forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Here's a smudge portrait I just finished of my best friend. She commissioned me for this and there's a lot of symbolism:
The black and white areas represent the dark and light sides of her, especially the eyes, while the greys represent the sides in between and how easily dark and light can be blurred (another reason for the smudge portrait). The striped sweatshirt represents how quickly she can switch between dark and light, or can be both at the same time. The bubble gum, specifically the bubble she's blowing, represents her self-esteem, confidence, and overall self-worth, and how it grows and shrinks over time - and how, when the gum gets stale, you just add another piece and thus can blow bigger bubbles.


Just finished this disasterpiece-

it looks nothing like i'd originally intended, was going for more realism and less chaotic brush stroke spitter splatter, but halfway through i just said screw it and i'm honestly very glad i did, this was so much fun, 10/10 would recommend :DDD

Deleted user

oh and i hid the bee in this one too if anyone's wondering, the resolution might be too small to see him tho

Is he in the left side of the screen? In the background? I think I saw him while looking for him

Deleted user

Also love the little heart in her hair on the mid-left


oh and i hid the bee in this one too if anyone's wondering, the resolution might be too small to see him tho

Is he in the left side of the screen? In the background? I think I saw him while looking for him

yep that's him
the gold splat there looked a bit too bee-shaped to ignore-

@Kie group

I just had a cursed thought but can somebody write Derp P. Bee x Barry B. Benson fanfic

500k slow burn, preferably


oh my lord-
Mom found my first ever self portrait and the reference
(sorry for the terribly cropped photo, i didn’t take it)

I was 9 and just learned how to trace

…I think I’ve improved a bit