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people_alt 198 followers


(Also Moon as part of a warrior cat's name is generally seen as sacred and not typically allowed, like Star isn't allowed to be a prefix
But yeah, mostly the alcohol thing)


(Eh, I don't think it's that big of a deal. If you have your characters hitting the catnip every once in a while, a name like Moonshine doesn't really stand out that much.)

@Anemone eco

(eh. I wasn't really bothered by it. I just wanted to make sure she was aware.)

That aside, they look really good! Great job on them @Dragongirl2468!


(eh. I wasn't really bothered by it. I just wanted to make sure she was aware.)

That aside, they look really good! Great job on them @Dragongirl2468!



(Wait…Caustic, wasn't Bluestar and Snowfur's mother named Moonflower?)

(Yeah… that wasn't really supposed to happen lol. Idk what the Erins were thinking haha. Moonflower is the only ever case of a cat having the prefix 'Moon' since it's technically not allowed. Moon, Star, Paw, Kit, and I think a few others aren't really allowed as prefixes)


(I'm not sure where exactly. I think Moon is allowed as a suffix rarely but I don't think it's actually really meant to be used as a prefix. Since Moon is used as the prefix for sacred places (ie, Moonstone, Moonpool) it's considered a sacred name. It's kinda like how I don't think a cat is allowed to be named Silverpelt because that's what the warriors call the stars?)


(Yeah, but honestly, (not trying to be offensive) I don't really feel like Moon should be excluded from being a prefix, and I will continue to use it. (Also, I'm too lazy to change the name. XD))


(I mean, I can't exactly stop you lol. (It's not entirely just my opinion, I worded it really poorly lol. I wouldn't be saying this if I hadn't been completely obsessed with warriors in middle school and basically became an 'expert' on the code and stuff). I would recommend not making it the same name as alcohol though ^^;)