: no.
midd: so sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?

@HighPockets group

Richard: I could kill you, you know.
Clyde: Yeah? So could another human being. So could a dog. So could a dedicated duck. You're not special.

@HighPockets group

Oleander: Either the Erl King is a god or could kill the gods, and I do not care if there is a difference.

Martha: Are you an ‘arr’ pirate or a ‘yo ho ho’ pirate?
Geneva: I'm an ‘I’m not paying $600 for photoshop’ pirate.

Jackson: Are you busy?
Geneva: Yes.
Jackson: Cool, listen to this.

Bastian: Are you mad?
Clare: No.
Bastian: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?

@HighPockets group

Byron: When someone points at your black clothes and asks whose funeral it is, having a look around the room and saying 'haven’t decided yet' is typically a good response.

Erik: What the hell is wrong with you?!
Byron: I have this weird self esteem issue where I hate myself but still think I'm better than everyone else.

Percy: When have I done anything rash or irresponsible?
Byron: I keep a list. It's alphabetized.

Aristotle: You were happy once, you know.
Byron: I was never happy. I was just less annoyed.

Byron: My heart is guarded, but like…very poorly, the kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an R-rated movie.

Lord Arnol: Let me just play devil's advocate here-
Byron: Self-advocating? Bold move.
Lord Arnol: Piss off.

@Starfast group

Milo: Are you going to help me or are we just going to sit around and point fingers?
Ravina: I was thinking we could point fingers for a bit.

Crispin: Am I the only one who can't stand Gerard?
Gerard: No, Crispin. I personally hate myself wildly.

Milo: Let me just play devil's advocate here-
Ravina: Self-advocating? Bold move.
Milo: Piss off.

Dallas: My heart is guarded, but like…very poorly, the kind of guards that would let 3 kids in a trench coat into an R-rated movie.

@FuzzySocksElias group

Aiden: Well you clearly haven't read the "Dream of a Dreary God" trilogy by William S. Gold
Noah, looking lovingly at Aiden: I can't read

Noah: Wowwww getting all fancy, who's the lucky girl?
Aiden: Noah, we're getting married

(Quote from princess tutu)
Noah: Have your wounds healed yet?
Aiden: It had started to improve but seeing your face again has triggered the fresh stabs of pain.

@jupiter-sun-of-sweater-town group

Jesse: You’ll never get away with this!
Sybella: What? Why? What do you know?
Jesse: Oh. I don’t know, it just seemed like the thing to say.

Phoenix: Are you in love with Delphinia?
Finn: nO.
Phoenix: Then why did you doodle "F+D" in your science notes-

Jesse: So… you and Gracelyn finally getting along?
Hex: Yesterday I asked her for a glass of water and she brought me a glass of ice and said "Wait".
Hex: I love her.

Jesse: Every time I inhale, I can feel my spine pop.
Delphinia: And every time we kiss I swear I could fly-

Gracelyn: I'm going to ask you to be respectful.
Hex: I will politely decline.

Hex: Are you busy?
Jesse: Yes.
Hex: Cool, listen to this.

Delphinia: Are you mad?
Auria: No.
Delphinia: So sharpening your knives at 3 in the morning is just a hobby?

Delphinia: So I can bake these cookies at 400 degrees for 10 minutes, or 4000 degrees for 1 minute.
Jesse: Del, NO. That's not how you make cookies.
Hex: Floor it.
Delphinia: How about 4000000 degrees for 1 second?!
Jesse: Del, you're gonna burn down the house!
Delphinia: No, I'm gonna harness the sun to make cookies!!

@HighPockets group

Auria: No.


Yes, and please don't derail this chat to do so :)