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@Katastrophic group

Behold, my dnd campaign so far. It will be wallpaper size but this is just a capture so it's kinda blurry. We have a literal child who makes poor decisions, a narcissist wizard, our heavy hitter and drinker, the team adult, and me who kills by insulting. Overall we seem to be winning, or at least not dying during our shenanigans.

@PaperHats business

(I feel that too hard. How I wish I could just pull a god-mod random off-screen tpk for my players so I don’t have to deal with all the dumb goofs they get up to. I’m thinking about doing a piece like that for them soon. Looks awesome Katastrophe!!)

@Katastrophic group

(lol I offer a sacrafice in the form of deserts and candy to our poor dm, I can sense the facepalms every time the words "okay, but you know what would be cool?" are said)

@PaperHats business

(Oh I know— I can’t tell you how much I dread the words “Oh ok wait hold on what if we >insert something insanely stupid<” But I gotta love my party, they really keep me laughing)


Character I haven't introduced to y'all yet. His names Theo and that little creature on his shoulder is Rishi.





That looks awesome @murphysgirl!

I did a few drawings of my own, my first is of my Possible favorite girl Melissa

My next is one I did of my other girl Laura


My last on is of my work in progress Chloe

(apologizes if this is a huge post.)


I have a (second) random sketch I did of them both- hidden somewhere in my abyss of sketchbooks… I should find it

But Lucas! Lol, I’d love to see if you end up drawing him

@Toaster group

(Oh I know— I can’t tell you how much I dread the words “Oh ok wait hold on what if we >insert something insanely stupid<” But I gotta love my party, they really keep me laughing)

(Dm's have to study some pretty crazy stuff. One of my dad's friends had to study the aerodynamics of a cow once. The party wanted to launch one from a catapult. XD)