forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@TheLonePaladin group

I just did this thing.
Two things:
I can’t draw women
I can’t draw armor
bUt mY fRiEnD mAdE mE dO bOtH aNywAY

Can't draw women or armor… That's a joke, eh? Because this drawing is awesome

I can't draw women and armor either!

@Pickles group

I can draw stick people

Same. I'm pretty good at that. Not to brag, but I started putting clothes on mine before everyone else in kindergarten and they all thought I was crazy for it


Ahhhh, you are so good! If i had money, I'd ask you to draw one of my characters!!!!! :D
Your art is beautiful!

fhddshjdf thank you!! I'm struggling through an absolute monstrosity of a painting rn, so I really needed to hear this today!

@TheLonePaladin group

Ahhhh, you are so good! If i had money, I'd ask you to draw one of my characters!!!!! :D
Your art is beautiful!

fhddshjdf thank you!! I'm struggling through an absolute monstrosity of a painting rn, so I really needed to hear this today!

You're welcome! Anything for a fellow artist!


and the monstrosity is complete!!
this took me a whopping 18 hours to finish, spread out over the past few days since Wednesday. (For context, the image of the little girl I shared last week took about 4-5 to finish.) and I'm still not… 100% happy with it, tbh, but here we are

it happens to be an extensive redrawing of this image from my 2018 sketchbook, in case that interests anyone:


BRO….. that’s so sick, im so proud of you for coming this far in your art! your coloring and lighting/shading absolutely blows me away!

@Katastrophic group

That is so awesome! also the name of that file speaks to me on a personal level. My file names are either ghfjdakhgjf, untitled_1111111….., or title_THANKGODIMDONE

@saor_illust school

Ok, here you are!

All of these(except the wolf) are my characters that I have been creating for seven years…in my head. Hopefully I will be writing them all down on this site eventually!


@Katastrophic group


i will never be sad about comic waits ever again seriously, this was painful to get done on time and I even took off work to finish it. I'm never doing screentones again

Anyways here's my digital illustration class project, a graphic novella based on Einstein's Dream Journal. Mine was the entry for April 14th about time being a circle. Here's the link because it's seven pages and I don't want to spam lol