forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Katastrophic group

awesome as always Kinarymo!

This started as a doodle and it turned out really cute so here's my "Moon Rabbits." I always thought that idea of rabbits on the moon was cool, but the actual myth is kinda boring and is based on the shape of the craters, so I made my own! These guys are very fluffy and 'float', though they're not the smartest and can scare themselves by jumping too high.


Oh my god I want fifty. And then I'll give them rabbit-sized mochi hammers to complete the look.

@Katastrophic group

hahaha thanks! I just imagined fifty of them all jumping up at once and slowly floating back down lol. After all the fish I wanted to draw something fluffy and cuddly.

@soupnana group

Those are gorgeous!!! I love both of them wonderfully done!!!
Meanwhile, I finished a drawing. Everyone, meet my darling child, Dawn Fathing, a gift sent from heaven itself.

@Katastrophic group

I ned to comment more cause everyone's art is so great, here we go!

@Relsey very pretty, i love mountain scenes

@Soup_Nana_and_co, I fully believe he is a gift x) very cute sunshine boi

and @Caustic-Fraust-The-Co-Executionor i want to cuddle all of them