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Deleted user

crying of happiness I thought it was obscure because all my friends don’t know it.

@saor_illust school

YOU KNOW IT? That actually shocked me lol. I asked everyone I know irl and none of them heard of it. Also thanks, it took almost two hours because I fucked up the legs, I gave up if you couldn’t tell lol.

Haha yeah, I do. It came up while I was in vc the other night… ahem I mean 3am today. Still don't know how the game would work, but yea it came up.

And as for the legs, they look pretty good!

Deleted user

I haven't heard of it to my shame, but I love your drawing!! Its super cute 😊

Thank you so much! I recommend Puyo Puyo to anyone who likes puzzle games. It’s really good! The characters are all great! Even if you don’t play it, I recommend the story lines, it gets crazy lol. It’s light hearted I just love it so much.


Adjusts glasses and snorts

Unlike YOU nerdsh, I play zhe ULTIMATE puzshle game, Dr. Robotnik'sh Mean Bean Machine!

Deleted user

(Lmao what about Kirby’s avalanche? It’s only just Puyo Puyo.)

@Katastrophic group

So I have an exciting thing to share! It has been officially one year since I drew this character. What started as a little character design session evolved into Rori, and now she's the MC of a massive story. I'm half-way through the first draft of my first book of script, with a total of three 'books' planned out. This is my first serious project I've started and got this far in, and its the first one I've ever shared before. So thank you all here for all your love and support, it has really kept me going with this ^_^

this one here took me like 8 hours of total work... I have no idea whats going on with the shading, and those boots still make me cringe

20 min sketch featuring current Rori with a brighter color palette, a hair cut, and an actual personality. I can't wait to keep sharing more with you guys going forward!