forum Show off Your Art!!!
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people_alt 198 followers

Deleted user

rip man

I’m also planning to work at a place that offers higher than minimum wage and that’s intense

if y’all are over the age of 18 definitely work at UPS if you’re strong enough cus they pay hella money

Deleted user

That’s what my friend and I agreed on earlier, actually. No need to say it’s inaccurate. The only reason I’d go over 30 is for the frame I put the artwork in and I already said I wouldn’t charge him for it because it’s imperative for the artwork’s condition and I’d like him to keep it like that. Honestly I’d probably pay ten bucks on this but it’s my own art. It’s nice to see some fresh eyes on it.

My friend and I decided I would ask first what he thinks it’s worth, and I’d either lower or heighten the cost depending. Like if he suggests five bucks no way, but suggests something significantly higher, than no to that as well. I just thought I’d be fair so he’d be interested in coming back to me for more art.

Deleted user

How is that bad what
I get paid 8.50 an hour and I don't even think that's minimum wage

It’s bad because a higher min wage equals more inflation.

rolls eyes so hard they go into my skull stop being so political, Dom. You remind me of the person I’m selling my art to lmaoo. He literally said when I told him the art might not turn out how he likes “Isn’t money the highest criteria?” and I was like, no, results are (howeveristillpussiedoutandmadeithowhelikesitdon’ttellhimthat)

Deleted user

It looks so good! and cute and beautiful and all of that (can´t think of better words…)
I love the wrinkles in the clothing and the texture!