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Deleted user

Well, now I definitely wish Rishy was real because she´s freaking adorable

@soupnana group

Indeed she is. What's cool about her is that that fur on her paws and tail has a strange adhesive quality (like it's not sticky but she can stick to walls and stuff) and so she's always crawling onto people's head and it's amazing!

Deleted user

For some reason that reminded me of my birds… (which makes everything cuter…)

Deleted user

HE´S CUTE! and I love the metal claw thingies (forgot the actual name… if they have one…)


Yes I think I recall.

hi im just a strange stranger but it's great to greet you. Apologies for my strangeness, although I'm not necessarily sorry for it


I know I was supposed to be studying fur but I got distracted and sketched a complete portrait of Reol because… I got distracted and sketched a complete portrait of Reol


hi im just a strange stranger but it's great to greet you. Apologies for my strangeness, although I'm not necessarily sorry for it

Nice to meet you =D

Deleted user

Wowza Nutella! That seriously is breathtaking!

Agreed, you have a talent NutElla