forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

O I was thinking about Goretober but I have Ink and another prompt list I want to do.

Deleted user

That moment when you want to do both and cant decide if you're doing inktober or goretober…

@Mojack group

I typically attempt to do goretober, but all of the years I’ve tried to do it something came up in life that prevented me from doing it (for the past 3 years anyways.)

Still gonna try.

Deleted user

Just prepare a few drawings in advance. It's technically cheating but who gives a frick as long as you've gotten your "drawing a day" quota settled?

Deleted user

Inktober I could never do lol. My mom looks at my sketchbook so no gore oof

Deleted user

Well, I guess I´m doing inktober (still gonna put some references to goretober if the themes work together… not gonna make it extremely gory tho…) and this may be cheating but I´m at least working on the thumbnails before october or else i wont be able to finish it

@Katastrophic group

it's meant to be fun and if working ahead a little helps you be more consistent and keeps it from getting stressful, than that's hardly cheating. I can't wait for October to just start already, there's always so much cool art!