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people_alt 198 followers


I don't what what y'all talking about so I'm gonna assume it's anime
Zedd's house
Nathaniel is gonna be hooked on choccy milk and will refuse to make it himself
He only wants dad's choccy milk
If he didn't know it was shipped, though, Zedd could probably trick him lol


Alright lol
Obviously I wasn't using him for reference or anything because I don't know who he is aha

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Nathaniel is baby and if somebody harms a single feather on him I will personally go to their place of residence and assure that they die a terrible, painful, slow death.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.


Not to be dramatic but I would die for Nathaniel
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk (and my twitch streams)

@The-Magician group

Thank you, I'm working on the rest of her arm at the moment and then I'll add her clothes and whatnot. I'm just scared I'm going to fuck it up..