forum Show off Your Art!!!
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Deleted user

(But that only further says that you are most talented xD)


(thank you guys!!)
Ella you are very obviously most talented. this isn't even up for debate. the fact that you're even bringing up wlop as something we could conceivably judge you in the same category with just supports our case.


memes aside, if anything you're the one we should be considering in the same category as wlop
like just look at your art
look at it-
that deserves the title of most talented
Can i draw hair like that? no
Can i draw fabric like that? no
can i draw anything like that? hecc no

Deleted user

But this isn’t a thread of who is most talented. We’re a conglomeration of artists who just want to show off and flex our skills.

I’m positive if we all showed our best to our worst, there is obvious change. It’s not talent, it’s practice, lovelies. Practice is so important and you guys are doing so well!! As the creator of this thread, I’m v proud and happy with your growth as artists.

(but that’s coming from me like lmfao, take my words as a grain of salt.)


That's so true!!
I say "talented" because that's the go-to compliment on this thread, but what I mean is "you obviously care so much and put so much time and effort and love into your work and it really shows. I've seen how much you've worked on your skills since the last time you showed us something. and I want to acknowledge and celebrate your hard work and tell you how genuinely good I think it looks and how proud I hope you are of it."
(That's a mouthful to type out and also awkwardly sincere for internet discourse, but rest assured that this is what I want to tell all of y'all every time I compliment your art haha)

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

But this isn’t a thread of who is most talented. We’re a conglomeration of artists who just want to show off and flex our skills.

I’m positive if we all showed our best to our worst, there is obvious change. It’s not talent, it’s practice, lovelies. Practice is so important and you guys are doing so well!! As the creator of this thread, I’m v proud and happy with your growth as artists.

Your mother is right.


I made this a few days ago in celebration of 300+ pages of a roleplay I'm in ^^

I know it's not my best work but these two are babey and I would die for them


Nathaniel is tiny angry and seems to be pissy all the time lol
But he's also incredibly needy
He doesn't know what he wants aha


Ilya lol
Ilya's a fairy who lost his wings
and he's kinda Nathaniel's sugar daddy but also not really because they actually love each other and Nathaniel doesn't ask for much
Literally Ilya just offers to buy him things and he just wants stuffed animals and cuddles lmao
But they're getting married tomorrow in the roleplay and I'm big excited


Yeah they're precious lol
Nathaniel's like 5'4 and always angry
Like, I always get mad at myself because I never have my characters cause any conflicts because I'm nonconfrontational and don't know how to deal with it but reading through that roleplay… they bicker constantly. It's adorable lmao


I forgot to mention his wings are crippled (hence the bullet hole) and he can't fly. ExcEPT ILYA FIXED HIM AND HE CAN FLY NOW
He was very excited uvu
He also has emotional trauma because all my characters do aha