forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers

Deleted user

They look good! and I personally thin the Amélie one looks quite nice


A wip that's slowly driving me insane… could someone tell me what the issue is with the hands?? I've been staring at this for hours so idk anymore but it's really bugging me (plus anything else that looks wonky about it would be much appreciated)


I dont see too many issues with the hands, apart from the fact that the elbows are lower than they should be (they should fit in the side gaps of ur waist, between the rib cage but above the hips)
Also, the last two fingers on the right hand seem a tad bit too long, but that might be bcz of the hand she's holding
Other than that its beautiful!! ❤❤❤


Aah thank you! That's super helpful! I think the poofy sleeves kind of messed up the elbow placement even more than it was during the sketch, but I definitely see what you mean
thank you!!

Deleted user

@ninja_violinist I LOVE IT! that dress is simply gorgeous and that background looks great, in other words, pretty stunning!
@Kinarymo Looks good! that background is great, I love the fur and the antlers and definitely love the blood and glasses!

Deleted user

'Tis I, back again with even more royal BS! I keep making fanart, I know, it's annoying, but have more Sanders Sides with a WIP Deceit/Logan fusion I swear I wasn't trying to make look as Bill-Cipher-y as it does. Apparently my new art style lacks actual noses but whatever, here's a shitty sketch.

My son has a lot of feelings.

Deleted user

Just wait, I'm gonna be bringing in the Night Vale shitstorm in soon.

Deleted user

Also, noting the hands; I just refuse to care if the hands look bad because I'm too lazy and sleep deprived to care. This mindset is very useful.

Deleted user

After years of giving up on trying inktober, I´m finally doing it! (sorry for the blurry photo…)

Deleted user

Thanks, and also, how weird, the link seems to be working…