forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Awesome work you guys!!! Each one of you! ❤❤❤
Ayoo, i doodled this elf boio :0 I have like 2 or 3 characters i draw all the time, but now i've finally had some time for one of my villain boios :'D

Deleted user

Does it have to SFW, because almost none of my stuff is.

ummmm if it’s like, hentai, yes it does but if you use nude models that’s ok with me.

Deleted user

If you don't like it, it's me and my new wife, so there!!!!!!!!! I DO THE DO AS A LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!

Deleted user

Ok, but like seriously, all of you, every single one of you are such amazing and talented artist, seriously, I say the same thing over and over again but seriously, your art is so good I´m speechless

Deleted user

If you don't like it, it's me and my new wife, so there!!!!!!!!! I DO THE DO AS A LESBIAN!!!!!!!!!

First of all, wonderful art and very anatomically accurate. You have no idea how many artists don't know how to correctly draw the tiddies, and as an individual with female biology I can't help but be charmed. I have drawn nudity before, but not in an NSFW context, it was for my Mother Earth series I had made as a project for my Social Justice group, I was doing some activity relating to empowerment of women, but especially women of colour. I wanna know how you draw so well! Oh, and congrats on the marriage, I fully support this union!

Deleted user

woah ok or just ignore me that’s fine

great art but like listen to me man

Deleted user

Maybe you could mark art with a warning and put it in spoiler? But idk. Sorry Emi.

Deleted user

Not your fault but this is also my thread, @sadie-sadie-married-lady, so technically like… idk what I could do (maybe report it?) but like it’s great that you’re married but maybe that could go in another thread?

Just everyone know that I don’t want highly sexual stuff like that. I don’t mind model studies where say you do the study of a back and you have a butt in the picture that’s fine. But not tiddie sucking or anything that was in that picture ok some of us are on school tech or tech that’s monitored by parents.

Deleted user

Anyway welcome back gamers so I have a treat and a few questions for y’all today

So Emi actually went and stepped outside of her comfort zone. She used a different medium!


To answer your questions yes it got all over my bed and my white sheets, yes it got all over my hands without me even trying, and yes I’m emotionally exhausted from it.

But one change from these negatives is that I'm actually proud of it??? And someone wants to buy it from me??!! More on that later, here’s the art:

(No you’re not crazy, it’s framed to preserve the charcoal from my stupid ass)

Anyway so about the buying thing, have any of you ever sold something traditional? Because the guy who wants to buy it is pretty interested and excited to see it and he’s like, not the type of guy to buy things from people. He expressed interest when my picture looked like this:

So you can only imagine how I feel.

So I guess what I’m trying to say is…

Would you buy it? And if so, for how much? I’m not entirely sure what to charge him.


What kind of paper did you use? How much did the charcoal cost? What size is this portrait? How long did it take you? What do you think it's worth? And, on a scale from 1 to 10, how happy are you with the result?

@Katastrophic group

for pricing my art, I use this:
(Time spent on piece x Minimum wage) + cost of materials (if traditional) = purchase price

ofc, that only works for traditional pieces when you know how much materials you used, or knowledge about the medium. If I use markers, I know a full page uses about 1/4th a marker's worth of ink, so I'd add about $5. Also consider who's buying, if you're more interested in selling this piece in particular versus making a living you could lower the price as much as you want. I personally also add a complication fee if the art was particularly challenging or headache inducing (usually intensive backgrounds or industrial type stuff)

Deleted user

I used heavier paper so maybe like, three bucks for that, then the charcoal came in a pack of four for fifteen dollars. I used a lot of the one pencil I had (the pack was my mom’s) so I was thinking to maybe just ask what he thinks it’s worth and go from there? Also I wanted to ask you guys what you thought, as in price wise.

Also I spent two days on the piece and it’s not too big? About the size of your average printer paper so I don’t want to charge almost four-hundred dollars for it (minimum wage is 10.10 in my state) that’s a bit too much. Thanks for the advice.


(Feel free to not take my advice at all I have very little experience actually selling art)
So I'm fairly sure you haven't spend 48 hours straight drawing and you said 2 days so I'm just going to use 8 hours as a place holder but of course I have no clue how long you actually spent drawing it so feel free to change it if you take my advice? I guess?
So you said 10.10 was too much for you to charge so let's half that into $5 an hour perhaps? 5x8 is 40 so $40 for the time you spent (again only guessing 8 hours)
And you said $3 for the paper so $43
And you said you used a Charcoal set for $15, I see a lot of sets with around 5 things in them and you said you used most of a pencil so let's say 15÷5 would be 3 so maybe like $46?

Take my advice with a grain of salt I don't completely know what I'm doing that's just what made sense in my brain for calculations sorry if I sound totally stupid okay bye

Deleted user

yeah I definitely didn’t spend 48 straight hours but I wasn’t counting. Thank you, I actually will keep that in mind! It made perfect sense but like,,, the question I badly want answered is would you spend that 46 dollars on the piece? Is it not worth it?


If I had the money to be spending that much I probably would, especially for the original peice of art, it takes a lot of hard work to make something like that and especially it being like the 1 of a kind thing

@Katastrophic group

(minimum wage is 10.10 in my state)

damn im jealous

but yeah keeping track of time is a pain but good to do. I just kinda know on an average how long something takes me, but only with digital stuff. I really suck at keeping track of hours for traditional art cause I procrastinate T_T

Deleted user

Oof I usually want to get it done ASAP.

Also I love my state a lot lmaooo so be jealous lol