forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers


Well, i usually charge for my work (cuz im broke too)
unless you want a doodle like the one i posted earlier, that one is fast and easy to do :'>


If an artist says they’re taking commissions, that usually means they’ll draw for you but only if you pay them
If an artist says they’re taking requests, that means they’re willing to draw for you without payment, but unlike commissions, if they decide they really don’t want to draw the thing they don’t have to draw the thing

I currently am taking requests but only one at a time cause I’m very slow

@Katastrophic group

thanks and omg thanks for the follows and hi!

I'm technically from Iowa but my school's in Missouri so I guess I'm Missourian for 2/3rds of the year lol

Deleted user

Is frustrated because my drawing arm is out of commission and I really wanted to do inktober this year

@Katastrophic group

thanks ^.^
also @KunoichiEris it would be an interesting set to see a bunch of small drawings with your non dominant hand lol, I used to be able to legibly write with mine but drawing is out of the question

Deleted user

oof. I can barely do a stick figure with my left hand. It's so sad. XD I wish I was ambidextrous though!

Deleted user

Me, after a long day of school and being annoyed… because my classmates can´t properly paint something: **sees all the amazing art** my eyes have been blessed


Redoing the designs for my Maraavies (Fantizised Terror birds)
I HAVE to re do these birds because the outdated (1 year ago.. ooof not long ago .-.) version is super unrealistic and would most likely drive this specie into extinction. This types of "Terror bird" lives in the colder regions and cant fly, so I had to change their body up.

I used the feather coloring of the Arctic Tern for this type of Maraavie.