forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Katastrophic group

over 20+ hours into this piece and campaign, and hopefully many more! This is probably the biggest piece I've worked on, and that's before adding our new pet dragon and fancy dice.

@soupnana group

Oh my heck wow you guys are so talented! Katastrophe, that is FANTASTIC! I’m so impressed because I can hardly do group drawings. Tower, I love her! Her hair is so gorgeous!
Now guys…. guys… I finished watching She Ra and it was amazing. Sooooo I drew Catra once she’s grown out her hair a bit.

So yeah

@Katastrophic group

Thanks guys!
I love that blue hair color and that Catra drawing! I haven't gotten around to watching that show yet, but hopefully I get a chance soon.
And I wil always love starry night, iconic ^_^

@Katastrophic group

So for some reason
For Kaijune 2020
I've decided to draw Animal Crossing characters as kaiju
I'll update you as I go along
Starting with Isabelle

that is awesome! I've never heard of Kaijune, but I'm definitely going to draw some monsters now lol. Maybe this will be my excuse to start drawing some of my character's scary forms…