forum Show off Your Art!!!
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I messed around with designs and colors for my character I’m not sure if ill keep it the same

@Mojack group

I finally did the first head sketch/doodle of one of my main antagonists from one of my stories. He’s a bit of a tricky character for me to imagine, so I’m glad I finally got the head down. Now here’s the complicated part: the body.

@Katastrophic group

^ I love that design

In a rare bout of motivation, I drew all my characters and did a line up of my main kids. The uniforms are mages and their fae familiars are to their right, except for Arwyin (red hair) cause plot. The green and yellow fae are going to be closer to hand size but its kinda hard to tell details if drawn to scale. Anyways I tried to be clever with their designs (to each other and their magic types) so any feedback or critique is much appreciated :)

@Katastrophic group

AHH thanks so much everyone! it means so much to me that other people like my stuff, especially since I plan to use comics as the format for my story!

@Bandito my story has mages (humans) and fae, so mages pair with a specific fae to help with magic and that fae becomes a "familiar"

@Katastrophic group

love that song lol

and yes, in my story when a mage and a fae pair, the mage is "marked" in some way, usually it's eyes, hair color, or a skin marking (Rei and the water girl have the same pearl-y eyes, for example)


@Katastrophic They all look incredible and so crisp! I love the diversity!
@Starfast Crispin looks great! I love the hair it looks so soft
@GalaxyUnicorn yesss! Be more chill is awesome, they look great Jeremy looks so shook its cracking me up
@Periwinkle_ I love the colours and how it looks so textured! It has a very fluid like wispy/soft look to it!
@Bandito Oh my gosh I love that! How does one foreshorten you did it so well and his design is so cool!