forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@soupnana group

Quick, I need as many tips as possible for how to draw guys
it's for an art request that I'm seriously struggling with=

References are lifesavers. And Emi is right, neck is more, but you don't want him looking like this dude or the dude next to him.

They got different foreheads and jaws. Jaw is a key part, but you'd be surprised the difference the forehead can make. And dudes have far more angles than women.

Deleted user

uwu yw

also no one told me tech art wasn’t as hard as i thought it was

was it because I did a sketch before hand?


but hey


Uuuh hi, i attempted to draw one of @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose 's children, Met. Idk if i got him completely right, i mean i had a pretty vague description of him i had saved up on a sticky note, but i hope i managed to at least get close to his intended look :'>

Deleted user

After much debate I decided to post a recent work of mine here
This is also a revamp of a very old character of mine, Pozhiratel’ Boga, or Boga for short.

Deleted user

Uuuh hi, i attempted to draw one of @Emi-Has-a-Screw-Loose 's children, Met. Idk if i got him completely right, i mean i had a pretty vague description of him i had saved up on a sticky note, but i hope i managed to at least get close to his intended look :'>

aw very epic man! so cool!

@soupnana group

This is a poster I made for graphic design. the colors got skewed through translation from CMYK to RGB, so excuse how green the water looks.

Deleted user

Firts of all, to all the people who have been posting their art: OMGYOUARESOTALENTEDIT´SFREAKINGAMAZINGI´MSPEECHLESSWHYAREYOUSOGOOD?
And @Soup_Nana_and_co Now that´s something that´s a poster that everyone should have, It looks amazing and I feel like the colors do manage to comunicare the message despite being getting skewed on the translation


Does anyone have advice on drawing environments, especially buildings?? and how to put a character in an environment and have them look like they're meant to be there? I've been procrastinating on learning it for years and am now regretting that
It's 1:30 am and my frustration has been building since 8 pm last night
please send help

Deleted user

Does anyone have advice on drawing environments, especially buildings?? and how to put a character in an environment and have them look like they're meant to be there? I've been procrastinating on learning it for years and am now regretting that
It's 1:30 am and my frustration has been building since 8 pm last night
please send help

I think you have done a pretty good job, though I would recomend blending the buildings with the color of the sky, specially if they are on the distance, (you know, clipping mask and a gradient)and maybe putting a little bit less detail on those, other than that I think what you got is pretty good

Deleted user

So… I have to do like 26 illustrations for a book in about two days… For context, as the final project of graphic design class we have to make a book for children BUT the teacher said that AFTER I already made the concept art for every character, I had the story I wanted to adapt and a little storyboard for every illustration so I guess I´m the only one with an horror book that is PG 13… (He saw all of my work and said it was ok so I basically I got his permission) so… I´m pretty much doing a horror adaptation of Bluebeard (the one made by charles Perrault)

@soupnana group

Firts of all, to all the people who have been posting their art: OMGYOUARESOTALENTEDIT´SFREAKINGAMAZINGI´MSPEECHLESSWHYAREYOUSOGOOD?
And @Soup_Nana_and_co Now that´s something that´s a poster that everyone should have, It looks amazing and I feel like the colors do manage to comunicare the message despite being getting skewed on the translation

Awww that's so nice of you to say Motaki! You're the best!