forum Show off Your Art!!!
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@Katastrophic group

nice art everyone!
so I have an assignment due this week needing 15 compositions themed around "space." unfortunately, the teacher meant space as in the element of art, not outer space so I'm doing a bunch of landscape postcards from my story's world. I need to do some actuall cities and buildings, but that's too much work rn.

@Katastrophic group

:D thanks everyone! Now I just need 12 more by Wednesday… And I have a graphic novel project due the day after for another class. I swear my teachers are doing this on purpose so I'll post those pages when I finish them

@TheLonePaladin group

I need some opinions, if anyone is inclined to help out - this is meant to be a gift, and I'm not 100% happy with it but I also can't pinpoint exactly what's wrong.
-would you say the texture adds or takes away from it?
-what's wrong with the left side of her face
-genuinely though it feels like there's something egregiously wrong on that side but I can't put my finger on it
-are the bright spots bright enough?
-is the hair too messy?
-what on earth can I do with the background

Ahhhh, you are so good! If i had money, I'd ask you to draw one of my characters!!!!! :D
Your art is beautiful!